Thursday, 31 December 2015

December 31st - Next year

December 31st
I am grateful for 2016! I am grateful that I will be able to start the new year refreshed and excited to complete this years challenges and projects and take on new and productive life learning projects similar to this one.

I am grateful that I am able to continue to put into practice all that I have learnt this year and make 2016 an even more fruitful and productive year, enduring more positive moments and events, some which I already now of and some which I look forward to have revealed to me.

I am grateful that I have another year to build up confidence, fulfil new years resolutions, continue growing up and take on life challenges.

I am grateful and thankful to you, my 365 gratitude blog readers, for following me, reading my blogs and giving me support, whether it was from the 1st of January or somewhere in between now and then.

I really hope you have become a better person by finding the encouragement, examples and inspirations which I have provided for you throughout these blogs, as much as it has helped me.

Before I forget, I would like to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

I conclude this with my self-created catchphrase, with tears in my eyes, filled with gratitude.

Take care :), Catch you later

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

December 30th - The year 2015

December 30th
I am grateful for the year 2015. I can honestly and safely say that this year has been the most productive year for me. This year I have found many treasures and many moment of joy, happiness, understanding and positivity.

I am so grateful that this year has helped me find new friends, at work and outside of work that have helped me grow and become a better person. I am grateful for this new mindset that I am in.

I am grateful that I had made the selfish decision of focussing on myself and my small family (my wife and I) and pushed past limits which I was afraid to pass in the past. I am grateful that I said yes to learning more about my work (accepting different roles), more about my hobbies (acting), more about my mind (thought processes and dealing with situations in my mind), and taking safe steps into areas which I thought were risky in the past.

I am grateful for the awards and recognitions which I have received this year. I am grateful for the efforts I have put in physically to improve my body image. I am grateful for the friends that have given me incredible advice and have helped me every step of the way this year with all my projects and tasks.

I am grateful for my wife for being patient and tolerable with me while I hide away at my computer writing these blogs and limiting the time I could have spent with her. I am grateful for her support and encouragement she has given me and kept me going with this project. I love you very much for this and hope you see this. xoxoxox

I have been able to grow into an adult, and work towards growing into the person I want to be, not being the product of other peoples, as this is what I have had to endure in the past. I am grateful that I am now able to say I am in more control of my life and the direction in which I want to go.


Tuesday, 29 December 2015

December 29th - 365 Gratitude

December 29th
I am grateful for this 365 gratitude project. I cannot believe I am just about to complete this yearly project and am close to tears knowing that I am just two more blogs away (after this blog) from completing something which I had low expectations of completing.

I am so grateful that this project has pushed my limits. It has helped me discover so much about myself, it has opened my mind and my eyes to the world that I am living in. It has made me a more positive person, and a more understanding person and helped me realise that I can be grateful and thankful for anything, anyone, any situation and ever moment in my life, whether it is in the past, present or future.

I am able to see the good in negative situation, transforming it into a positive situation as I am able to learn about myself and the 'negative situation', understanding how I can deal with it in the future.

I am grateful that this has healed my past, and myself, finding forgiveness in all that had once made me angry, upset, confused, tormented and sick, physically, mentally and emotionally.

I am grateful that this project has helped me realise I have this power within me to change the world. The world that is in my mind, the world that I see, the world that surrounds me. This may or may not be effective for others, but if you are willing to challenge yourself and make a difference in your mind, start now!

I now know I have the power, mentally, within myself to take on anything and make it a positive outcome.

December 28th - My new headphones

December 28th
I am grateful for my new headphones which I got for Christmas from my loving wife. After months of complaining that I couldn't find any headphones that will work for me and being picky about what I want, she was able to find something that was exactly what I was after.

I am grateful that I am able to now got for walks and jogs with these headphones, as well as use them while I am on the computer (I am even wearing them now while I am writing this blog). I am grateful that I am able to take phone call with them on if they are connected to my phone.

I am grateful that it can eliminate a majority of external sounds when I am listening to music or important theoretical readings or speeches, eliminating distractions.

December 27th - My cultural background

December 27th
I am grateful for my cultural background. I honestly have not been grateful for this for many many years, feeling scared of what people thought of my, thinking I am either second class or incompetent in any situation.

But I am grateful that I have taken a few moments to learn about my Sri Lankan background from my parents and nana, which has helped me understand so much about myself which didn't make sense for so many years. I have learnt and understood how my mum and dad have grown up and in a way, the psychology and reasons for why they said or did things for me when I was a child and teenager.

I am grateful for the lifestyle of Sri Lanka, back then and now. I am grateful that the culture is growing and flourishing to survive in the world today. I am grateful for all it has taught my parents in their home country and in Australia. I am grateful for the cuisines that are brought to our Australian land, the genuine techniques to do certain things here and adapting to Australia in a Sri Lankan style.

December 26th - Mandala colouring books

December 26th
I am grateful for mandala colouring books. I recently got one of these to understand if this will calm my mind down during stressful moments or at times I am feeling anxious. I have found that this does calm me down and distract me enough to forget what I am anxious, upset or stressed about, even if it was for several brief moments.

I am grateful that I can tune out the world and enjoy just relaxing and enjoying my time colouring in, bringing back memories of when I was a child just colouring in and creating art work.

December 25th - Christmas

December 25th
I am grateful for Christmas. I am grateful that this one day is celebrated by many people all around the world.

Some may not celebrate it for this reason but I am grateful that I get to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and celebrate his birthday with my friends and family.

I am grateful that I get to spend time with both my families, on my side and as well on my wife's side. I am grateful for the company, I am grateful that we sit around the table, having conversations about the good, bad, funny and memorable moments of the year, or in the past. I am grateful for the food that is prepared for us to enjoy and feast upon.

I am grateful that I am able to spend time at church, giving thanks for all that I have and all that I can look forward to enjoying in the future.

I nearly forgot, I am grateful for the presents. I am grateful that this is a gift to show you that others are grateful for having you in their life.

December 24th - Letters

December 24th
I am grateful for receiving letters from relatives and friends. Lately they have been coming in the form of cards, but several friends who I don't quite see as often due to distance or their career, write to me to keep me updated on how their year has been or what they are up to.

I am grateful that these letters are hand written, giving it a more personal touch to the letter. To me, it feels like the message comes from the heart, giving the letter more personality and more of a genuine feel.

I am especially grateful for the letter I get from my wife. I may see her everyday, even if it is briefly some days, but she writes to me to tell me she misses, and that I am doing good in all that I do and tells me how much she loves me. This makes me feel like I am worth something, that what ever I am doing is worth doing and gives me joy and happiness in life.

December 23rd - Noise

December 23rd
I am grateful for noise. I know I have said in my previous blogs that I am grateful for silence and no distractions etc, but I have been grateful for having noise around me.

I am grateful for having noise around me because this keeps me alert, it keeps me awake and reassures me that I am not alone. It helps me know that people are around and that if I need help, there are people around to help me. I am also grateful that it proves I am not deaf....yet.

I am grateful that some noise can calm me down, such as meditation music, the sound of instruments playing tunes  or the sound of my birds alerting me that someone is approaching the house.

Sunday, 27 December 2015

December 22nd - Historical stories

December 22nd
I am grateful for historical stories. These stories, whether real or mythological are able to teach me something about an important past event or a story which relates to a country or a time and how they thought or did things which made sense to them.

These events can be world wars, the Berlin wall, unfortunate events, stories about inventors and inventions, political events, or even religious stories and events which have happened in the past or more recently.

I am grateful that historical stories teach me about different cultures or the reason why people are scared, upset or relaxed around different cultures or events that happen in the present moment. I am grateful that these stories are able to help me understand my world today.

I am grateful that I am able to learn about historical stories about famous people, whether good or bad and take the positive traits out of those people and incorporate them into my life and bring my own style to it to make my life more happy, peaceful, productive and easy going.

December 21st - Theatre productions

December 21st
I am grateful for theatre productions. I am grateful that they are entertaining, as well as amusing to people like myself who like to see the techniques used during the show, such as the costumes, music, the singing, the acting, the sets and props used on stage and how the backstage crew are flawless and ninja-like.

I am grateful that I am able to be apart of several theatre production, understanding all that surround putting on a performance, knowing how long we must rehearse and practice, and perfect how to deliver a message to the audience loud and clear, if there is a message.

I am grateful for the amusement and creativity in each performance I have been involved in and been apart of the audience for as I am able to learn something new and rejuvenate my creative muscle and create ideas from what I have witness for productions in the future.

December 20th - Water based Icy Poles

December 20th
I am grateful for water based icy poles. I recently had a bout of gastro and icy poles were one of the many few things that I was able to hold down.I am grateful that icy poles were able to keep my hydrated during this time.

I am grateful that icy poles are a great way to cool yourself down during the warmer weather, and if you are a watching your weight and fitness as I am, this is a lower calorie consumer, other than water or plain ice, better than having ice cream.

I am grateful that you are able to get icy poles in different flavours, even flavours like bubble gum, cola or blue heaven.

