Saturday, 31 January 2015
January 31st - Fire
I am grateful for fire. I use fire quite often and for many different reasons.
One main reason I use fire is for cooking. Without fire, I'm unable to cook meats on the stove, and the oven wouldn't be as useful without a bit of fire to heat it up. Even while camping out under the stars, its always great having a camp fire to help cook or boil water. Not to mention roasted marshmellows! I am grateful to create fire to help with daily meals and recipes.
I am grateful to have fire to create heat during cold and wintery days. Even having a bonfire during parties or when company comes over to keep you warm outside. I am grateful for the warmth it gives myself and my friends when heating is down in the house and the only way to keep warm is sitting in front of a wood fire. And the ambience of a wood fire is so relaxing, and a great excuse to strike up conversations. You never have a dull conversation around a wood fire.
Fire is also used for certain jobs and professions, for example, glaziers and glass-blowers. The need fire to create glass. And many other professions need fire to create useful items that we use quite often.
But as for myself, I am grateful for the assistance fire provides for me, either keeping me warm or helping me with cooking.
Friday, 30 January 2015
January 30th - My Shoes
I am grateful for my shoes. I know you are probably thinking "Dirk, have you run out of ideas already?" You maybe right but this is all part of the challenge, to find the small things that you are grateful for. But as funny as I may sound, I am grateful to have shoes.
My shoes have provided me with comfort and protection. During exercise, it has prevented my feet from blistering up and getting sore, cushioning my feet from the concrete while walking and jogging. It has help me get traction as I go jogging on ovals and grass areas, helping me not look like a fool and begin sliding everywhere.
I am also grateful for shoes at work. They protect my feet getting injured by moving machines that I use, sharp objects and even getting my feet wet or infected (if you understand the type of work that I do). As I have a job that requires me to be on my feet 90% of the time, it again provides comfort, allowing me to work far better than I would without shoes.
Again, as previously said in other blogs, I have seen people, whether in Australia or other countries, who are unable to obtain shoes or any type of suitable footwear, and have injured feet or find it hard to walk as their feet are too sore on the surfaces they walk on.
I am grateful to have shoes to physically walk further and be more active, protecting my feet from getting damage, not to mention, help look a little bit more presentable when necessary.
Thursday, 29 January 2015
January 29th - Coffee
I am grateful for coffee. To be honest, I have only become a semi-regular coffee drinker within the last few months. I have never really felt the need for it before, but as I find myself keeping busy with work and now doing personal project and tasks, I feel I have relied on coffee to help me be more alert and awake.
I can't say I didn't like the taste of coffee before, I didn't mind it but I mostly didn't care much for it. I would only drink it every now and then when visiting friends or family, you guess you could say I was a social coffee drinker. Or maybe I just wanted to fit in.
I have begun seeing the difference in all the different coffee styles, in a way, a very similar concept to wine. There are different types of coffee, with different strengths and styles. You can say I now have now found an appreciation for coffee and I'm starting to explore this a bit more.
I am grateful that coffee has helped give me that little bit of energy to keep me alert and awake, helping me work and produce thoughts and ideas at my day job and in what ever projects I'm currently undertaking. It is safe to say, it has helped me to get into a better mood, and I don't feel so lethargic and unmotivated as I have before.
I don't think I am as dependant on coffee as I have seen other people are, but it has surely helped me with daily productivity, and for this I am grateful for it. I know that when I am feeling a bit lazy or unproductive, this will give me a kick start to get moving. If this concept is tricking my mind into thinking I need coffee to get moving, I would rather think that then doing nothing. Thank you coffee for all your positive benefits.
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
January 28th - Clothing
I am grateful for clothing. I am grateful to have such items to keep me warm when its cold, help me look presentable at necessary occasions and making me feel comfortable. It is something we overlook quite often but something we need everyday. I have seen pictures of people who don't have the amount of clothing you or I have, and would love to have clothing items that make them feel warm and comfortable.
I am grateful for the clothes I have that make me feel warm during the cold seasons. Having jackets and raincoats to keep protect me from cold rain or wind when I'm outside. As someone who is prone to getting the flu or a cold during winter, I am grateful to have jackets and raincoats to prevent me from getting sick. I am even grateful for the clothing I have during Summer or the warmer days, having clothing to wear outdoors but not feel too hot. And I don't think many people would appreciate me walking around with no top on. :oP
I am grateful to have clothing that makes me look presentable for occasions such as wedding, formal dinners or events and unfortunately funerals. It has even helped me during times where I have had interviews or meeting to help me look more presentable and quite possible persuasive in showing a successful front to clients and managers of businesses.
In my acting field, I am grateful to have a range of clothing to take with me to shoots where I can pursuade an audience to think I am a certain character in a play or film, whether it may be a time piece back in the 1940's or even furthur back (perhaps in the times of Jesus hehehe), or even re-enacting a character from another country.
I am grateful and honestly fascinated by the clothing of different countries and cultures. I find some items of clothing can tell a story of a culture. For example, a sari from India or Sri Lanka, or even ponchos from Mexico. The colours and patterns that are designed on clothing really stands out.
I remember being picked on, and seeing some other students get picked on for the clothes they wore, because it wasn't an expensive or popular branding of clothing. As much as I would have liked to have popular branding clothes when I was younger, I would have been in trouble quite often as I was a kid who enjoyed playing outdoors and running around. But I think I am grow to appreciate clothing a lot more these days and believe some branding names make simple items of clothing unnecessarily expensive.
