Sunday, 31 May 2015

May 31st - Sports

May 31st
I am grateful for sports. This can be any sport in general, but for my it would be team sports, in particular soccer, hockey, and cricket, which are sports I have played in the past.

I am grateful that these and other sports have allowed me to make new friends, learn and develop skills on the field, and off the field, teaching me how to work together in a team, with concentration and with strengthening my body, and keeping me fit.

I am grateful that I am able to continuously learn how to play in a sport, even if I am near or in the professional or A grade team but enhancing the skills that I have, and provide help to others by understanding how they lack in a certain skill and developing them, working together, and not just as an individual.

I am grateful that skills learnt in a sport, especially at a younger age, can enhance the way I work in the real world, in my family, with my friends and in the work force, teaching me how to work together as well as enhancing yourself as a person. To know how to be selfish in some ways, but not push down others around you and to work together in life.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

May 30th - Hair trimmer / Razors

May 30th
I am grateful for my hair trimmers and razors. I am grateful that these instruments help keep my hair, or what ever is left of my hair, as well as my facial hair, neat, tidy and trim.

I am grateful that I am able to easily trim my hair at any desired length and that I am able to have a different design or fashion of cut hair, sometimes depending on an occasion.

I am grateful that I am able to do this myself without needing to go to a hair dressers, and that it is quick and easy to do. I am grateful that it is portable and that I can take it anywhere if necessary without it taking up much space.

Friday, 29 May 2015

May 29th - Heaven

May 29th
I am grateful for my belief in Heaven. As someone who has faith in a religion, I believe that there is a Heaven, a place of eternal rest after death. Some may not believe that there is a Heaven or that you go somewhere after you die, and if that eases their mind and they are happy with that, I guess that is fine. But for me I am grateful of Heaven being my final resting place.

I am grateful for this as I believe that this is where I meet my creator. I believe that there is a place where I do not suffer from illnesses or hurt which my body feels.

I am grateful that this eases my mind that I shall see those who I have lived with on Earth again and be in a joyful and happy state. Even if it is true or not, if people want to argue the point, I am grateful that I have been taught that there is a heaven after death and I can continue living my life, as a human being, not worrying about what will happen when I die, whenever and however that will be.

May have different views on what heaven is like, they may be wrong, or I could be wrong, but I believe that this is a direction my soul will lead towards after death and look forward to seeing what heaven is really like.

I am grateful that I can imagine what is could look like, create my own concept of Heaven now, and be happy and look forward to what it could possibly be. And from what I have been taught, it is far greater than what the imagination holds.

Thursday, 28 May 2015

May 28th - The elderly

May 28th
I am grateful for the elderly. I work with them everyday and I am grateful for the lessons they teach me, purposely and by example.

I am grateful that they teach me about their history and lessons from their past, helping me understand their hardships in life and how they overcame it, sometimes with battle scars but mostly with great memories which made them who they are and the reasons why they are a certain way or why they say certain things.

I am grateful that they teach me patience, kindness and how to be grateful for what I have now. They constantly teach me not to be greedy and want more than I can handle and why it isn't good. Their knowledge is great.

They have taught me that we all make mistakes but life goes on and you do forgive those mistakes and learn to rise about it and become a better person, sometimes soon and sometimes later. Even later than they would have liked but they are grateful that they had.

I am grateful that this relieves me, and allows me to not stress or worry about what will happen in the past, or what has happened in the future, but to live everyday as if it is its last, and to live it to the best they can before its too late.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

May 27th - My nephews and nieces

May 27th
I am grateful for my nephews and nieces. I ma grateful that they brings a smile to my face and bring joy and happiness to my life.

I am grateful that they keep me young and youthful, for their cheekiness and for the things they say which helps me remember that life can be so simple and fun.

I am grateful that they teach me not to stress or worry and to laugh and be happy. And to forgive. In some ways I am growing as they are mentally and emotionally. Maybe not in the same maturity but may be, in some way, I could be.

I am grateful to have them all in my life and thankful that they are there helping me without even knowing it.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

May 26th - Greeting Cards

May 26th
I am grateful for greeting cards. This is a great way to wish those who are near and far for what ever occasion - birthdays, weddings, anniversaries. It is also great for special occasions such as Mother's day, Father's day and Christmas.

I am grateful that I am able to send a greeting card for the above occasions and others which I haven't stated, to my friends and family, letting them know that we are thinking of them and hoping that they have a great....occasion or celebration.

I am grateful that I am also able to send my wife a thank you or love you card at random times to make her feel appreciated for all that she is and does for me. And I am grateful that I am able to send thank you and get well soon cards to those I know that I may not be able to see.

I am grateful that this can put a smile on my family and friends' faces and know I feel appreciated and thought of when I receive a card for which ever celebration occurs in my life.

Monday, 25 May 2015

May 25th - Psalms in the Bible

May 25th
I am grateful for psalms that are in the Bible. This chapter in the bible speaks to me the most out of all the other chapters in the bible (not saying that the other chapters don't speak deeply to me too).

