Thursday, 5 March 2015

March 5th - My ability to talk

March 5th
I am grateful that I am able to talk and be verbal. Some may not be grateful that this is the case but I sure am.

I am grateful that I am able to verbalise what is on my mind, telling people my thought, views, ideas, wants, needs with the ease of a few words, sentences or paragraphs.

I am also grateful that I am able to verbalise messages for people who aren't able to speak or verbalise due to specific disabilities or conditions they have obtained.

I am grateful for the gift of speech and use it to my advantage to communicate effectively to others, being able to produce work successfully in a team environment, as welle as passing on messages to others with ease when needed. I am able to read out loud storied to children, messages and letter to friends and family and have the ability to speak to the public, whether it is for a theatre performance, being a host at a dance or formal function or leading a group within a charity or cause.

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