I am grateful to have clothing in my live for all the reasons about, and failing to mention as well, to have clothing for exercising. I am grateful that there are many different designs of clothing to help me be presentable as well and giving people a sense of my personality in a way, showing I can be humorous, serious or sophisticated at times, helping me keep warm or cooler for which ever seasons and keeping me comfortable.
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
January 27th - The internet
I am grateful for the internet. Yep, that's right, the thing that you are on right now. I think most people these days live off the internet, as a form of keeping up with the news, socialising with friends, learning new things and procrastination.....don't pretend like you haven't done it before hahaha
I am grateful to have the internet to do research, whether it is for personal use or for educational purposes. It has helped me understand useful information about health, giving myself and others self developmental advice and understanding issues on certain topics, for example, helping me with understanding how I can better myself in my job. Without the internet, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to successfully undertake an on-line course which has helped me vastly in my field of work.
It has helped me keeping touch with friends. I will be honest, I mostly keep up to date with the friends I work with or see quite often socially via Facebook, but I have the opportunity to keep in better contact with family and friends interstate and overseas. I am also able to keep in contact with family and friends, near or distant, through emailing them.
I am grateful for the entertaining side to the internet as well as getting ideas and inspirations through video and music published by popular and unknown artists. As someone who like to show case my own talents and ideas, I have been able to virtually publish videos through the internet for friends, family and the public to see. The internet also allows me to re-view TV shows or moments which I had missed out on. I am able to watch videos from all around the world and either learn something from them or have a laugh along with them.
I am grateful for the internet and the opportunity to publish things such as these blogs. I am able to send messages of hope, love, peace and positivity to people I know, and to people I have never met, and possibly never will meet. But thanks to the internet, I am able to do such things. I am grateful that the internet has made life that much easier for everyone, but we must remember not to abuse it and use it for negative outcomes.
I am grateful to have this service, and to have it in my own home, ready to use when ever I need it. And I am grateful for all the entertainment it provides, for all the programs to keep in contact with people and for providing information to learn and grow as a person.
Monday, 26 January 2015
January 26th - Australia
I am grateful for the country I live in, AUSTRALIA! Being born in Australia, I'm not like many people and can say I migrated or moved to this country, and can't really compare it to 'an old country', but I don't think I can call any other place home. I am grateful for the opportunities this country has to offer. It has provided me and many many others with support in my education, finances, work and living.
I am grateful for the facilities of my education, whether it was in Primary school, Secondary College or TAFE (and for some others, University). Within these facilities, they have successful supplied resources to help me understand the curriculum, for example, having classrooms with black and white boards and ovals, basketball and tennis courts to learn sports. I am grateful for the standard equipment and programs they have provided to help me learn and grow. Even our TAFEs and University have up to date facilities to further our education to help us get into the workforce and further succeed in making this country more resourceful and easier to live in.
I am grateful for how the country and government have financially helped and supported us. Having places like Centrelink to provide financial support to students, people without a job, or who are injured etc., is such a great support to have, and I have been told (correct me if I'm wrong) not many other countries have this. Therefore I am grateful that the country I live in does provide this service to people living in Australia.
I am grateful for the amount of work this country has to offer. There are so many opportunities that have come my way for work and have not been without a job since I left high school. I know this is something other countries offer, but I am grateful to live in a country that DOES provide this.
I am grateful for the housing and residential properties that are on offer for me to live in, its quite luxurious actually. I am so grateful to have apartments, units or houses where I can live in, that are affordable.
The reason I have said these things and show my gratitude for it is because I see so many people complain and talk down this country and wanting more from it, but many don't really see what they have right in front of them, and aren't really showing gratitude, this is a big thing for me.
As today is Australia day, I am grateful to live on this land, enjoying all the famous natural landmarks that we can call ours such as Uluru (Ayers Rock), and man made structures like The Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. The cultural diversity is acceptable by all and not alienated, no one can tell me they haven't eaten any foreign food while living in Australia. I am grateful for all the services this country has to offer and everything I have learnt from it.
Sunday, 25 January 2015
January 25th - My Veggie Patch
I am grateful for my veggie patch. I got my veggie patch as a Christmas present from my in-laws. This has encouraged my passion to continue gardening and growing my own vegetables, herbs and flowers. I have been into garden maintenance, such as mowing the lawn and weeding, making a garden look presentable, but this is the first time I had ever grown things from a seedling or sprout.
I am grateful having a veggie patch garden for several reasons. This gives me a chance to keep myself busy as I cannot sit still for too long without finding something constructive to do, but it has helped me learn about grown and development. Seeing a plant grow from something small into something that produces either fruit vegetables or herbs has made me realise that I too can start doing something small and develop great things, all I have to do is burture and care for my development, whether it is personal development in my mind, or developing a healthy, fit body. It has taught me to realise, I have to start somewhere small to become something big.
Watching the produce in my veggie garden grow has also help me learn and appreciate food more. With all the effort and care I had put into growing something, I am able to appreciate the nutrition and health it is giving me, therefore I am not just seeing food as something that I can discard easily or waste a lot of. I would feel it is a waste of time for someone to not appreciate the effort and care I had put into growing that particular food, for them to just throw it away. And with extension to my understanding, this goes for anything in life that I or anyone else puts effort in doing.