December 19th - Fairy tales

December 19th
I am grateful for fairy tales. I am grateful that this were probably the first stories we have heard as a child. I am grateful that this has helped our mind create emotions and broaden our imaginations from a younger age, to being able to create many ideas and concepts as an adult.

I am grateful that these stories help us, may be without us knowing, our likes and dislikes, decided what is scary to us and what fills us with joy, in a very mild and child-like way. I am grateful that if we were being read a fairy tale from a book, we were able to see what different colours meant, such as dark colours being bad and light colours representing good.

I am grateful that they help us grow, as well as entertain us as children, bringing joy to our faces, as well as giving adults the chance to spend time with their child to nurture them.

December 18th - Video Camera

December 18th
I am grateful for video cameras. I am grateful that this allows me to showcase some of my acting talent, as well as video recording memories, such as birthdays, special events and holidays with my family and friends, being able to look back at these memories and have a laugh or reminisce on the events of the past.

I am grateful that this instrument allows myself and others to record projects they may be doing, such as short films, documentaries or self help step by step videos. Without a video camera I and many people I know would not be able to do all these things, being a source of entertainment or help.

I am grateful that video cameras are now able to record more, and have the ability to transfer recorded footage onto a SD card instead of a video tape, preventing data, memories and work from being damaged. I am grateful that they are also able to get clearer footage and longer zoom.

December 17th - Auditions

December 17th
I am grateful for auditions. I am someone who does a bit of television extras work and theatre, and my agency provides me with opportunities to audition for major and minor roles for television commercials.

I have actually had one recently and I am grateful for producers and companies for noticing me and allowing me to showcase my talent to them and allowing me to be apart of their projects.

I am grateful that this allows me to network with many productions companies, both for television and theatre, as they are able to know who I am and what I am capable of doing, giving them the chance to remember me an offer more work for me for future productions.

December 16th - Hats

December 16th
I am grateful for hats. I am personally grateful for hats as I feel I need to wear them when I am outdoors, especially when I am going for a walk or jog, as my eyelashes are rather long and they cause a bit of glare from the sun glowing on the ends of my eyelashes. True story!

I am grateful that hats are able to eliminate this glare from my eyes and stop me from squinting or looking like I have trouble with my eye sight, even more that I really do.

I am grateful as well for hats being able to protect the sun rays from burning my face while I am outside.

I am also grateful that I can use a hat as a form of fashion, allowing me to have a more fashionable form of casual, or even a casual form of formal wear.

December 15th - Booze Buses

December 15th
I am grateful for booze buses. I am grateful that they keep our roads safe from drunk drivers, and now from people on drugs.

I am grateful that they make an attempt to keep the roads safe, especially during holiday seasons, from people who are drunk behind the wheel, or people who are high from drugs. I am grateful that they are able to take people off the road to prevent other drivers from getting injured, or even lose their life.

I am grateful that they are able to set themselves in places where they cannot be seen unless you are close by, yeah I am grateful for their sneakiness hahaha

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

December 14th - Sweating

December 14th
I am grateful for sweating. Many of you are probably thinking 'yeah whatever, you are just out of ideas for 365 gratitude', but I am grateful for sweating, especially while exercising. Yes it may be uncomfortable at times and embarrassing if it shows up on your clothes.

I am grateful that swearing can clear my skin and get rid of dirt and toxins in my skin and within my body.

I am grateful that sweating helps my body to cool down, even on hot days or again while I am exercising.

December 13th - Different points of view

December 13th
I am grateful for different points of view from other people. This allows me to see a different perspective of a situation which I was either mentally blinded or blocked by and now able to see a more informative view of the situation and understand why people do certain things or say certain things in a certain way.

I am grateful that I have learnt that this shows that there may not be a wrong answer to a situation in many cases, a win/win situation may occur and an agreement can be made. I am grateful that you can learn more about a situation, a person and even yourself, understanding that you, another person or a situation is being handled in a hasty or selfish way.

I am grateful that these following pictures have helped me understand different points of view.

December 12th - Prayers

December 12th
I am grateful for prayers. Many people believe that prayer brings them the things they need, not what they want. I believe this is true, but I am personally grateful for prayer on a personal, selfish reason.

I am grateful that prayer helps me in times when I am stressed, under pressure, unsure of something, scared, nervous or happy and grateful for something that I have received or been rewarded. I find that prayer mentally helps me prepare myself for what is to come, whatever the circumstance may be. I am grateful that prayer gets me into a better and positive frame of mind.

I am grateful that I am able to pray to God, Jesus, Mary, or any of the other saints that are recognised in my Catholic faith, and help me get through life in the best mindset. Some people may not believe me or think this is just 'mumbo jumbo', and honestly I sometimes think prayer isn't working for me.

But I feel that prayer is something that prepares the mind for the unknown future that is unfolding before me. It helps calm my nerves down when I need to. I have also learnt that prayer does not have to be reciting well known prayers, however I have really stopped to understand the meaning to those prayers and the words contained in the prayer and it has helped me with forgiving and understanding my past, keeping me alert in my present and keep me strong for my future.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

December 11th - Insulin

December 11th
I am grateful for insulin injections. I do not have diabetes or need insulin injections but I know of many people who have diabetes and this saves them from getting sick quite often.

I am grateful that insulin injections regulate the body to manage the function of the kidneys and regulate the blood sugar levels in a diabetics body.

I am grateful it prevents major illnesses in diabetics, even preventing death if they were not able to get insulin.

December 10th - Failures I have endured

December 10th
I am grateful for the failures that I have endured and faced in my life. This has taught me more than actually succeeding or winning when completing tasks or challenges.

I am grateful that failures, whether public or personal, have taught me two major things in my journey through life. The first is that failure shows me where I am in life, what level I am playing life at, and that's a good thing. This means I know that my expectations are now realistic, and I can now think more or less of myself without thinking if I am better or worse at a task.

I am grateful that it has taught me that I must now improve to be better than I was yesterday. It has taught me that I have tried to succeed with the knowledge that I had and tried to complete a task in a certain way, and know I must try and do something different to be better, or walk towards success.

I am grateful that I do not find failure as an embarrassing moment any more. If I see or know someone is mocking me, laughing at me or judging me as a weak, poor, stupid, uncoordinated person, this says more about them self than it does towards me. Only I may give permission to feel these feelings and not by the influences of others.

Monday, 14 December 2015

December 9th - Jewellery

December 9th
I am grateful for jewellery. I am grateful that my bling helps me look a bit more presentable or a bit more fashionable when I attend events, parties, or even sometimes when I go out socially to catch up with friends.

I am grateful that jewellery helps compliment my style of clothing or the look I am presenting to others. I am grateful that jewellery can make me feel good about myself by making me feel like people would notice certain items I am wearing and therefore get a bit of attention, sometimes, and hopefully not in the wrong way.

I am grateful that some jewellery can compliment my skin complexion, such as silver or gold rings, necklaces, wrist bracelets or ear rings.

December 8th - Fuel discount vouchers

December 8th
I am grateful for fuel discount vouchers. With the rising price of petrol, these vouchers which you get after you shop at a Coles or Woolworth, helps make buying petrol for my car more affordable.

I am grateful it relieves a bit of stress from my wallet and allows me to have that little bit of money remaining in my bank account to help me purchase other things which I need in my life.

December 7th - Other religions

December 7th
I am grateful for other religions. I am grateful that they teach another form of peace, whether it is for your mind or outside purposes. I am grateful that, like my religion, it brings a sense of harmony to you and help you understand life more, giving you a philosophy to follow in life.

I am grateful that other religions can teach me something which my religion doesn't necessarily focus on or lacks, and I can broing that teaching into my life to bring positivity and good will into my life.

I am grateful how holy and religious some religions are, and how they show examples of prayer and worship, and discipline to make their God happy and do not stray away from their teachings and rules of their faith.

December 6th - Credit Cards

December 6th
I am grateful for credit cards. I am grateful that they are able to help me purchase items at a time when I do not have any money.

I am grateful that it helps me survive and put food on the table, or help me pay my bills when I don't have enough money for it. I am grateful it saves me from strive and stress when the time comes.

I am grateful that I am able to pay it off slowly and build up my finances in the mean time.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Decmeber 5th - My Baptism

December 5th
I am grateful for my baptism. I was a baby when I was baptised and had no say or knowledge for what I was signing up for, but now that I am older, I am grateful that this has happened.

I am grateful for being baptised in a religion which is teaching me a lot about how to be a better person and how to take life on in a more positive way.

I am grateful that baptism is a sacred and blessed part of my life and wouldn't want to chance it or have it any other way.

December 4th - Seminaries

December 4th
I am grateful for seminaries. I am grateful that there is a place where men of all ages are able to study and learn how to become a priest or learn more about the Catholic faith.

I am grateful that one of my close friends has been given the opportunity to study at a seminary are discern whether to be a Priest through studies and discipline.

I am grateful that many of my Catholic friends have entered the seminary and either become a priest or found their other purpose in life as a lay person or a married man

December 3rd - Instagram

December 3rd
I am grateful for Instagram. I am grateful that I am able to get inspiration and 'wake up call' posts from Instagram which help me snap out of a bad, grumpy or sad mood.

