January 2nd
I am grateful for all the events that occurred last year. Obviously I am grateful for the many high and cheerful events that occurred but more so I am grateful for the lows.

I am grateful for the good parts of 2014. Some of these events were the birth of my niece, adopting two more bird babies into my family, purchasing a new phone, meeting absolutely awesome residents throughout my work this year, reading two inspiration and life educating books and celebrating my 30th birthday with many friends and family. And these are just to name a few, there are plenty more but I would be ranting on for far too long. These highs have given me pleasure, entertainment and made the year ever more pleasant. As they say "time flies when you're having fun" and how that year had flown by.
However there have been many lows, and the reason I highlight saying that I am grateful for the lows is because I believe there is always something to be learnt from it, either for an event in the future or within yourself. If there isn't a lesson is not learnt for what ever reason, I believe that you will physically gain something instead, you just have to be patient. I have also learnt that you have to open your eyes and see what you have around you already other than what you haven't got or have lost.

Some examples of lows last year are the write off of my car, seeing many of my work colleagues lose their jobs though redundancies and many deaths of residents at my work place. If I didn't learn to open my eyes and see that I have gained something better, selfishly for myself (in a way), I would not have noticed the new car which I purchased, I still would have been pining over the old car and not wanted a new car (will post a gratitude blog in the near future). Or I would have made myself sad or angry that I am not working with my colleagues again, instead I am grateful to have my job still. And with the passing of the residents I care for, I have learnt how close death is to all of us and to give that extra bit of care to everyone around you, you never know when we will see each other again.
It is an ongoing learning process, I think, in getting your head around thinking of the positives in the negatives, but best way to start is now. I mean, why not?
So, I am grateful for the lessons and personal growth I have today from the events that occurred last year. I may not have written it already, but it has changed how I see myself and the world around me. It's like a paradigm shift. Things don't seem as confusing, I see a lot of sense in things now, a lot more understanding. A lot more freedom and happiness. Tell you what, it feel great!
P.S I learnt how to put pics up hehehe
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