Therefore, I am grateful for my veggie patch, to give me fresh and healthy food to eat and enjoy, as well as the lessons in life which I have understood and put into practise to be a better person to others and to use this analogy to motivate others to do the same.
Saturday, 24 January 2015
January 24th - My glasses
I am grateful for my glasses. I have been wearing glasses since the start of high school and absolutely grateful to have them assist me with better eye sight.
Friday, 23 January 2015
January 23rd - My ability to walk
Thursday, 22 January 2015
January 22nd - Photographs
I am grateful for photographs. I love looking through old photo albums which my mum and grandma have, as well as my own, and reminiscing of the good moments of the past.
Having photos of the ones you love, such as my wife and family, are constant reminders of the happiness and love I have in my life now. There is a photo on my desk of my wife and I which was taken a few years ago at my sisters wedding, and this instantly, and within a few seconds, tells me a story of my time with my wife, connecting the present to the past time of the photo. It reminds me of how beautiful she is back then, connecting to my life with her now, and thinking of how beautiful she is now and how beautiful she has been between now and then. All from the glimpse of one photo. I am grateful to have these simply and free moments.
I am grateful for the photos I have from my past, especially when I was a child, giving me memories of what life was like for me back then, remembering the mischief I got up to, remembering old friends, allowing topics of conversation to arise and starting up stories of the people in those photos, or the places where the photo taken and what I was like during the time of the photo. I am grateful I am able to capture a moment in time that illustrates how beautiful life is, especially moments in time where there is spectacular weather front, or a beautiful landscape scenery or hills, beaches and forest life. I am grateful for these moment.
I am also grateful for the photos that inspire me to be the best I can be today, the photos that remind me of my achievements, and help me realise that I can do the same today, and that what ever task or challenge I have now, can be accomplished because I have put in the effort, sweat and tears in the past, and the proof is right there in a photo. I am so so grateful for this. And if there is a photo of my past which doesn't show greatness or reminds me of a time where I wasn't so good, I can realise how I've grown to succeed from that past.
I am grateful to have photographs around my house that are easily accessible to me to help me with my life today. And I am thankful that photos can help me in this way. I am grateful that they help me smile when I struggle to and trigger off great emotions.
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
January 21st - My Bed
I am grateful for my bed. I am grateful to have a bed that gives me comfort and relaxation during the night, helps me to re-energise after work during the day when I can have a nanna nap; and not to mention, my part time desk and temporary storage/clothes holder.
I am grateful to have something relaxing to sleep on during the night, rather than sleeping on a surface such as the floor which could be hard, cold and uncomfortable, or even the couch, which I haven't had the opportunity to sleep on thankfully 0:). I am grateful for the sheets and doona that keeps me warm at night and a pillow to rest my head.
I always imagine being homeless or living on the streets, and imagine what I would most want and a comfortable bed would be one of the top items on my list.
I am grateful to have this comfort in my house, which helps me everyday and a big contribution to how I work and live through out my days, benefits to mine and everyone's health and yet again, giving us all that comfort we all look forward to.....however, children may beg to differ hahaha
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
January 20th - My eye sight
I am grateful for my eye sight. As I work in the field of Aged care, there are many residents I care for which have failing eye sight or are in fact blind in one eye or both and manage to get through their day with the sense of touch or hearing. I see these people along with those who are blind living in society these days and admire them for 'seeing' the world in a whole different way, and are quite possibly more positive than those who have full eye sight. I am a person who wears glasses constantly and am near useless without them, perhaps because I am used to seeing the world with them on, but I am grateful to have the sense of sight, even thought it isn't the best.
It is great to have the ability to see the physical world and all its beauty. Being able to see different sceneries such as country sides, mountains and hills or if you are a city slicker, city buildings and amazing structures, is an awesome feeling. If you get the chance to look out the window of a skyscraper building, you can see your whole city as far as the eye can see, it's amazing. I am grateful for those moments, thanks to my vision.
But I am grateful to even just have eye sight to complete day to day tasks. Imagine trying to get somewhere quickly without your eye sight. You would of course use your other senses to get around and be grateful for them, but I find a gratitude of not needing to rely on those other senses as much or use another person to assist me or describe something in detail. I am so grateful to have my sense of sight to see every detail of this physical world. I mean, I am able to read words and letters, you are able to read this blog on your own without someone needing to read it out for you.
My point and objective here is that there are such simple things in life that many of us take for granted and possibly abuse, such as your own eye sight. My opinion is that a blind person would love to physically see the world with their own eye sight, and clarify whether their insightful imagination is in fact a truth / reality, for example, knowing what the colour red actually looks like or what a glass really looks like. I am grateful to have the ability to know what these things look like and having the sense of sight.
Monday, 19 January 2015
January 19th - My mobile phone
I am grateful for my mobile phone. Yes, Yes! HELL YES, I abuse the amount of usage of my mobile phone and know I should un-glue myself from that screen and look up at the world. But I am so grateful to have my mobile phone for many reasons.
The main gratefulness of my mobile is that I am able to keep in contact with many friends and family with the click of a few buttons. Whether this is through text messages or via Facebook, twitter, instagram or whatsapp. I am able to keep in contact with friends near or far, to check up on them, see how they are going and organise catch ups with them. Yes catch up where you physically can see them face to face, in reality hahaha.
