Monday, 28 September 2015

September 29th - My drumkit

September 29th

I am grateful for my drumkit. I am grateful that this has welcomed me into the world of music.

I am grateful that this hobby has helped me with finding the beat and tempo to many songs and tunes. I am grateful that this helped me learn different styles of drumming such as rock, jazz and rhythm and blues.

It has helped me with co-ordination, helping me to concentrate on playing the rhythm and at the same time, playing a bass beat.

I am grateful that I have been invited to play music with other people, especially with my friends who play other instruments and this allows us to get together and have a fun jam session.

September 28th - Pilates

September 28th
I am grateful for pilates. I am grateful that this form of exercise allows me tone my body and strengthen it without the use of weights but with the use of my own body movements.

I am grateful that this is a great way to keep fit without needing to have a gym membership (as I can't afford to have one) and I can do these exercises anytime I can and want.

September 27th - Reminders

September 26th - Acapella Music

September 26th
I am grateful for acapella music and groups. I am grateful that this specific form of music is inspiring and amusing to listen to, as well and watching, if you ever get the chance to watch an acapella group perform.

I am grateful that they bring a different and unique style to covers and original songs, making it interesting to listen to. I am grateful and interested in hearing each different tone, range and sound they create to produce a song.

I am grateful and interested in the sounds they also make to replica the sounds of different instruments such as drums, trumpets and sometimes guitars, as well as the scratching of a record for that remixed sound to their songs.

September 25th - Lavender

September 25th
I am grateful for lavender. I am grateful that this plant is easy to maintain, give great bright colour to any yard and gives out a great scent when its in its prime.

I am grateful that you are able to cut springs off the plant, contain is in a jar or mesh bag, and give it to someone as a present or to store in your house to give the house a pleasant scent.

I am grateful that is can be used as a repellent from mosquitoes during hot nights, especially if you are having a barbecue outside.

September 24th - Suitcase

September 24th
I am grateful for suitcases. I am grateful that this is a great item to use when going on holidays, or away for the weekend, or even for storage when not being used at home.

I am grateful that I am able to fit many items in my suitcase, such as clothes, toiletries etc., but also other items which may need to be used in case I am going away for a conference or work related trip, such as speakers, files and documents, or other items which will be used.

I am grateful that they are sturdy and strong, and can be safe and secure when padlocked, especially when going interstate or overseas, making sure any items inside will not be lost or misplaced.

September 23rd - Massages

September 23rd
I am grateful for massages. I am grateful that this is a form of relaxation and helps relieve aching and sore muscles.

I am grateful that with permission, I allow my friends or family to massage my shoulders and neck, and grateful that this relieves stress and tension when I am dealing with issues in life which cause my body to be tense.

I am grateful that there are professionals such as masseurs, osteopaths and physiotherapist who massage and help relieve pain or injuries to other parts of my body, helping me to get myself back together physically, to get back to work, sport or recreation.

September 22nd - Recipe books

September 22nd
I am grateful for recipe books. I recently got this as a present from my wife to help me create food and explore the world of cooking even further....or is it the fact that she is hinting for me to cook more for her???

I firstly skimmed though the book to see what is involved and then a second, more in depth look at the recipes that are included and I have found this to be quite interesting and it has given me some inspiration to cook and create meals.

I am grateful that this gives me ideas for making meals and helping me learn and create different tastes using different ingredients, with blends of herbs and spices along with different meats.

I am grateful that it has shown me how easy it is to create creams, sauces and chutneys for different meals from using simple ingredients and low amount of preparation. I am grateful that this have inspired me to enter a world which I have been afraid of jumping right into, mostly due to the fact of laziness and comfort.

Friday, 25 September 2015

September 21st - Breakfast

September 21st
I am grateful for breakfast. I am grateful that this wakes me up in the morning, give me something to wake up to (if nothing else will), satisfies morning hunger and energizes me for the day.
I am grateful that breakfast helps me with my nutrition, giving my body fibre, and necessary carbohydrates which helps me with tasks that I undertake during the day at work and with exercise.
I am grateful that this cures my hunger in the morning when I wake up, helping me to concentrate and put me in a better mood.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

September 20th - Conversations and chats

September 20th
I am grateful for the chats and conversations I have with my wife, friends and family, especially the heart to heart conversations or the therapeutic conversations.

I am grateful that through conversations I learn more about another person, even my wife, I learn something new with every conversation I have with her. I am grateful that I learn the good and bad about my friends and understand where they stand at that point in life, lately realising several of my friends have changed in front of my very eyes, and are different to what they were several years ago or as I remember them, understanding they have different views and opinions.

I am grateful that I also learn something new about myself and learn more about how I deal with situations and topics, gathering information about my likes, dislikes, opinions and views. I learn more about how I feel and what I am passionate about.

I am grateful that through conversations, I am able to grow as a person and live life more intelligently, happier and freer.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

September 19th - The Warm Weather

September 19th
I am grateful for the warm weather we currently have at the moment. I am grateful that I am able to spend much more time outdoors, be active, and enjoy the sun provided for us.

