January 8th

I am grateful for my grandparents. I will particularly talk more about my mum's parents as I never got to meet my dad's mum, and my dad's father passed away when I was 8 years old. However, he was a good inspiration to look up to as he pretty much help look after his 11 children after my Nana (dad's mum) passed away a year or so after her youngest child was born. I am grateful that I got to meet him, and from my memories of him, he seems to be a gentle person, very watchful, respectable and careful.

I am grateful for my Nana, who is still alive to this present day. I am grateful for her looking after me when I was younger. She would let me stay at her house after I finished school or when I was sick, until either one of my parents came to pick me up after work. She would make sure I would eat properly, make sure I did my homework if I had any, sometimes sitting with me to lend assistance when I was having trouble understanding. She played word games with me to help with my vocabulary, I remember playing scrabble and word up especially. When I was a bit older, she would encourage me and acknowledge any achievements during high school and throughout the times I participated in theatre productions. She still to this day advices me to be safe, telling me she prays for me everyday, that I will continue to be successful and safe. She still gives me food every time I see her. She also knows when something isn't right and won't allow me to leave her until she is satisfied that I am happy.

I am grateful for my dear papa, may he rest in peace. The saddest moments of my life so far was the time I got the news that he had passed away, physically seeing him for the final time as they closed the coffin, and the time he was lowered into his grave. Remembering these moments has brought me to tears and still very much missing him. Why? He was my greatest living example of a human being. He was loving, always giving and not much for receiving but grateful for what he got, so gentle, liked keeping busy, would go out of his way to help you, hard working, incredibly faithful to his wife and family, devoted to his religion and just filled with happiness and peace. Even through his last years with us, dementia got the better of him and but that didn't change his personality, only his memory. Yet every now and then I would reminisce with him about the old days or that certain memory he had in time, and he would still want the best for people and hoping they were doing well. I would even catch him out talking about me when I was younger and hope that I was do well in my studies and to get a good job. And I'm hoping he is happy with the job I have right now. I am grateful for Pa coming to my kindergarten to walk me home safely. I am grateful for him teaching me all he knew about soccer and kicking the ball with me. I am more-so grateful for natural examples of how to be a loving husband; and how to be a proper gentleman.

I am grateful for all the love, support, guidance, care and prayers both my grandparents have given me, it has not been forgotten. I love you both so much and hope to make you both proud in all that I do.
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