I am grateful that I am able to post my own motivational posts and pictures for the world to see and help them get into a positive frame of mine.

I am grateful that I am able to see some artistic pictures from my friends as well as people who are great photographers and able to enjoy different sceneries and types of pictures, giving me an insight to a different world.

December 2nd - Youtube

December 2nd
I am grateful for Youtube. This, as well as Facebook, is another form of procrastinating, but I am grateful that as well as being able to view funny and entertaining videos, I am able to search and view educational, inspirationsal and motivating videos which help me in my day to day life.

I am grateful that there are tutorial videos which helps me learn how to do certain things like, video editing, software downloading, or physical instructional videos on how to fold a fitted bed sheet.

I am grateful that with Youtube, I am able to create my own channel and post up my own videos, which can promote and showcase my acting work, and character development projects for performances and productions.

December 1st - Facebook

December 1st
I am grateful for Facebook. Even though this is a site which I most commonly use to procrastinate with, I have found a great use for it to promote myself and the work I do in the feild of acting, as well as posting up motivational memes, as well as sharing and posting positive post, in the attempt to drown out the negativity that is involved with this web program.

I am grateful that I am able to share personal items with my friends, being able to block out or restrict strangers and acquaintances from seeing post which I prefer my family and close friends to see.

I am grateful that I am able to keep in touch with friends that I have not or unable to physically see and 'like' their post and find out what they are up to. I am grateful that there is a messenger section to Facebook, where I can chat to my friends.I am grateful that I am able to understand my friends in another sense, learning more about their beliefs and interests though their post and likes.

I am grateful that I am able to create groups and specific pages which others can join and have more information about an event that may occur soon, or on projects such as this one which people can follow.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

November 30th - Movies

November 30th
I am grateful for movies. I am grateful that they are a form of entertainment for all. I am grateful that it stretches our imaginations with fantasy genres, tests out wits and jerks our heart rates with horror themes, makes our blood rush with action movies and makes us cry and feel love with romantic movies.

I am grateful however, for the stories they tell, the characters, the quotes and the realistic themes when they occur. I am grateful for these moments when they relate to my life or help me realise something in my life which I was either unsure about or challenged, allowing my mind to be cleared.

I am grateful that I can relate my life to certain characters and ;earn from them, convincing me that the way I think or do things is not alien. I am grateful movies help me realise certain situation stir up certain emotions in me which I didn't know about, or confirm them yet again.

I am grateful that I can learn about certain story lines and that not everything turns out, contradictingly, like they do in the movies.

November 29th - Ambulances

November 29th
I am grateful for ambulances, ambulance drivers and nurses. I am grateful for their services and their life saving skills.

I am grateful that they are able to get to a certain point as soon as they can and either give aid or assistance to a person in need at the time of arrival, or keep them in a stable condition to the hospital.

I am grateful that this service has saved many lives and assisted families in a time of crisis.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

November 26th - Kisses

November 26th
I am grateful for kisses, whether it is a kiss from my wife or a kiss on the cheek from friends and family when meeting them.

I am grateful that this is a sign of affection and gratitude, giving me signs of thankfulness for being who I am or for what I mean to the other person.

I am grateful that this is a meaningful greeting from friends and family, showing me that they are happy to see me and grateful for me to be in their company and catch up with them, whether it has been a long time or a short time in between interactions. I am grateful that they feel relaxed and happy to be around me.

November 25th - Soil

November 25th
I am grateful for earth and soil. I am grateful that this allows trees and plants to grow and live under the ground. I have had a chance to stop and think of how amazing the earth is, that if we plant seeds in the ground, nurture it and allow it to grow, a living plant with grow and produce fruit, vegetables, and plants for humans and animals.

I am grateful that there are many types of soils that benefit different types of areas for fruitful and productive plant life. There are different soil that enriches the plant more than another type of soil, and vice versa.

I am grateful that soil is the home for worms, spiders and other insects, helping move the earth and soil around.

November 24th - Homework

November 24th
I am grateful for homework. No, I am not sick or being sarcastic. I am grateful that homework allows you to spend time in learning, researching and skill developing outside of work or school hours.

I am grateful that this helps you prepare and make you more alert and knowledgeable for your next day of work or next class.

I am grateful that this even though you may have a set time frame to complete tasks, you are able to take your time to learn and understand topics and items,

November 23rd - Business cards

November 23rd
I am grateful for business cards as this is a great way to introduce yourself to a new client at work or business partner, making it feel more formal.

I am grateful that business cards are a great way to keep in contact with people you work with, as you are able to get information about their role as well as and the business they work for. I am grateful that it is a great way to represent yourself in a business environment.

November 22nd - Surprises

November 22nd

I am grateful for surprises, good surprises. I am grateful for receiving good and sudden news that may change my life or bring a smile to my face. I am grateful for receiving news about another person that can bring joy to myself and well deserved congratulatory, being able to wish them well.

 I am grateful for presents that are unexpected, either for efforts that I have put forth or for just being me. I am grateful for unexpected thank you surprises such as presents.....or maybe a payrise???

I am grateful for surprise parties, as this makes a person feel special and loved by friends and family, making them not feel forgotten.

November 21st - Barbeques

November 21st
I am grateful for barbeques. I am grateful that this is a social way to cook and entertain if you have people visit your house or if you are entertaining in a park or public area.

I am grateful that this is a casual, easy and relaxed form of cooking for friends and family, not taking too much effort or preparation.

I am grateful that this is a great way to fundraise money for charities or organisations, as it is popular, quick and easy service to provide food for the public.

November 20th - Wrist bands

November 20th
I am grateful for wristbands. These are fun and meaningful ways to promote businesses, famous or related quotes, religious phrases or places of interest.

I am grateful that wristbands can be used as a motivation to those who wear it, providing inspiring words or quotes to help them through the day or for a period of time.

I am grateful that it can show a small representation of where you work, a community service or group you are apart of or place you have visited, allowing social interactions to occur, sometimes even helping to break the ice.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

November 28th - Funerals

November 28th
I am grateful for funerals. Even though it is a sad time and event to go through, I am grateful that it gives me a chance to say goodbye for the last time.

Is grateful that we are able to view photos and memories of thw persons life and enjoy the memories of the deceased person.

I am grateful that I am able to possibly learn something new about the person which I didnt know about, or even a lesson from the morals of the person.

November 27th - Lip balm

November 27th
I am grateful for lip balms. I am someone who needs this, especially during Spring time as I get bad heyfever and feel dehydrated, therefore having dry lips and feeling irritated.

I am grateful that lip balm helps keep my lips moisturized and protecting them from cracking and bleeding, and protecting them from infections and damage.

I am grateful that it lasts for a very long time and can be used many times.

November 19th - Magic

November 19th
I am grateful for magic. I am grateful that this form of entertainment captivates us and brings a smile to our face, boggles the mind and the eye, putting us in a state of wonder.

I am grateful that it surprises us and does give us that entertainment for a brief moment or even for a long time.

I am grateful that magic tricks, even though it may sometime scare or freak people out, there is always a calculated or alternative solution that has tricked you and can be solved by either understanding how the trick is done, or by being shown.

I am grateful that magic performed by magicians shows a sense of artistry and a great way of performing for people, which I find quite interesting.

November 18th - sewerage pipes

November 18th
I am grateful for sewerage pipes. I am grateful that these pipes allow our waste and used water to be flushed away, keeping our house or place of living, workplaces or any building free of waste build up.

I am grateful that this stops contamination and bad odours from occurring in any building. I am grateful that this system is in place all around the country.

I feel this is something no one really thinks about and takes for granted, but without this sewerage system in place, many of us would have to manage discarding our own waste, and I don't think it would be a pleasant job.

November 17th - Batteries

November 17th
I am grateful for batteries. I am grateful for the different sizes and strengths they come in for us to use. I am grateful that they allow us to use many devices, making it more convenient to use and live in our day to day lives.

I am grateful that they power electronic toys which don't need to be plugged into a wall. Especially in a time where technology is so big in our lives, I am grateful that batteries help us with remote controls and wireless items.

I am grateful for charge up batteries which require us to plug into a wall but keep a daily charge in it to use, for example out iPhones or iPads, or bigger items such as wireless radios or electronic wheelchairs.

I am grateful that can power up items which save and help us during a electrical power outage, with torches being the major item needing to be used.

November 16th - Windows

November 16th
I am grateful for windows. I am grateful that they do many functions by just sitting where they were placed during construction, making it an absolute convenience to my daily living.

I am grateful that it can allow sunlight to enter a room, saving me from using electricity during the day.

I am grateful that it can block out mild or strong winds from coming inside, as well as constricting the temperature in the room, restricting a cold or warm breeze to enter a room.

I am grateful that it allows me to look outside while being inside, allowing me to have a nice view to look out to, sometimes giving me something pleasant to look at while thinking or pondering what my next blog should be.

November 15th - Motivational memes / pictures

November 15th
I am grateful for motivational memes and pictures found on the internet. I have lately been searching and creating my own memes and pictures for the internet. This is to spread positivity in a medium that has a high percentage of negativity.