I am grateful that I am able to enjoy my lunch outside during my lunch break. I am grateful that I am able go for long walk during my exercise routine as well as spending time outside with myself, gathering my thoughts about the many topics and situations in my head and feeling more positive about myself and my life.

I am grateful that I am able to spend time with my wife and friends outdoors and at different places around where I live, enjoying sceneries, parks and towns that we may not have seen before or to relive great memories together.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

September 18th - The Sun

September 18th
I am grateful for the sun. I am grateful that this magnificent planet does so much for me. I am grateful that it wakes me up in the morning, telling to get up and get on with the day, to succeed and  to face and take control of what you have today.

I am grateful it gives life to nature and to humans, providing sunlight for us to work in throughout the day. I am grateful it gives energy to us and provides us with good health. I am grateful it provides heat and warms my body when I feel cold.

I am grateful because of the sun, it gets me and many others in a good and positive mood, which becomes contagious.

Monday, 21 September 2015

September 17th - Bluetooth

September 17th
I am grateful for bluetooth connectivity. I am grateful that this has helped me share files, photos and videos between friends and family for free. I am grateful that I am able to listen to music via bluetooth connected portable speakers.

I am grateful to have bluetooth connectivity in my car. I am grateful that through bluetooth I am able to make and receive phone calls hands free, without it distracting or restricting me while I am driving. I am grateful that I am able to play music to my car speakers through bluetooth from my phone as well as giving me verbal instructions to different destinations from my GPS.

I am grateful bluetooth has made my life, mostly on the recreational sense, much easier and more wireless, saving me space in my drawers and shelves.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

September 16th - R U OK Day

September 16th
I am grateful for R U OK day. I am grateful that friends and colleagues, or people in general, ask others if they are okay, opening up a conversation with the other person, and discussing / having a chat with situations that is causing emotional hurt or mental stresses in life.
I am grateful that I was able to be open and talk to my friends with some situations which I am not finding positive in my life. I am grateful that because of this, I was able to clear my mind and got some advice which helped me.
I am grateful that this day helps those who suffer anxiety and depression are given an open chance to talk to someone, whether its a loved one, a friends or a councellor if necessary.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

September 15th - Hugs

September 15th
I am grateful for hugs. I am grateful for this sign of affection and comfort, as this shows that my friends and family are there for me during good and bad times, that they are glad to see me and welcome you to their lives.

For me, I am grateful that hugs represent love. It represents familiarity, making me not feel like a stranger. It shows that people are glad to see me when they do.

I am grateful that this is a sign of compassion and and comfort during sad or even joyful moments. It is a sign of congratulations during a momentous occasion, possibly after a difficult feat, accomplishment or challenge as a group of a couple. I am grateful that all the examples mean a lot to me and make me feel better as a person.

September 14th - My level of determination

September 14th
I am grateful for the level of determination which I have. I am grateful that when I feel like giving up or feel like things are getting hard. I know I will have those feeling for a brief time and will self talk myself into continuing and catching up on the moments where I have slacked off.

I am grateful that my level of determination is strong and that I now give myself less opportunity to fail or give up, refusing to have moments of regret or having the thoughts of 'I should have given it a go'.

I am grateful that because of determination, I have been able to grow into a stronger person and continue learning and improving myself with skills and knowledge.

Friday, 18 September 2015

September 13th -Opinions

September 13th
I am grateful for being able to have my own opinion. I have had a past (and still facing a bit of the present) of being shut down and constantly told my opinion was wrong, wasnt valued or listened to.
I am grateful that my opinion can challenge views, open up new views for others, help others when needed.
I am grateful that i am able to value my own opinions as I feel this shapes the way I think about life, myself and other people. This also allows me to understand and view others from their own opinions, getting to know them better.

September 12th - Celebrities

September 12th
I am grateful for celebrities. I am grateful that they are someone I can look up to moral-wise and career-wise.
I am grateful that some celebrities are motivational, leading good examples, and displaying their humanity, sometimes showing that they are regular human beings like me and you, and make mistakes but show sincerity, apologies and pay the price like all of us. Yes, there are many that aren't good role models,  but this is something I choose not to focus on, but good to notice and remember not to follow.
I am grateful for their stories to fame and success, allowing me to look up to them and try to strive to be as successful as they are. I am grateful that they are helping me and others without even knowing we exist. I am grateful they give me tips and advice on acting and performing

September 11th - New work role

September 11th
I am grateful for my new role at work as OH&S representative.
I am grateful that my managers and co workers suggested me for the role, giving me confidence in taking up the position.
I am grateful that I have the opportunity to learn more about health and safety at work, making sure it is safe for myself, my fellow colleagues, residents and visitors.
I am grateful for all the training and information that is provided for me to which I can take with me not only in my current job, but for future references.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

September 10th - Spring

September 10th
I am grateful for spring. I am grateful that this season makes me feel positive, happy and keeps in a good frame of mind. This is because of the smell of the flowers and plants outside.

