Friday, 14 August 2015

August 12th - Fruit

August 12th
I am grateful for fruit. I am grateful and privileged to have fruit to eat with easy access to as there would be many people who struggle to get this bit of food for survival.

I am grateful that it is a healthy option to snack on, rather than selecting a salty snack, full of sugar and therefore throwing my mood and body around, giving me a quick high, and a spedy low. I am grateful fruit does not do this for me and keeps my mood and mental state stable, as well as allowing me to think more clearer and perform better in what ever task I am doing.

I am grateful that this bit of food has helped me dramatically with my weight loss and helping me keep fit and healthy. I have understood that many fruits have low calories but gives me energy to last me a long time without feeling hungry sooner that having high calorie foods.

I am grateful that I am able to grow fruits on my own and provide them for other people, especially the disadvantaged people who may not be able to afford it.

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