I am also grateful to make phone calls and talk to the older generation like my parents and grandma. Without my phone, I would be unable to; or have difficulty; receiving shifts at work as there would be no contact between myself and my work place outside of the building premises. I am grateful for this very much.
I am grateful to have this technology in the palm of my hands. My mobile phone doubles as an organiser; scheduling work times, special dates and locking in events that are coming up. It also 'triples' as a game boy, giving me the freedom to play games whenever I am bored or to pass the time....or to procrastinate hehehe. It also helps me with my fitness as certain apps motivate me and track my progress in physical exercise.
I am grateful to have such wonderful technology in my grasp, making my life that little bit easier and more organised. I am repeating myself in saying that I do use it too often and I do need to learn to control my daily usage of it but I am grateful for all its functions to help me with day to day life.
Sunday, 18 January 2015
January 18th - Water
I am grateful to have water. It is a simple thing, yet it does many wonderful things for me and I couldn't live without it, literally.
When I was younger, I never really liked drinking water on its own, and I'm pretty sure most children are the same, so my mum use to buy cordial concentrate and I wouldn't be able to drink that without the dilution of water. Seriously, have you tried drinking that stuff without water?!?! (WARNING: Do NOT try drinking undiluted cordial). Now, in my adult life, I find I need to drink water constantly otherwise I simply just don't feel good. I feel like my body is lacking something. I have found I can't think or function properly when I am dehydrated. I'm not wanting to sound like a nerd but water is so beneficial for your body and always need replenishing. And as someone loosing weight and becoming fitter and healthier, water does wonders for my mind and my body while I'm hydrated.
But I am grateful and thankful to have water, other than having it for drinking purposes. and I'm sure you would be grateful too. I am grateful to be able to have hot showers and means to keep my body clean and smelling pleasant. Like food, many people in other countries don't have the luxury of having a warm shower, they instead my have showers in cold water, or finding the opportunity to wash their body when it is raining. Or possibly going to a river to bathe in, but I wonder if many would find this luxurious and refreshing. Sometimes, they aren't able to even drink the water they have as it may be contaminated or unhealthy for them, sometimes mixed with dirt or mud, feeling this is all they have, they will still drink it. So I am very grateful that I have a vast supply of fresh, clean water to drink and shower in. I feel this is something that many people have and take for granted, not understanding how lucky they are. I for one, have realise how lucky I am to have this simple need.
I am also grateful to have water to help water my garden, keeping it healthy, being able to water my veggie garden, helping produce to grow, which I can use in my meals to help with nutrition. If I didn't have water, my carrot, or broccoli, or tomatoes wouldn't be able to either grow strong or even grow at all.
After writing this blog, showing gratitude for water, I have looked back and realised I have taken my water supply and usage for granted and will begin keeping watch of how I use water and be more "water-wise" from now on. I am grateful for this luxury and to have clean water in my possession. I would one day like to see people in those poorer countries have water that is fresh and clean as the water which I have, and if I get the chance, I will go out there and help get it for them.
Saturday, 17 January 2015
January 17th - My backyard
I am grateful for my backyard. In any house I have lived in, I have always been excited to have a backyard, whether it was big or small. The reason for this is because I like to have friends and guest come to our house and when the weather is good, I like to have an area where I can do outdoor entertainment, and the backyard I have now is ideal. I could easily say that I wish I had more land and space, but that would be greedy and unnecessary, I am very grateful for the amount of land volume my backyard contains.
I like spending time outdoors and keeping busy, and when we moved into our house, the backyard looked nice, but I could see how I can make it better, and that I did. I spent some time pulling out weeds from around the garden beds which stretch along the fence line and a part of the back of the house. I planted some flowers and bush plants along the beds to give the backyard a bit of colour and placed tanbark mulch over the top to make the backyard look a bit more presentable. And to make it better, I got a raised vegetable plot for Christmas and got stuck right into it, planting herbs and vegetables (but I write about how grateful I am to have this another time). I hope I don't sound like I'm ungrateful for the backyard that I had, where I needed to improve it, but this gave me the opportunity to work on something productive, and I'm grateful to have a "canvas" backyard to work with.
I am grateful to have a backyard as I find it a place to relaxation, to get fresh air and unwind if need be. I do a lot of pondering and gather ideas either about life or for stories and skits which I can produce. I even find it refreshing taking a book outside with a cup of coffee or Milo (or berocca as I usually do). Or if you are a 'wierdo' like me, I sometimes sit outside and listen to the traffic that goes by, or the sounds of nature, with the birds singing in the distance. I find a sense of relaxation in my backyard, and I find exclusively secluded from the "outside" world on the other side of the fences.
These are some of the reasons why I am grateful to have a backyard. It's not something I necessarily need, but I am grateful to have one and make it my own little natural sanctuary.
Friday, 16 January 2015
January 16th - My House and home
I am grateful to have a house and a home. I put these two together as I am grateful firstly to live in a building that provides comfort, shelter from the weather and personal security. Secondly, it is also a home, a place of welcoming love, peace, harmony and happiness. I am very grateful to have both of these in my life.