I am grateful that these pictures and memes can reach out to people who are in need of a self esteem boost, thought and wise words, or some food for thought. I am grateful that these memes can create a positive frame of mine from what was once a negative or dark place in their lives.

I am grateful that these memes had personally helped me shift my train of thought into something positive and help me believe in myself and help me tell myself that I can do so many more things in life and that I am worth it. I am grateful that these pictures and memes can do the same for others.

November 14th - Scissors

November 14th
I am grateful for scissors. I am grateful that scissors help in many forms, whether its for arts and craft purposes, or cooking purposes or for vanity and hair trimming purposes.

I am grateful that scissors are an accessory that helps me in so many ways, even though it can be a bit dangerous to use due to sharpness, I am grateful that they can cut and slice items when necessary.

I am grateful that scissors help me in the kitchen to open up packaging, cutting up meats, for example chicken or pork to add stuffing and extra ingredients within the meat.

I am grateful that scissors are used when I am getting my hair cut, but also nail scissors to trim my finger and toe nails.

I am grateful that it helps with creating and designing crafts for recreational purposes or for professional or public displays.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

November 13th - Cutlery

November 13th
I am grateful for cutlery. I am grateful for spoons, knives, forks and sporks. I am grateful that these instruments help me with eating food and my meals.

I am grateful that cutlery helps me eat my meals more hygienically, allowing me to eat without needing to use my hands. I am grateful that especially knives and forks help me cut up meats and tougher foods into smaller portions, making it easier to eat.

I am grateful for spoons as it makes it easier to eat or drink items, such as soup or ice cream, which is very liquid-like with less mess and more graceful.

I am grateful that cutlery is available to use when you are eating at a restaurant as it allows you to eat with a more presentable, cleaner style of eating.

November 12th - 'Wake up' freeway treads

November 12th
I am grateful for the wake up treads on the sides of the freeway. These specially designed lines that make a loud sound when you drive over the top of it to help you wake up if you feel drowsy or fall asleep at the wheel while driving.

I am grateful that this helps prevent serious car accidents and injuries, and possible death situations at the very worst, saving lives.

I am grateful that it has helped me on some occasions when driving interstate or at times when I have felt drowsy. I am grateful that this also can indicate that I need to stop and rest for a few moments before driving again.

November 11th - Remembrance Day

November 11th
I am grateful for Remembrance Day today. I am grateful to have such a day where we can remember all the fallen soldiers that found in the war for our country.

I am grateful that I and many other in Australia can show honor and respect to those in the past who fought for us. I am grateful for the last post and the one minute silence as this allows me to have, for that moment in particular, time to reflect, be prayerful and thankful for those many soldiers, who I have never met, for what they have done for their country.

I am grateful to buy a poppy to support and respect the past soldiers. I am grateful that this allows me to reflect on what I can do for my country as well, and think of way to serve it to the best of my ability.

Lest We Forget.

November 10th - toilet paper

November 10th
I am grateful for toilet paper. I am grateful that this is used to clean myself after the toilet.

I am grateful that it can be used when I am in a public toilet, and I can place it on the toilet seat to prevent (as much as possible) from any grit, dirt of germs that may be on the toilet seat, or can be use to cleaning the toilet seat before sitting on it.

I am grateful to have toilet paper as I would be in a panic if I was in a toilet and don't realise its not there at the last minute, that would wreck my day...and my underwear. I am grateful that it is able to breakdown easy in the toilet, preventing clogging in the toilet itself or in the pipes.

November 9th - Prescriptions

November 9th
I am grateful for prescriptions for medication. I am grateful that the doctor is able to prescribe me with a medication that either prevents me from illness or diseases, or strong measured doses of medication that helps me get better and get rid of any illnesses in my body.

I am grateful that prescriptions allow me to get medications that aren't usually possible to buy over the counter. I am grateful that they are helpful for myself and the pharmacist. I am grateful that I am able to get several repeats of medication on one prescriptions.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

November 8th - Blood pressure monitors

November 8th
I am grateful for blood pressure monitors. I am grateful that this item is able to read my blood pressure and my pulse reading. I am grateful that it gives me an indication of the health of my heart and the flow rate that blood is pumping around my body.

I am grateful that it can ease my mind when I feel I am unwell, unhealthy or something doesn't feel right in my body. This helps me know if I need to see a doctor or not.

I am grateful that I am able to store one in my own house, that it is a small device that I can store in a bathroom or cupboard. I am grateful that is easy to use by just adjusting a strap to your arm and simply pressing an on button.

I am grateful that it is able to save lives and warm people of an health issues that may be occurring at the present moment.

November 7th - The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation

November 7th
I am grateful for the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit which I spiritually received during Confirmation. This is a Catholic practice and belief for all those who seem a bit unsure of what I am talking about.

These seven gifts are wisdom, understanding, right judgement, courage, knowledge, reverence and, wonder and awe.

I am grateful that these spiritual gifts were given to me. Many people who are reading this may think "yeah what ever, I have these gifts too but I didn't have to go through some Catholic church tradition to receive them". If this is you, then that is fine and I can understand you having that sarcastic and 'stand offish' tone (if it is stand offish and sarcastic),

I am grateful that these gifts of the Holy Spirit remind me that I have these virtues within me to go through life happily, joyfully, successfully, morally correct, positively and meaningfully. At times when I feel low or a bit lost in life, I can remember these gifts and re energise myself, get back on my feet and remember the greatness I have within myself to get through the hard times.

Friday, 6 November 2015

November 6th - Farmers and farms

November 6th
I am grateful for farmers and farms all around Australia. I am grateful for all the hard work they do for everyone in the country.

I am grateful for all the different types of farms, like cattle farms, vegetable and fruit farms, poultry farms, etc,. These farms provide many items for us, which we use every day in our kitchens and restaurants. Some essential items we purchase and use would be milk, eggs, meats and vegetables.

I am grateful for the efforts and hard work that farmers put in day in and day out to provide everyone in Australia good quality and healthy items to live, with easy, everyday.

I cannot express enough the amount of gratitude for Australian and overseas farmers for the work they do for their country.

November 5th - Grocery Shops

November 5th
I am grateful for grocery shops. I am grateful that this service is available to myself and many of us in Australia and many other fortunate countries.

I am grateful that grocery shops help me to survive and live healthily. Without grocery shops. I would not be able to live a productive and energetic life as I would not have enough healthy and nutritious food to fuel my body, which grocery stores provide for me.

I am grateful that I am able to buy many different items of food, and also learn and indulge in many international items and cuisines, being able to purchase ingredients which are use from differnt places around the world.

November 4th - Tissues

November 4th
I am grateful for tissues. I am especially grateful over these last few days as I have a cold.

I am grateful that I can blow my nose into tissues, stopping the spread of germs, and giving me some temporary relief from having a blocked nose, sometimes helping me breathe easily for a few minutes.

Other than having a cold, I am grateful that tissues can be used wiping surfaces, or can be used to wipe off dirt or fluids off my body if necessary. I am grateful that I can wipe away tears when I cry or upset.

November 3rd - My developing self esteem / self worth

November 3rd
I am grateful for my positive and ever developing self esteem and self worth. This is a very personal, and will say, brave gratitude and happy to share with you all. I have had a past where I never focussed on myself and would rather make others happy and whatever cost, even if it was to put myself down or make myself unhappy.

I am grateful that after having many chats with good and close friends, and especially with my wife, and read a few books, I have paradigm shifted into a mentally positive frame of mind and therefore began focussing on taking care of myself and making my life, my world and everyone I choose to be in it, positive and fruitful. 

I am grateful that I have sound some self worth in myself, doing and thinking positive about myself, telling myself that I can do many positive things, make positive choices and move myself up in the world. I am grateful that I know I can do anything with the right attitude.

I am grateful that I know my past is my past, that I have made terrible decisions, allowed many people to influence me in the wrong direction in life, whether they meant it intentionally or not, and believed every word they said naively. I am grateful that I can look back, learn from those decisions and use those lessons as an advantage to be successful in life. These lessons are some that many people would probably not understand or know as they have not lived it themselves.

I am grateful that I am a positive person with many great attributes, talents and knowledge, and now living life to the best of my ability and loving life very very much. I love my flaws as well as it helps me learn about who I am in the world today and can focus on turning them into a positive. I am grateful that I am living my life the way I want to live it and not allowing others dictate how I want to live life.

I know many people struggle with their own self esteem and the advice I can give them is understand that there is nothing wrong with you, learn to love yourself, block out external forces (people, influences, negative social media), and know that you have the power to change, take baby steps towards being you and the right people with fall into your life.

November 2nd - My fingers

November 2nd
I am grateful for all my fingers. I am grateful for all the tasks it allows me to complete throughout my day to day life.

I am grateful that it allows me to grip onto items, making it easy to hold things up, either to move items or position them where ever I desire.

