I am grateful for my achievement board. This is something I created at the start of the year. This is a simple creation of a large cork board, post-it notes and pins, which helps me recognise and remind me of the things that I have achieved throughout the year, as well as allowing me to think of things I would like to achieve. It is hung on the door to my spare room (mancave), where I can view it everyday.
I am grateful that it motivates me to be more active and achieve new things, to get back into old but good habits and to step outside my comfort zone if necessary. I am grateful that this helps me get back on my feet after a failure while trying something or to get me out of a bad or lazy mood, reminding me to try again.
I am grateful that it gives me confidence and helps me boost my self esteem at times when I am not really myself. It reminds me that I can do things that I thought was out of reach or near impossible for me. It also tells me who I am and what I do, sort of creating a theme to what is important to me in my life. This board has helped me understand many things, and in some way, helping me catch up on the things which I felt I couldn't (or more so, didn't want to) accomplish or fulfil in the past.

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