I have heard of many people say that they want many possessions in their house that will fill them with happiness, like a 60" television, a state of the art kitchen, automatic gardening sprinklers, in-door pool etc. These are all very nice things and yes I admit to having dreams of purchasing some of these features in my dream house, but the truth is, it wouldn't make me as happy as I am now. I have also seen the homeless struggle out in the streets, creating a temporary roof above their head to cover themselves from the weather, and they may probably love to have a room with just four walls and a secure roof to live in. I know I would be grateful for that if I was in their shoes, And as I sit here, I look around my room, with memorable pictures on the walls and comfortable furniture around me, and I realise there are more rooms outside of this one too. And for this I am grateful, extremely grateful for this comfort.
I find so much comfort in my house and it is more the fact that I find peacefulness than anything else. For many years I have wanted to have some sort of mental stability of living and found it hard to do so while abiding by the rules of my parents in their house, more so at an older age. Don't get me wrong, it isn't anything they have done against me but knowing I have that little extra freedom to live my life, along with my wife, (hehehe that rhymes) and work towards our goals and dreams in our life together, without disturbing anyone else's plans.
I know I haven't written much in this blog, or I may have written too much in my other blogs, but I am grateful to have a roof above my head, to live comfortably and having peace and happiness live inside my house. I feel so lucky to have all that I have with me.
Thursday, 15 January 2015
January 15th - My Acting Talent
January 15th
I am grateful for the many talents I have, but I am grateful for one in particular today, and that is my acting / performing talent. I am grateful for the people around me that helped me nurtured this talent, helped me realise that there was something there from the beginning, paying close attention to it, encouraged it and helping me refine my skills in acting, especially as a specific character in a production or in developing a character.
I am grateful to my high school drama teacher who was the first to encouraged me to work hard in acting and that I was exceptional in my acting and creative writing skills for plays and scenes. This is what got me started in developing interest in acting and performing.
After high school I discovered a love for writing charecter profiles, having a project hobby of writing some full length movie scripts as well based on life stories, which no one knew about until NOW!! I am personally grateful for this talent as it helped me vent out problem and living situation during that time and of things in the past, keeping me in a way happy with life at that time and where i was emotionally.
I am grateful to my past friends and acquaintances for starting me off with developing and pursuing the amount of acting I have done thus far. I was referred to join a musical by my friends and had acted in that company for several years, playing different roles in the principal cast. I was noticed by a someone in the audience who referred me to another production company. I started off as a minor cast member in this new company, and in the final years of being in that theatre group , I rose to play as the main charecter in a production. It was such an honour. I am absolutely grateful for that role. Anyway, a member of the cast who I became friends with said I would do well in the talent agency he is apart of which manages background television extras role and part roles in television commercials. I pursued this further and have landed many roles in different commercials, being recognised by different filming companies when going on different sets.
The long and short of this is, I am grateful to have the talent of acting and performing as it has made life so much more interesting and memorable, allowing me to meet new friends and people from all walks of life. I am also grateful that I am able to perform for people to create happiness in their lives and send out messages of hope, love and peace in my performances and self developed skits. I am grateful for learning the skills I have learn and getting over my fear of public speaking.
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
January 14th - My Food
I am grateful to have food. I will say, I am not a Master chef, I'm far from it. The most technical thing I probably cook on my own is either chicken parmigiana or nachos. I would love to cook, in fact, I may take up the challenge this year of learning how to make different cuisines on my own.
For half my life though, I had a dislike for a lot of food. I either thought it looked disgusting, found it had a weird smell, had a memory of a texture of certain food to be off putting or I just didn't like the taste. During my younger days, around the time I was beginning kindergarten, right through until half way through high school, I was very hesitant to not try new foods. And I can easily say my body had malnutrition, it was clearly visible and my strength was below average. I remember eating junk food at any chance I got because that was the taste I enjoyed the most, but I only ate from fast food chain restaurants like McDonald's, Hungry Jacks and KFC. If I wasn't eating this type of food, I would be eating rice, beef or chicken curry and daal (a.k.a lentils). That was my normal meal for dinner. I should have been grateful back then to even have that for dinner but I remember finding it bland, repetitive and just not enjoyable. I thought Sri Lankan food was either this bland or outrageously spicy. I specifically remember thinking that Sri Lankan food had the same taste to biting into a raw cardamom seed. It was only a few years ago that I realised that it was cardamom seeds which I dislike and have steered away from them, but thankfully I have found a liking to Sri Lankan food, and in extension to that, I have found a liking to many many different types of food.
Now that I am not as afraid of food, I have found a great gratitude for it. I am learning the nutritional value in different food and cuisines to help my mind and body work to its very best daily, and discovering which foods aren't either good for me or as the Cookie Monster says "a sometimes food". I am even now grateful that I have any and many types of food in my possession, to eat when ever I wish or whenever I am hungry. I see food as a source for daily survival, and I remember being told to think of the starving children in third world countries who don't have food. As a younger child being made to feel guilty for not eating a meal, I never took it seriously. But if that statement doesn't make you think, how about you think about the people in your own town who are homeless and search for a few bits of food to help them last through the night. Food can be as valuable as gold to them. I have seen these people and have given them something to eat, and I have seen the gratitude in their eyes and they thank me. This indeed does play in my mind often and re-ignites the flames of gratitude for having food right there in front of me, or in my pantry, in my fridge, or in my freezer. And I try not to abuse food, or waste food as it is something I am glad and grateful to have.