I am grateful that it allows me to use my smart phone or any touch screens, as you would know with technology, many computers are beginning to be designed with this option. My fingers help me with using technology. I am grateful that I am able to use my fingers to type on my keyboard to write this blog and use my mouse to navigate.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

November 1st - Analogies

November 1st
I am grateful for analogies. I am especially grateful for analogies that help me understand things in life which I sometimes find hard to understand or are unsure about.

I am grateful that some people, especially my wife, uses analogies or gives me another example of a situation in the past to help me understand a situation that I am currently facing. This is helpful during times when I am feeling conflicted about a situation and helps me make a decision on what to do or how to think, or even advice another person using an analogy to guide them in the right direction, or help them decide on a situation.

I am grateful that it helps with settling debates, arguments or conversations, bringing some mutual understanding to either party. I am grateful that this helps me understand where I stand in some situations or even understand another person if they don't agree with me, sometimes understanding that their views are different to the analogy that you present to them.

October 31st - Lawnmower

October 31st
I am grateful for my lawnmower. I am grateful that it helps keep my front and back lawns and grass trim, neat and tidy, helping my house look presentable.

I am grateful that this gardening item makes cutting grass much easier and less physically labouring to do, making it less of a chore to do when it is required.

I am grateful that I am able to adjust the length I wish to have my lawns while cutting, that it doesn't require much petrol to use and can be stored away easily in a shed or garage.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

October 30th - My nose

October 30th
I am grateful for my nose. I am grateful that it helps me with breathing, with smelling (not relating to my last post) and being a main character of my face. Let's be honest, I don't want to look like Voldermort.

I am grateful that it helps me when I am sick, allowing me to sneeze and get rid of mucous that is in my body.

I am grateful that my nose allows me to enjoy great smells, helping me with giving my food a better taste, and allowing me during Spring, to enjoy the smell of the different fragrances from flowers when I go for my walks or enjoy time in the local park.

October 29th - Farting

October 29th
I am grateful for farting.....THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID IT! I am grateful for farting and only those who are around you are the ones who aren't grateful for it!....and I don't blame them. My apologies.

I have held back from writing this and would actually regret not writing this gratitude, thinking that people would get offended, but I feel it is a genuine gratitude, and I think some people can have a laugh about it too.

I am grateful for farting as I feel relief after doing so. I am grateful it stops me from feeling bloated if I try to hold it in. But don't worry, I do it in private, when no one is around or when I am at home, apologies to my wife. Love you :)

October 28th - My feet

October 28th
I am grateful to have feet. I am grateful that this gives me the ability to walk. I am grateful that this enables me to move, get places and perform different tasks such as driving, riding a bike, swim and playing sport.

After going for a long walk, I realised that without my feet, I would be unable to do many things. I am grateful that I am able to easily do many tasks and move forward in life. Without my feet, it would be an absolute struggle to move or do many things in life. I do not have to find alternative ways of getting to places or need the use of a wheelchair.

October 27th - My Tattoo

October 27th
I am grateful for my tattoo. I am grateful that it is apart of my body and means a lot to me. The design represents my sisters and I and my last name.

I am grateful that I am reminded that my family are with me all the time. I am grateful that I just look at my arm and it instantly makes me think of my family.

I am grateful that I will never forget them and they are apart of my life, and likewise with them as they have the same tattoo on them as well.

I am grateful that my tattoo tells a story and that when people ask what it is or what it means, I can proudly tell them exactly what it is.

October 26th - Citrus fruits

October 26th
I am grateful for citrus fruits. I am grateful that they contain Vitamin C and help me especially during times when I have a cold.

I am grateful that can be added to water to give it that extra flavour for people who aren't big drinkers of water. I am grateful that citrus helps with detoxing the body and liver.

I am grateful for that it is an enjoyable fruit to eat and drink, being able to make juices, being able to add it to food as a garnish or as extra flavour.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

October 25th - Computer keyboard

October 25th
I am grateful for my computer keyboard. Without this, I will be unable to write this blogs, all that would be on this page would be absolute blankness, exhibit A

Now that I have clearly explain this, I am grateful that my keyboard allows me to complete many tasks on my computer, such as writing emails, designing documents, letter and artistic posters. It allows me to search items on the internet and gain information for work and class work.

I am grateful it helps make computer use much easier to use, making it more accessible to myself and many people.

October 24th - Dictionaries

October 24th
I am grateful for dictionaries. I am grateful that they help me with my ever expanding vocabulary, helping me spell words which I am unsure of correctly spelling, and helping me when I am playing scrabble {:oP

I am grateful that dictionaries help me with these blogs, helping me find more descriptive words, helping me be more understandable and straight to the point, rather than beating around the bush.

I am grateful that the English dictionary is helping me understand other languages, telling me the origin of some words and helping me understand terms and other words in other languages, explaining the relevance and similarities in each word.

October 23rd - The Zoo

October 23rd
I am grateful for zoos. I am grateful for the many zoos that are open in Melbourne and around Australia, and around the world.

I am grateful that this teaches and educated me about many animals, whether they are familiar animals which I knew of as a child or some I have never heard of. I am grateful that I am able to learn something new about each animal each time I go, whether it is a trait they possess or a fact about them which I never knew about.

I am grateful for their example of survival, teaching me ways and understanding how to go through life and adapting to different environments. I too, may struggle with life and have to learn how to survive and strive to success, not giving up easily, and also adapting to different environments, allowing to be angry and upset about being in some situations, but learning how to cope with where I am.

I am grateful that zoos provide much entertainment throughout a day visit, being able to get up close to some animals, and being able to attend some educational demonstrations when they are available.

October 22nd - Sauna

October 22nd
I am grateful for saunas. I am grateful that this is a great way to sweat out any toxins that are in my body. I am grateful that it helps clear my skin and refresh it.

I am grateful that this pushed me and tests me, in mind and body, as I do not like the heat and have to challenge myself each time I go into a sauna as I feel uncomfortable entering one. I do feel like I have accomplished something after leaving the room after some time, realising it isn't as bad as I thought before going in. I am grateful that it also helps me slowly loose weight as I sweat it out

October 21st - Sleep

October 21st
I am grateful for sleep. I cannot believe I have not written about this already. I am grateful for the amount of time I have available to sleep. Some people abuse the time to get a good night's (or day's) sleep, or are unable to get a good bracket of constant sleep.

I am grateful that I am able to re energise my body for the day and keep productive. I am grateful that sleep enables my brain to rest and therefore, be able to concentrate and do all that is required for the day.

I am grateful that sleep regulates my mood and keeps me happy and alert.

October 20th - Teatree Oil

October 20th
I am grateful for tea tree oil. I am grateful that it helps with helping my body heal from cuts or abrasions, being an antiseptic and helping wash away dirt or infections that may be around the area of a cut.

I am grateful that it helps when I have a pimples as it dries the skins and helps the pimple dry away and therefore doesn't leave any dark marks on my body afterwards.

October 19th - Towels

October 19th
I am grateful for towels. I am grateful that it assist myself and other items which I use.

I am grateful that it helps dry my body after a shower, or if I go to the beach or pool, also helping warm by body quicker. I am grateful I can use a sweat towel during of after exercise to wipe away sweat on my face or body, making it more comfortable for the moment.

I am grateful that I can use towels to dry items which I use, such as drying cutlery, crockery, pots and pans in the kitchen if necessary.

October 18th - Tea

October 18th
I am grateful for tea. I am grateful that this beverage is a healthier alternative to coffee. It has helped me with weight loss as well as being beneficial to my body, with the antioxidants that are contain in tea.

I am grateful that it warms me up when its cold and great to drink when I am catching up with friends around the dining table.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

October 17th - Trolleys

October 17th
I am grateful for trolleys. I am grateful for all the different types of trolleys that are available to us whether in public, for private use or for work purposes.

I am grateful for the trolleys at supermarkets to help us put our groceries in to take to the checkout as well as to the car, making it convenient for us all and saving us from needing to carry all our groceries in our hands, especially when you have $200 worth of groceries.

I am grateful that we are able to slide or put heavy boxes and items onto trolleys and convey them to another location whether near or far, saving us from injuring ourself.

October 16th - Stretching exercises

October 16th
I am grateful for stretching exercises. I am grateful these body movement and techniques allow my muscles to get into a relaxed state, preventing muscular cramps and help relieve muscular pain after doing physical exercise.

I am grateful that there are different forms of stretching for different muscles and parts of the body. This also gives me much more energy to continue with the day as well as helping provide a good night sleep and preventing me from feeling sore when I wake up in the morning.

October 15th - Microwaves

October 15th
I am grateful for microwaves. I am grateful that it is able to defrost, reheat and help create food quickly and easily, saving me a lot of time when I am hungry and want to make a quick snack.

This also saves me a lot of energy, both physically and electricity-wise, by avoiding the usage of a stove or oven to cook for some meals. I am grateful that this appliance is commonly used and now usually available at most accommodated places, such as at work, offices, holiday houses etc,.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

October 14th - Hair dressers

October 14th
I am grateful for hairdressers. I am grateful for the service they give me constantly, helping me to look presentable and to style my hair the way I like or for a certain fashion.

I am grateful that they are capable of creating any type of hairstyle which I request, even suggesting certain styles or looks that maybe more appealing to my facial structure or body image.