I am grateful that the seasons being colour to the world, that the trees and plants are starting to bloom and coming back to life. For me this brings and represents new beginning and therefore, allowing me to start fresh and begin to get into a better frame of mind.

Yet again, I am grateful to be in a positive frame of mind, allowing me to understand my weaknesses and flaws, and knowing how to work in a positive manner with them.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

September 9th - Personal Choices

September 9th
I am grateful for the freedom of making personal choices in my life. I have had a life where I have been deprived of making  my own choices. I have either been told I would be wrong, or that I would have to listen to the opinion of others, made to feel guilty of having my own thoughts and plans, and deciding the best way to do things and make decisions for my best intentions.

I am grateful that I am able to make decisions on where I was to get ahead in my life, learning from my bad decisions and benefiting from the positive. This makes me learn alot about myself as well as others and learning how to make the best decisions when it comes to depending and being interdependant on others around me.

I am grateful that I am able to decide what is positive in my life,  what I would like to do in life, block out anything that is negative in my life and accept all that is positive to me, and not others.

September 8th - Sunrises

September 8th
I am grateful for sunrises. I am grateful for waking up early enough to witness sunrises.

I am grateful that this is a grand opening for the day to begin for us all. I am grateful that this is a slow and soft way of waking up in the morning.

I am grateful for the beauty of a sunrise, for the fantastic scenery that it provides in the distant sky as it wakes me up. This gives me joy and a sense of relaxation as I start my day.

September 7th - Healthy Fats and Oils

September 7th
I am grateful for healthy fats and oils that I have consumed. I am grateful that this gives my body fuel to burn during exercise and helps me with thinking.

I am grateful that this helps me with my weight and fat loss and helps with burning unhealthy fats already consumed and building muscles.

I am grateful that these healthy fats and oils help me with my thinking and my memory, especially when I am learning or doing tests for schooling or training.

September 6th - Carbohydrates

I am grateful for carbohydrates. I am grateful that this gives me energy to exercise and with other tasks I need to complete thoughout the day.

I am especially grateful that this helps me during my cardio exercises, while I'm walking and jogging, as well as giving me energy to do my strength exercise. I am grateful that carbohydrates in the morning during breakfast or a snack before I work helps me have energy.

I am grateful that it controls my weight, with the right amount of carbohydrate consumption. I am grateful that it helps me concentrate during the day with my work and recreation.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

September 5th - Proteins

September 5th

I am grateful for proteins. I am grateful for meat such as beef and chicken, and other foods such as eggs and tofu.
I am grateful that proteins assist me with maintaining my weight as well as helping me with loose weight if I need to
I am grateful it helps me keep my muscles healthy and strong, helping me with my cardio and strength workouts and exercises.
I am grateful that protiens are a big part of my diet as well as making most of my meals delicious and appetizing.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

September 4th - Help

September 4th
I am grateful for help I have recieved from anyone and everyone. I am grateful for the people that have done things for me out of the kindness of their heart, or to assist them in some way as well.

I am grateful when people go out of their way to help me with getting tasks complete if I am struggling or to help make the task more effective. I am grateful for the advice they give me.

I am grateful for physical help, for example, moving house or lifting heavy items from point A to point B.

I am grateful for my workmates who have helped me improve at my workplace, teaching me how to do the job safer and to be more productive.

September 3rd - Ideas

September 3rd

I am grateful for ideas from other people as well as ideas I create myself to make my work easier and generally making life more interesting and fun.

I am grateful that ideas stretches my creativity muscle and help me become more innovative and help me think outside the box.

I am grateful that ideas help make life more interesting and fun, allowing me to be creative, and helping tasks to become either quicker to accomplish or more effective, give us all better results.

Friday, 4 September 2015

September 2nd - My Camera

September 2nd
I am grateful for my camera. I am grateful it is a great way to save instant moments and memories of people I have met, fantastic sceneries and special occasions.

I am grateful that I am able to use the camera on my phone as well as my portable camera to take artistic shots which I find inspirational, as well as allowing me to view pictures I have taken of great views iconic buildings and structures around the world as well as locally.

I am grateful that I am able to zoom in while taking a shot to get better views of sceneries or moments in life. I am grateful that because of my camera, I am able to view pictures I have taken and relive those moments and find a sense of happiness, sadness or relaxation.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

September 1st - Presents

September 1st
I am grateful for presents. I am grateful for presents on special occasions, like birthdays or Christmas. But I am especially grateful for presents when they are out of the blue or to make my day.

I am grateful that presents, whether big or small, show gratitude from another person for who you are, what you do or for your efforts.

I am grateful that they put a smile on my face, can change my mood for the better and make me feel like I am appreciated. This means that someone has noticed what I do and my efforts are not going unnoticed.

I am grateful that presents help and assist me with my work, hobbies or give me some form of relaxation and entertainment.