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
January 13th - My Music
I am grateful to have music in my life. I confess to not being a good singer, heck. I'm probably not a great dancer either, compared to the styles that most people have these days. But I don't feel that matters much for me. Music is like a mood setter for me more than anything and helps get me though the day.
Music is like a medicine. For example, it helps wake me up in the morning, like coffee. If I'm feeling sluggish or unmotivated in the morning or any time really, I'll play some upbeat music to help wake me up and feel more energised. I especially need this in my car on the way to work, my concentration levels increase while I'm driving and I find I'm more alert by the time I get to work. Even on my way back home from work, I'll rely on music to help de-stress and relax me after a tough or challenging day, sometimes using it as a reward for getting though the day. If I'm in a bad mood, feeling frustrated or tense, I find if I take a few minutes away from what ever is getting to me, I will play some songs off my iPod to help calm me down and help me think straight again, so I can go back into a task with a fresh mind and become either more understanding of a situation or refocussed. So the long and short of it is, music helps me neutralise my mood to be positive, energetic and focussed.
In high school, I learnt a bit about how music effects people. It has the ability to set an emotion in someone once listen to. Understanding this, I use this technique to organise music for dinner dances and parties, and while I'm creating a short films or videos. For example, If I need to set the mood for a sad scene, I will use slow calm music with string instruments, violins mostly; or fast drumming for action scenes. I am grateful to have this knowledge of music to help me with my hobbies and projects.
Many songs bring back memories of the past, mostly good memories, like times I used to go to the beach with my family and we played the usual cassette tape of songs on the way there, or songs that played during my high school times, remembering the childish things we did, not to mention the hairstyles and clothes.....seriously what was I thinking!!!! And some songs that my mum and I chose to play for my grandpa's funeral brings back memories of that time and of his life. Even while it's a sad situation, I find comfort in remembering the good moments of my grandpa's life.
These are some of the reasons why I am grateful to have music in my life, to recall back good memories of the past, to tune out for the moment to get myself back together and for the general enjoyment or a party, to set an atmosphere for myself and for others around me. I really can't think of a substitute for music and am so grateful to have it all around me.
So I say, thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing, thanks for all the joy they're bringing......I apologise but this song was stuck in my head the whole time.
Monday, 12 January 2015
January 12th - My Car
I am grateful for my car. I have gone through two cars in my life, the one I have now and the one I had for the last 11 years. They have both served me well and I am grateful to have a car, as I believe many people don't understand how privileged they are to have one and abuse the use of owning one. I can honestly say I rely on my car to do nearly everything in my life with ease. Even though there are luxury extras in each car, such as ipod connectivity, bluetooth, handsfree phone connectivity, digital radio, internet radio etc, I am just grateful it allows me to get from A to B in a much quicker time that riding your bike or walking. It may sound stupid and simple saying that but its an absolutely truthful statement. I feel many people forget that and misuse the use of their car.
Late last year I had my car written off as someone had been hooning up our road at 2 o'clock in the morning and rammed into the front of my car. They continued driving off, screeching their tyres, too chicken to face what damage they caused. As my old car was...well old, the amount of damage cost more than what my car was worth and had to be written off. I had treasured that car and would constantly use it to go nearly everywhere, and it served me well and I'm absolutely grateful for the amount of driving it did without any trouble. There were many memories in that car, and many of my friends remember going in that car to go to parties, long drives to where ever, going interstate with that car and many interesting places. I do miss that car and will admit crying so deeply. as if someone close to me had passed away, the time it was towed away and I never saw it again. I am grateful for all I put that car through as well and grateful for the good 11 years it had helped me.
Now, I am grateful for my new car. Without it, I would firstly struggle to get to work, or be able to go anywhere with ease. It had taken me a while to get used to but it seems to be a very reliable and safe car. All the little extras have helped me ease into liking the car I must say but I am grateful to be back on my feet and go through life that little bit easier. However, I know I will not take the car for granted and take care of it as best as I can. This may be a smaller blog than the others but it doesn't mean I am less grateful for it that other things I have written about.
Sunday, 11 January 2015
January 11th - My In-laws
I am grateful for my In-laws. This is to say, I am grateful for my father and mother in law, my wife's sister and brother, their husband and girlfriend, and my nieces and nephew. The first moments I met them, they made me feel welcomed into their family. Meeting them for the first time was a nervous time but I remember it to be easy going and friendly. Nothing has changed. And I thank them for not being scary :)

Saturday, 10 January 2015
January 10th - My Friends
I am grateful for the friends that I have now and in the past. Without my friends, I wouldn't have been able to get through many things in my life without them. I am grateful for the advice, help, motivation and support they have given me throughout my life, whether it was at a younger age or more recently.
I am grateful for the friendships during my childhood. Having these friends around me eliminated loneliness. It may sounds like I'm being dramatic but if you stop and think of your childhood without friends, you may not be as successful in your life now. You would have unknowingly have learnt how to work co-operatively in a team, develop trust in people, and be more psychologically sound, seeing the world in a brighter, positive way, and not afraid of people and developing personally. Yes, there were many 'friendships' which were short lived and not healthy, but they helped me understand that I cannot get along with everyone and become understanding of the other, and that neither person, in kids words, is a loser.