I am grateful that they are able to colour and dye hair to different colours as well and being able to add hair extensions to hair to make it longer if desired.

October 13th - Foreign Languages

October 13th
I am grateful for foreign languages. At my work, I work with many nationalities, French, Mauritian, Italian, Chinese, Filipino, Australian, African.....the list goes on. And during lunch, I sometimes hear them speak to each other in their native languages, either to another staff member, or on the phone to a family member. To me, I find this fascinating.

I am grateful for foreign languages as this allows many people to communicate more effectively with another person. If they are unable to explain themselves to the other person in English, they can explain themselves better in their native language, and then can have help translating a message by another person or get better results in the task at hand.

To extend the gratitude even further, this allows me to meet people from other countries and nationalities, get to learn from them, and understand the different ways they work, and adapt to this Australian culture. I am grateful that I am able to learn these languages and communicate with other nationalities if I ever go to visit their country.....or many one day, live there perhaps.

October 12th - When I am nearly broke

October 12th
I am grateful for the times where I have next to no money in my wallet or bank account and forced to live life cent by cent. Bit of an odd and unusual gratitude....but here is why I am grateful.

When I am nearly broke, I learn many things. I learn the value of money, the value of working hard for money, the things money can get me and figuring out how to live life without money. This doesn't mean I should be living homelessly or like a major 'Scrooge', but I become mindful of where I am spending my money, how much I am spending and if it is necessary or not.

I am grateful that being in this situation, wakes me up and brings me back to reality. I realise that I am spending too much at one certain place, or on a certain item and need to be mindful if it necessary to buy that item or items when I do have money. Or if I can actually put a certain amount away for a bigger, better reward. Or it can unfortunately go towards bill without needing to worry or stress if I will have enough to pay it.

I am grateful that I can still enjoy life and have fun, even with my friends, without using any money, but actually enjoying their company without needing to buy anything to 'semi entertain' me while I am with them.

October 11th - The Australian Flag

October 11th
I am grateful for the Australian Flag. I am grateful that this represents the country I live in and my nationality. I am grateful that if I am holding an Australian flag, other nationalities can know where I am from.

I am grateful that the images on this flag represent our country, and that we must also represent our country and the flag, and show people that we are a great race of people, but we must also show that we are a great people but standing together to help other fellow Australians, as much as helping oput those who come to visit this great land of ours.

I am grateful that I can pint to our flag when overseas and say that I am from there and let others know that.

October 10th - Sunscreen

October 10th
I am grateful for sunscreen. I am grateful that this prevents me and many others from getting sunburnt, but most importantly, prevents us all from skin cancers which can be effected by the sun.

I am grateful that sunscreen comes in different strengths depending on the condition of your skin or the harshness of the sun. I am grateful that it benefits your health and doesn't take much effort to apply.

I am grateful that there are many sunscreens that wont be washed off by water, in case you go to the beach or swimming pool.

October 9th - Garage

October 9th
I am grateful for having a garage. Well, to be honest, I do not have a garage at the moment, but I do remember having one in my old house and found it to be a great room to have as storage, to park the car, or even a place to have some time out if I needed.

I am grateful that I was able to make my garage any style I wanted, kind of like the room of requirements in Harry Potter. I sometimes had next to nothing in my garage so I could have my car parked in there for security. Then sometimes I would have my drum kit or exercise equipment set up so I could do a workout of have a music session with my friends when they were over.

I am grateful that there was enough room for storage, as we have many items that didn't fit in our house, and some item which we preferred to keep in there during the different seasons.

October 8th - The ocean

October 8th
I am grateful for the ocean. I am grateful for the calming prescence it gives me when I just watch it from a small distance, or whether I enjoy having recreational time in it.

I am grateful that it is a point of concentration in meditating or keeping me calm, giving me time to think while focussing on how it naturally does its job.

I am grateful that it can cool me down during or after a hot day or after a great workout, helping relax my muscles. I am grateful that I can enjoy the swimming or having a few friends with me enjoying the time in the water.

October 7th - Shade

October 7th
I am grateful for shade. I am grateful that this keeps me cooler when I am outside on a hot day. I am grateful that is prevents me from getting burnt by the sun if the temperature or exposure is high.

I am grateful especially when I am exercising that the shade allows me  to cool down my body that little bit more, giving me more energy to keep going (whether it is physically doing so or if it's in my mind).

I am grateful also that I am able to sit under a tree and read a book just like I have seen in pictures, being able to get some fresh air and also allowing me to listen to the sounds of nature if I am able to.

October 6th - Kettle

October 6th
I am grateful for kettles. I am grateful that kettles give me boiling water which is helpful with making coffee, other hot beverages and helping me with my cooking.

I am grateful that this doesn't take much space or much energy to use, and is easy to use. I am grateful that it can be taken away with us on holidays is we are travelling far or even in a caravan when there is electricity. Or even having the use of a kettle that we can put on top of our stove fire.

Monday, 5 October 2015

October 5th - Socks

October 5th
I am grateful for socks. I am someone who gets cold feet, literally..... I am comfortable with commitment....and yes I do know my jokes suck, but I am trying hahaha

I am grateful that socks keep me warm during the colder weather, especially when its night time. I am grateful it helps me steer away from being sick or catching a cold.

I am grateful that it keeps me comfortable when I am wearing shoes and saving my feet from blistering up when I am on my feet at work or during exercise.

October 4th - Diary

October 4th
I am grateful for diaries. I am grateful that this keeps me up to date with meetings, appointments, work schedules, birthdays and writing down ideas, thoughts and moments that stand out for me on specific dates.

I am grateful that this organises my life as I am someone who is quite forgetful. It helps me priorities all that is around me, even to the point of hour by hour timetabling.

I am grateful that it helps me track when birthdays are for my close friends and family, so I can wish them on their special day as well as keep in contact with them, even if it may be one day a year.

I am grateful that personal diaries also allow me to write down what's going on in my mind, whether it is good or bad thoughts, feeling or ideas, helping me trigger what it is that is going wrong so I can have a better tomorrow.

October 3rd - Meditation

October 3rd
I am grateful for meditation. I am grateful that this helps me relax and get into a place where everything in the world that is troubling me does not exist and allows me to refresh my mind.

I am grateful that meditation gives me time to build up strength, mentally and sometimes physically, to take on challenges which I once was anxious about or doubtful of achieving.

I am grateful that meditation gives me the change to change my mood if I am either angry or upset about sometime that has happened to me in the past or recently. I am grateful that it clears me mind, like a detox of the brain, allowing me to think more clearer and most of the time, allow me to see the world in a whole new and positive way.

October 2nd - My Sunday Missal

October 2nd
I am grateful for my Sunday Missal. I am grateful that this book has helped me during church on Sunday. It has helped me understand the readings and Homily sermons during Mass as well as motivate me to go to church.

I am grateful that they have the layout of the Mass in this book to help me understand the structure of the Mass, what the priest says as well as giving some meaning to what and why he says the prayers and formalities during Mass.

I am grateful that the Bible reading and the Gospel are there for me to read, while the person is reading the Bible readings out loud. This way I can reflect back and find more understanding to the message in the readings.

I am grateful for the prayers in the back of the book, so that I can pray them during the time of Communion or after Mass in silence. This helps me to reflect on my life and sometimes help pick me up off my feet if I am feeling discouraged or in a low place at the time.

October 1st - Peace

October 1st
I am grateful for peace. I am grateful for the peace that is in my mind and in my life, and grateful to see peace which is shared between friend and in the public, displaying harmony.

I am grateful that I have peace in my mind and know how to create peace in my mind when things seem messy or chaotic. I am grateful that there is peace all around me and all I have to do is open my mind to see it then and there. No.....I am not high, I have just become more in the moment.

I am grateful when there is peace between people, whether they are friends or strangers, whether in private or in public. I am grateful that peace can be found if you feel you are in a world or life where you feel it is hard to find.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

September 30th - My VCE results

September 30th

I am grateful for my VCE results. This is something I have been very ashamed of and have made it a big secret to nearly all my friends and family, even having to lie to others due to pride and also wanting others to look up to me by telling them I recieved excellent results. But I feel telling the truth is much more inspiring.

I am grateful that I got such a low score of 28something, as this has allowed me to work harder in life. This has helped me understand that I need to work hard at achieveing good results and not relying on a smile and acting enthusiastic to mask not working hard. Yes it may have taken me so many years to realise this, but better late than never.

I am grateful that because of this result, it has lead me on different paths which I wouldn't have taken if I got the results I was wanting, or close to achieving, and I am so grateful that I am where I am career-wise

Monday, 28 September 2015

September 29th - My drumkit

September 29th

I am grateful for my drumkit. I am grateful that this has welcomed me into the world of music.

I am grateful that this hobby has helped me with finding the beat and tempo to many songs and tunes. I am grateful that this helped me learn different styles of drumming such as rock, jazz and rhythm and blues.

It has helped me with co-ordination, helping me to concentrate on playing the rhythm and at the same time, playing a bass beat.

I am grateful that I have been invited to play music with other people, especially with my friends who play other instruments and this allows us to get together and have a fun jam session.

September 28th - Pilates

September 28th
I am grateful for pilates. I am grateful that this form of exercise allows me tone my body and strengthen it without the use of weights but with the use of my own body movements.

I am grateful that this is a great way to keep fit without needing to have a gym membership (as I can't afford to have one) and I can do these exercises anytime I can and want.

September 27th - Reminders

September 26th - Acapella Music

September 26th
I am grateful for acapella music and groups. I am grateful that this specific form of music is inspiring and amusing to listen to, as well and watching, if you ever get the chance to watch an acapella group perform.

I am grateful that they bring a different and unique style to covers and original songs, making it interesting to listen to. I am grateful and interested in hearing each different tone, range and sound they create to produce a song.

I am grateful and interested in the sounds they also make to replica the sounds of different instruments such as drums, trumpets and sometimes guitars, as well as the scratching of a record for that remixed sound to their songs.

September 25th - Lavender

September 25th
I am grateful for lavender. I am grateful that this plant is easy to maintain, give great bright colour to any yard and gives out a great scent when its in its prime.

I am grateful that you are able to cut springs off the plant, contain is in a jar or mesh bag, and give it to someone as a present or to store in your house to give the house a pleasant scent.

I am grateful that is can be used as a repellent from mosquitoes during hot nights, especially if you are having a barbecue outside.

September 24th - Suitcase

September 24th
I am grateful for suitcases. I am grateful that this is a great item to use when going on holidays, or away for the weekend, or even for storage when not being used at home.

I am grateful that I am able to fit many items in my suitcase, such as clothes, toiletries etc., but also other items which may need to be used in case I am going away for a conference or work related trip, such as speakers, files and documents, or other items which will be used.

I am grateful that they are sturdy and strong, and can be safe and secure when padlocked, especially when going interstate or overseas, making sure any items inside will not be lost or misplaced.

September 23rd - Massages

September 23rd
I am grateful for massages. I am grateful that this is a form of relaxation and helps relieve aching and sore muscles.

I am grateful that with permission, I allow my friends or family to massage my shoulders and neck, and grateful that this relieves stress and tension when I am dealing with issues in life which cause my body to be tense.

I am grateful that there are professionals such as masseurs, osteopaths and physiotherapist who massage and help relieve pain or injuries to other parts of my body, helping me to get myself back together physically, to get back to work, sport or recreation.

September 22nd - Recipe books

September 22nd
I am grateful for recipe books. I recently got this as a present from my wife to help me create food and explore the world of cooking even further....or is it the fact that she is hinting for me to cook more for her???

I firstly skimmed though the book to see what is involved and then a second, more in depth look at the recipes that are included and I have found this to be quite interesting and it has given me some inspiration to cook and create meals.

I am grateful that this gives me ideas for making meals and helping me learn and create different tastes using different ingredients, with blends of herbs and spices along with different meats.

I am grateful that it has shown me how easy it is to create creams, sauces and chutneys for different meals from using simple ingredients and low amount of preparation. I am grateful that this have inspired me to enter a world which I have been afraid of jumping right into, mostly due to the fact of laziness and comfort.

Friday, 25 September 2015

September 21st - Breakfast

September 21st
I am grateful for breakfast. I am grateful that this wakes me up in the morning, give me something to wake up to (if nothing else will), satisfies morning hunger and energizes me for the day.
I am grateful that breakfast helps me with my nutrition, giving my body fibre, and necessary carbohydrates which helps me with tasks that I undertake during the day at work and with exercise.
I am grateful that this cures my hunger in the morning when I wake up, helping me to concentrate and put me in a better mood.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

September 20th - Conversations and chats

September 20th
I am grateful for the chats and conversations I have with my wife, friends and family, especially the heart to heart conversations or the therapeutic conversations.

I am grateful that through conversations I learn more about another person, even my wife, I learn something new with every conversation I have with her. I am grateful that I learn the good and bad about my friends and understand where they stand at that point in life, lately realising several of my friends have changed in front of my very eyes, and are different to what they were several years ago or as I remember them, understanding they have different views and opinions.

I am grateful that I also learn something new about myself and learn more about how I deal with situations and topics, gathering information about my likes, dislikes, opinions and views. I learn more about how I feel and what I am passionate about.

I am grateful that through conversations, I am able to grow as a person and live life more intelligently, happier and freer.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

September 19th - The Warm Weather

September 19th
I am grateful for the warm weather we currently have at the moment. I am grateful that I am able to spend much more time outdoors, be active, and enjoy the sun provided for us.

I am grateful that I am able to enjoy my lunch outside during my lunch break. I am grateful that I am able go for long walk during my exercise routine as well as spending time outside with myself, gathering my thoughts about the many topics and situations in my head and feeling more positive about myself and my life.

I am grateful that I am able to spend time with my wife and friends outdoors and at different places around where I live, enjoying sceneries, parks and towns that we may not have seen before or to relive great memories together.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

September 18th - The Sun

September 18th
I am grateful for the sun. I am grateful that this magnificent planet does so much for me. I am grateful that it wakes me up in the morning, telling to get up and get on with the day, to succeed and  to face and take control of what you have today.

I am grateful it gives life to nature and to humans, providing sunlight for us to work in throughout the day. I am grateful it gives energy to us and provides us with good health. I am grateful it provides heat and warms my body when I feel cold.

I am grateful because of the sun, it gets me and many others in a good and positive mood, which becomes contagious.

Monday, 21 September 2015

September 17th - Bluetooth

September 17th
I am grateful for bluetooth connectivity. I am grateful that this has helped me share files, photos and videos between friends and family for free. I am grateful that I am able to listen to music via bluetooth connected portable speakers.

I am grateful to have bluetooth connectivity in my car. I am grateful that through bluetooth I am able to make and receive phone calls hands free, without it distracting or restricting me while I am driving. I am grateful that I am able to play music to my car speakers through bluetooth from my phone as well as giving me verbal instructions to different destinations from my GPS.

I am grateful bluetooth has made my life, mostly on the recreational sense, much easier and more wireless, saving me space in my drawers and shelves.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

September 16th - R U OK Day

September 16th
I am grateful for R U OK day. I am grateful that friends and colleagues, or people in general, ask others if they are okay, opening up a conversation with the other person, and discussing / having a chat with situations that is causing emotional hurt or mental stresses in life.
I am grateful that I was able to be open and talk to my friends with some situations which I am not finding positive in my life. I am grateful that because of this, I was able to clear my mind and got some advice which helped me.
I am grateful that this day helps those who suffer anxiety and depression are given an open chance to talk to someone, whether its a loved one, a friends or a councellor if necessary.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

September 15th - Hugs

September 15th
I am grateful for hugs. I am grateful for this sign of affection and comfort, as this shows that my friends and family are there for me during good and bad times, that they are glad to see me and welcome you to their lives.

For me, I am grateful that hugs represent love. It represents familiarity, making me not feel like a stranger. It shows that people are glad to see me when they do.

I am grateful that this is a sign of compassion and and comfort during sad or even joyful moments. It is a sign of congratulations during a momentous occasion, possibly after a difficult feat, accomplishment or challenge as a group of a couple. I am grateful that all the examples mean a lot to me and make me feel better as a person.

September 14th - My level of determination

September 14th
I am grateful for the level of determination which I have. I am grateful that when I feel like giving up or feel like things are getting hard. I know I will have those feeling for a brief time and will self talk myself into continuing and catching up on the moments where I have slacked off.

I am grateful that my level of determination is strong and that I now give myself less opportunity to fail or give up, refusing to have moments of regret or having the thoughts of 'I should have given it a go'.

I am grateful that because of determination, I have been able to grow into a stronger person and continue learning and improving myself with skills and knowledge.

Friday, 18 September 2015

September 13th -Opinions

September 13th
I am grateful for being able to have my own opinion. I have had a past (and still facing a bit of the present) of being shut down and constantly told my opinion was wrong, wasnt valued or listened to.
I am grateful that my opinion can challenge views, open up new views for others, help others when needed.
I am grateful that i am able to value my own opinions as I feel this shapes the way I think about life, myself and other people. This also allows me to understand and view others from their own opinions, getting to know them better.

September 12th - Celebrities

September 12th
I am grateful for celebrities. I am grateful that they are someone I can look up to moral-wise and career-wise.
I am grateful that some celebrities are motivational, leading good examples, and displaying their humanity, sometimes showing that they are regular human beings like me and you, and make mistakes but show sincerity, apologies and pay the price like all of us. Yes, there are many that aren't good role models,  but this is something I choose not to focus on, but good to notice and remember not to follow.
I am grateful for their stories to fame and success, allowing me to look up to them and try to strive to be as successful as they are. I am grateful that they are helping me and others without even knowing we exist. I am grateful they give me tips and advice on acting and performing

September 11th - New work role

September 11th
I am grateful for my new role at work as OH&S representative.
I am grateful that my managers and co workers suggested me for the role, giving me confidence in taking up the position.
I am grateful that I have the opportunity to learn more about health and safety at work, making sure it is safe for myself, my fellow colleagues, residents and visitors.
I am grateful for all the training and information that is provided for me to which I can take with me not only in my current job, but for future references.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

September 10th - Spring

September 10th
I am grateful for spring. I am grateful that this season makes me feel positive, happy and keeps in a good frame of mind. This is because of the smell of the flowers and plants outside.