I am grateful for the friendships I have now. I find I am still learning about which friendships are healthy, wholesome and positive; the friendships I should keep at arms length; the friendships which are just there for laughs; and the friendships which are abusive and negative. I will concentrate on the friendships that are wholesome, as well as the ones there for laughs, as I find these are the two more important friendships on the list. The reason I am grateful for the 'laughing' friendships is because they help release tension and frustration at time where I haven't had a good day, week or month. These friendships are followed closely to the 'wholesome' friendships, as these friends give me advice and support, letting me know that they are there for me, not just in words, but more by their actions. I am grateful for these friendships.
I am extremely grateful for the wholesome friendships. These friendships are the ones who want to bring out the best in me. These friends are absolutely truthful. If it is the harsh truth, it is said with good intentions. It is said for my own good and with good reason, it's not said to bring me down at all, or tell me I'm wrong or stupid, but to help me see a more greater way of seeing the world and myself. I am grateful for the friendships that can respect my point of view on different topics, and I will do the same, as I believe friendships are a two way street.
I am grateful to all my friends. Thank you for everything you are to me, you have helped me grow to be a stronger, wiser person. Thank you for all the physical help, whether it would be helping me organising an event, moving a house, lending items to make life easier or helping me with my fitness. Thank you for all the mental / psycological help, whether it may be talking one on one with me about problems, helping me with questions about life that I was unsure about, picking me up when I was down or giving me books on spiritual enlightenment or organising life in my mind. Without you all I know I wouldn't be living life as positive, enlightened, fulfilling, joyful and as blessed as I do now. You guys are awesome! Love you all :)
Friday, 9 January 2015
January 9th - My Job

Thursday, 8 January 2015
January 8th - My grandparents

Wednesday, 7 January 2015
January 7th - My Siblings

In my high school years, I felt they were harsh with the advice they gave me. They gave me more specific house duties to do like dusting and vacuuming; and made sure I did it properly, otherwise I had to do it all again. I remember at the time thinking they needed to calm down but I do see now that it was a great lesson. There were many times they stood up for me, especially when it came to peer pressure situations, where they would either tell whoever it was to 'get out of our faces' or 'tell them to they aren't welcome in our house if they continue being an ass' (or something along those lines). If not that they would give me either a nudge, a certain look or a quiet word afterwards telling me to back away from the situation. They continued encouraging my talents, especially in drama and acting, by brainstorming ideas of stories and characters with me, or introduce me to someone who can further my talents. They also spent time helping me with school work, sometime doing near all nighters.
When I was out of high school and in my 20's, they really helped me more with understanding problems in the real world. I found they were really understanding and knowledgeable of what life is like outside of school at that present time. They didn't sugar coat things and told me where I needed to be careful, especially in regards to keeping my head above water with my finances and how to be effective in the workforce, even helping get a job at one stage. They were also there to give me advice when I was unsure of something, especially during times when I was emotionally hurt by someone or about family history and why certain situation happened the way they did and even relationship advice, spotting out a girl that wouldn't be good for me.
These things have helped me clear my mind about many past situations, my present life and how to deal with people. I feel I have become a stronger, caring, honest person with a fierce determination for wholesomeness and righteousness, loyal to worthwhile family and friends, ignoring negativity and those who seek to bring me down and here to live life to its fullest in my way!
I am extending this gratitude not only to my two wonderful sisters, but also to my parents, for all the love, support and guidance they have given me in the past as well as today, I have taken all that positivity with me into my married life and hope to be a great husband and father (when the time comes) to my family. Thank you :) much love to you all.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
January 6th - My dad
I am grateful for my dad. I will start off with my honest opinion, I don't think there has been a great father / son relationship between myself and my dad, he may think so but I feel differently.
Monday, 5 January 2015
January 5th - My Mum
I am grateful for my Mum. It is easy for me to say so many things like, she has been there for me, I can't think of a better person to be my mum or you are the first woman to ever love me. All these things are true of course but I feel my mum had given her blood sweat and tears for me. This I am forever grateful for.

My mum has demonstrated constantly that she is a selfless person, always doing things for others before herself, if she ever does give herself a chance to do something for herself. She is always working hard to the bone, even to this day. She has shown to me to be kind and gently, to respect my elders and to stand up for myself, my rights and beliefs. Or in her words "don't take their crap!". I look up to that.
I can easily say I'm not the best son, and maybe so not even to her (and for this I am so sorry) but I will do what ever it takes to try and make her proud of me, because I am damn well proud that she is my mum.
This is why I am grateful to have the mum that I have. Thank you mum for all that you have done for me, V and P, and in extension to my wife, B. Love you Mum :)
Sunday, 4 January 2015
January 4th - My Religion
I am grateful for my religion which is of the Catholic faith. I have learn so much from my religion and live my life trying to be the best I can be personally from the lessons I have learnt from either the bible, from the Gospel reading which are read in Church and the Homily, which is the sermon given by the Priest during mass at church.
I have been criticised by many people in the past when they realised I am Catholic. I sometimes got asked 'are you a bible basher?' or told 'you believe in a fairytale'. I understand that the whole 'bible bashing' thing is said jokingly sometimes, but at the same time I felt that people had a biased opinion of who I personally am. There are a minority of people who do base all their conversations on their Catholic view and even quote bible references (sometimes incorrectly) when possible. I, myself, am not like that at all. Even people thinking that I believe in a fairytale. They may think its a fairytale, but for me, there are lessons in this 'fairytale' that speak something joyous to me and make me a better person, and makes me feel good about life. Ok, defensive rant over!