I am grateful that the seasons being colour to the world, that the trees and plants are starting to bloom and coming back to life. For me this brings and represents new beginning and therefore, allowing me to start fresh and begin to get into a better frame of mind.

Yet again, I am grateful to be in a positive frame of mind, allowing me to understand my weaknesses and flaws, and knowing how to work in a positive manner with them.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

September 9th - Personal Choices

September 9th
I am grateful for the freedom of making personal choices in my life. I have had a life where I have been deprived of making  my own choices. I have either been told I would be wrong, or that I would have to listen to the opinion of others, made to feel guilty of having my own thoughts and plans, and deciding the best way to do things and make decisions for my best intentions.

I am grateful that I am able to make decisions on where I was to get ahead in my life, learning from my bad decisions and benefiting from the positive. This makes me learn alot about myself as well as others and learning how to make the best decisions when it comes to depending and being interdependant on others around me.

I am grateful that I am able to decide what is positive in my life,  what I would like to do in life, block out anything that is negative in my life and accept all that is positive to me, and not others.

September 8th - Sunrises

September 8th
I am grateful for sunrises. I am grateful for waking up early enough to witness sunrises.

I am grateful that this is a grand opening for the day to begin for us all. I am grateful that this is a slow and soft way of waking up in the morning.

I am grateful for the beauty of a sunrise, for the fantastic scenery that it provides in the distant sky as it wakes me up. This gives me joy and a sense of relaxation as I start my day.

September 7th - Healthy Fats and Oils

September 7th
I am grateful for healthy fats and oils that I have consumed. I am grateful that this gives my body fuel to burn during exercise and helps me with thinking.

I am grateful that this helps me with my weight and fat loss and helps with burning unhealthy fats already consumed and building muscles.

I am grateful that these healthy fats and oils help me with my thinking and my memory, especially when I am learning or doing tests for schooling or training.

September 6th - Carbohydrates

I am grateful for carbohydrates. I am grateful that this gives me energy to exercise and with other tasks I need to complete thoughout the day.

I am especially grateful that this helps me during my cardio exercises, while I'm walking and jogging, as well as giving me energy to do my strength exercise. I am grateful that carbohydrates in the morning during breakfast or a snack before I work helps me have energy.

I am grateful that it controls my weight, with the right amount of carbohydrate consumption. I am grateful that it helps me concentrate during the day with my work and recreation.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

September 5th - Proteins

September 5th

I am grateful for proteins. I am grateful for meat such as beef and chicken, and other foods such as eggs and tofu.
I am grateful that proteins assist me with maintaining my weight as well as helping me with loose weight if I need to
I am grateful it helps me keep my muscles healthy and strong, helping me with my cardio and strength workouts and exercises.
I am grateful that protiens are a big part of my diet as well as making most of my meals delicious and appetizing.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

September 4th - Help

September 4th
I am grateful for help I have recieved from anyone and everyone. I am grateful for the people that have done things for me out of the kindness of their heart, or to assist them in some way as well.

I am grateful when people go out of their way to help me with getting tasks complete if I am struggling or to help make the task more effective. I am grateful for the advice they give me.

I am grateful for physical help, for example, moving house or lifting heavy items from point A to point B.

I am grateful for my workmates who have helped me improve at my workplace, teaching me how to do the job safer and to be more productive.

September 3rd - Ideas

September 3rd

I am grateful for ideas from other people as well as ideas I create myself to make my work easier and generally making life more interesting and fun.

I am grateful that ideas stretches my creativity muscle and help me become more innovative and help me think outside the box.

I am grateful that ideas help make life more interesting and fun, allowing me to be creative, and helping tasks to become either quicker to accomplish or more effective, give us all better results.

Friday, 4 September 2015

September 2nd - My Camera

September 2nd
I am grateful for my camera. I am grateful it is a great way to save instant moments and memories of people I have met, fantastic sceneries and special occasions.

I am grateful that I am able to use the camera on my phone as well as my portable camera to take artistic shots which I find inspirational, as well as allowing me to view pictures I have taken of great views iconic buildings and structures around the world as well as locally.

I am grateful that I am able to zoom in while taking a shot to get better views of sceneries or moments in life. I am grateful that because of my camera, I am able to view pictures I have taken and relive those moments and find a sense of happiness, sadness or relaxation.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

September 1st - Presents

September 1st
I am grateful for presents. I am grateful for presents on special occasions, like birthdays or Christmas. But I am especially grateful for presents when they are out of the blue or to make my day.

I am grateful that presents, whether big or small, show gratitude from another person for who you are, what you do or for your efforts.

I am grateful that they put a smile on my face, can change my mood for the better and make me feel like I am appreciated. This means that someone has noticed what I do and my efforts are not going unnoticed.

I am grateful that presents help and assist me with my work, hobbies or give me some form of relaxation and entertainment.

Monday, 31 August 2015

August 31st - Energy

August 31st
I am grateful for energy. I am grateful for the many types of energy.
I am grateful for the energy generated in myself, helping me to exercise, to do daily activities, to think and learn, using my brain and muscles before getting tired and fatigued. I am grateful that I am able to re-generate energy by eating food and sleeping. I am also grateful for the energy that people give me when I am feeling weak or tired, either by their words or efforts.
I am grateful for the external energy that are used everyday which is electricity. I am grateful that electricity powers lights and appliances which help me with my daily needs.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

August 30th - Dishwasher

August 30th
I am grateful for dishwashers. I do not have one at home but I have used one during my holiday and it has saved me more time to do other things like procrastinate..... or making sure I do productive things.
I am grateful that it saves me time in my day, allowing me to concentrate on doing other things around the house, or exercise, or continue cooking. I am glad I do not have to nurse it and it is a reliable appliance to have, making sure it does clean my dishes well.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

August 29th - Learning

August 29th
I am grateful for learning new skills and information which I can use to get through life. I am grateful for classes, programs, demonstrations and my brain for helping me learn.
I am grateful that I am able to learn to skills, whether it is to develop with my work, hobbies or interests or for myself.
I am grateful for the opportunities to learn, and that I have taken the opportunities given to me to learn.  I am also grateful that I have found an interest in learning and wanting to understand more about the world. I should have had this interest when I was in high school.... many years too late hahaha
This year I have learnt many things and I am surprised at how well I am coping. This has built up my self esteem and made me realise that I am actually a smart person.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

August 28th - My Memory

August 28th
I am grateful for my memory. At times it can be shocking, but there are many moments when my memory works so well, its impressive.

I am grateful that my memory can hold information that is irrelevant at most times, but is still stored when you do need it at those times of importance.

I am grateful that my memory can help me recall lines when I am doing a production, infact, I can memorise a whole play if it requires me.

I am grateful that I can memorise information I have just learnt and store it for furthur use in my life, such as languages or information for my work.

I am grateful that my memory can recall past moments in my life, allowing me to learn and heal from the past, smile and laugh at the good memories, and even recall memories of past loved ones.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

August 27th - My Sexuality

August 27th
I am grateful for my sexuality. This could be a little M rated but I am grateful for my hetrosexuality and being attraction of women, in particular, my wife.

I am grateful that I am able to express myself to my wife and give her all my love, attention and affection to her comfortably.

I am grateful that I am able to share intimate moments with her (sexually or unsexually) and finding a sense of relaxation and comfort in doing so, releasing endorphins, which helps me feel positive about myself and all that is around me.

I am grateful that I am able to express my sexuality these days as I was deprived of doing this in my younger days. Growing up in a strictly Catholic upbringing, I was told it was a sin against God and the religion and I should not practice or think  sexual thoughts about women, or be in conversations with others about my thoughts on sex or women, therefore keeping me in a state of fear and depression, making me feel I was not a good person.

August 26th - Spell check

August 26th
I am grateful for spell check on my computer and mobile phone. This may sound like a silly gratitude, and probably is but spell check has saved me from sounding ridiculous, or having the reader misinterpret words or meaning which I didn't intend to write in the first place, making the reader seem lost or unsure of the message.

I am grateful that it also teaches me how to spell words correctly if I didn't already know. This, saving me from needing to look up the dictionary

August 25th - Annual Leave

August 25th
I am grateful to have annual leave. I believe this is a privilege to earn and work towards and feel so grateful to use when I am able to.

I am grateful that annual leave from work allows me to go on holidays for some relaxation and rest, re energising myself to continue working, allowing me to fulfil commitments outside of my general work or to have some time to organise life around me for a brief time.

I am grateful, especially now, that my annual leave has allowed me to visit places interstate and to enjoy exploring towns and areas I have never seen before. I am grateful that I am able to relax my body and mind, rejuvenating myself to get back to my everyday schedule when I arrive back home.

I am grateful that my workplace provides me with annual leave and encourages me to use it with best intentions.