I will selfishly say that my religion is for me, for my personal gain in life. It just happens to be that many others follow the religion too and are learning it for themselves too. I used my religion to make sense of the world around me, understand how to treat people with respect and dignity and help those who are down to pick themselves up. I don't necessarily have to preach the bible to you to help you, but the examples I have learnt from the bible and the Priest at church on Sundays, give me modern ideas on how to help people, give them useful and uplifting advice, to give people hope who are feeling hopeless; making sure not to give them false hope because that would just be pointless for both myself and the other person.
I have read and understood the good that Jesus did, those 2000 or whatever years ago, and look up to it and would like to imitate those examples to friends and even strangers. Just like how a amateur soccer player looks up to a soccer star and tries to develop the skills and techniques which that star player has through constant practice and training, and then brings those skills into a game.
I will honestly say, I have learnt how the Catholic faith can positively effect my life only recently. I had been absolutely confused and down right fearfully scared of God, Jesus and the faith, from so many teachings and lessons that have come from either priests or fellow Catholics. This is because in the past, things were either not explained to me properly or were used as a tactic to be a good and obedient boy to a grown up. I have understood this now and understanding the faith anew. I have also found a sense of community at a Parish which I have recently been attending frequently, and feel welcomed, as the Catholic religion has taught me.
Even thought my religion was a bit rocky and unclear for the last 25 years of so, I am grateful for the parts that were clear and made sense to me, either back then or now, and glad that I have this religion to follow.
Amen :)
Saturday, 3 January 2015
January 3rd - My Wife

I will always consider her a saving angel or a heard prayer as she had come into my life at the most perfect time. I needed someone special around me at the time my grandfather was passing away. She was there to keep me going and was there to help my family out. She kinda worked behind the scenes, not wanting the attention for the strength she had given me.

There are many things that she does that I am absolutely grateful for. She has this honesty that I so very much need. Most of the time it sounds like she is being harsh but I have learnt that it was not exactly something I wanted to hear but it was something that I needed to be hear, and within a small amount of time, I would understand that what she meant would be beneficial to both of us, but even more so, make it understandable for myself.

I admire how passionately she stands up for not only myself, her friends and family, but more so for the right and good for people and animals. If she sees or hears something wrong, she will make sure that the situation has been justified or satisfactorily safe and harmonious for everyone. She doesn't dish out punishments if that what you have understood, but more so, for those around her to understand what is correct and decent.

Friday, 2 January 2015
January 2nd - Last year
I am grateful for all the events that occurred last year. Obviously I am grateful for the many high and cheerful events that occurred but more so I am grateful for the lows.

However there have been many lows, and the reason I highlight saying that I am grateful for the lows is because I believe there is always something to be learnt from it, either for an event in the future or within yourself. If there isn't a lesson is not learnt for what ever reason, I believe that you will physically gain something instead, you just have to be patient. I have also learnt that you have to open your eyes and see what you have around you already other than what you haven't got or have lost.

It is an ongoing learning process, I think, in getting your head around thinking of the positives in the negatives, but best way to start is now. I mean, why not?
So, I am grateful for the lessons and personal growth I have today from the events that occurred last year. I may not have written it already, but it has changed how I see myself and the world around me. It's like a paradigm shift. Things don't seem as confusing, I see a lot of sense in things now, a lot more understanding. A lot more freedom and happiness. Tell you what, it feel great!
P.S I learnt how to put pics up hehehe
Thursday, 1 January 2015
January 1st - The New Year.
I am grateful for the new year. I am grateful to be given the chance to start fresh, to have the opportunity to take up new challenges as well as re visit old challenges from the past. I am grateful to feel a sense of renewing energy, feeling like what ever negativity or "blah-ness" that has happened in the past is 'so yesterday', 'so 2014' and doesn't exist in my now and doesn't need to effect me as I start 2015. I am so glad to feel joyful, refreshed and energised. I am going to keep this momentum going for as long as I can. No trying to keep the momentum going, only just doing it. Positive thinking!
I have taken up the challenge to express my gratitude to many things in my life.....and I will be doing this 365 times. I believe this will lead me towards a more positive approach to life, and learn how to see the brighter side to situations which may be dark, unfortunate or challenging to me in which ever way, shape of form it may appear.
As much as this is for personal gain and growth for myself, I hope that you, the reader, and shall I say friend, will gain some sort of positive empowerment or re-enforcement that you need in life. I am hoping this will help you as much as it helps myself become a happier and more positive person in life. If you do need to chat or are unsure of anything I have written, or about something in life you are unsure or, please comment or get in contact with me and lets work it out together.
I will admit, I may not be the smartest person, but I am willing to learn and understand as much as I can. I will also make this as entertaining as possible, make it as fun as I can because, hey, how boring would it be if I just droned on and on. Once I learn how to attach pictures and videos, I will be attaching them to these blogs.
So for the time being, I have nothing else to add except HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Wishing you all the very best for 2015 and lets make this year an awesome year.
Take care all, see you tomorrow. :)