I am grateful that the messages of hope and love written in these psalms can de-stress me, help me relax, and relate to a certain part of my life which heals me and helps me understand the hurt that has occurred or is occurring in my life will not bring me down, but strengthen me and give me better understanding on how to view the situation in a more uplifting and joyful way.

I am grateful for the hope it has given me. I am particularly talking about death of a friend and relative, that their soul will be taken care of and be given peace, and that our souls should be at peace knowing this. And when our time comes, we shall get that same peace too.

I am grateful that it gives me strength at time which challenge me. It tells me that no matter the quantity or force of an attack, whether physically, personally or morally, you have it in you to overcome it, learn from it and not be discouraged or cause destruction in your life. I am grateful that this has helped me believe that I am a strong individual and if I believe, I can overcome ever obstacle with a smile on my face.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

May 24th - Cousins

May 24th
I am grateful for my cousins. I have many cousins who I regrettably don't see as often as I should and would love to catch up with them more often, and actually know who they really are, to know their personality other than by just their name and face, and how they fit in family wise.

I am grateful that my cousins were my first friends before I even had friends. They are the ones whom I remember playing sports with, children's games, play video games with, and go to their birthday parties. They are the first 'outsiders' who made me feel welcomed to different places and introduced me to other people they knew.

I am grateful for all my cousins now for the support and love they have given me, been there for me when things weren't going my way and grew up with me, even under the same roof as mine. Even some cousins I would call brothers and sisters to me. I am grateful that these 'first friends' of mine have never given up on me and are still there for me.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

May 23rd - Hotels and motels

May 23rd
I am grateful for hotels and motels all over the world. I am grateful that I am able to select a safe place to sleep, relax and stay when I am away from home, either interstate or overseas.

I am grateful that I am able to book accommodation at places that I am foreign to or where I don't have relatives houses to stay with.

I am grateful that staff are welcoming to you when you arrive, introducing you to the area and informing you of places of interest if you are unsure.

I am grateful that hotels and motels give you a feel of luxury, depending of how much you spend and which room you get. But I am grateful that the rooms are secure to leave luggage behind, so as unnecessary to take with you where ever you go.

Friday, 22 May 2015

May 22nd - Mountain areas and rainforests

May 22nd
I am grateful for the mountains and rainforests near my house. It may be a half an hour to 45 minute drive, but I am grateful that I am able to find peace and quiet in these areas.

I am grateful that I am able to get fresh air, see great views of the world and loose track of time with myself. I am grateful for the walking tracks that are provided where I can enter the belly of the rainforest and enjoy the sounds of nature - the birds, the flow of the river and the wind going through the trees.

I am grateful that I am able to have time to think and walk without being disturbed by the busy sounds of the city, or by phone calls. I am grateful to see the world in its peaceful and natural state, this give me extra energy and enthusiasm to take on the world when I leave it. This I am grateful for.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

May 21st - My pets

May 21st
I am grateful for my pets. I have three pet birds which I call my feather babies and love them to bits. I am grateful to have them as they teach me and provide practice to be calm, relaxed and loving.

I am grateful especially for my oldest feather baby as this one doesn't particularly like me and tried to bite me when I get close. But I am grateful that he is this way as it has taught me that I have to accept him for how he is and that I cannot force myself onto him liking me. An I have learnt how to care for him from a distance.

I am grateful for the other two feather babies as they show me love and attention, especially on days which haven't been my day or when I am in a bad mood. They know how to change my mood for the better.

I am so grateful to have them at home and grateful that they take care of me more than I do to them. I am grateful they provide me happiness and can put a smile on my face.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

May 20th - Mind Maps

May 20th
I am grateful for mind maps. I find mind maps are a great way to clear my mind at times when I feel unsure about something that has happened in life, if a circumstance has challenged me or upset me and I want to figure out why it is upsetting me, allowing me to get to the route of the problem and resolve it in my mind, and then be able to respond more effectively rather that giving an angry or unsure response.

Mind maps are an easy way to understand yourself, organise what's going on in your mind and re organise what is happening in the world around you personally. There are many other reasons for mind maps to be created. All you need to do is write down a topic in the middle of a page of paper and stem off what is upsetting bout that topic and stem off what triggers are effecting you to be upset about the topic. I am really hoping that made sense to everyone. If not here is an example.
I am grateful that I am able to do this to clear my mind, understand what is going on in my mind, and helps me be honest with myself. Ii am grateful that I can learn about myself and life. I am grateful that I have learn about many issues that had effected my present, resolved them in my mind, and forgiven them, helping me move forward in life that being stagnant and stationery.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

May 19th - My pay

May 19th
I am grateful for my pay or my earnings from working. I am grateful for the amount that I get while I know that many grumble and want more. We can all wish for more pay, that would be great. But from what I see, many aren't showing gratitude for the amount they get.

I am grateful for my pay as I can see for myself what I am worth, that my time is worth this much, that my efforts are worth this much. Some people can take it in the negative way, even reading those words in a negative way, but I mean in it the most positive way. This amount of money is what my company is giving me for the time I have given up to support and help them.

I am grateful that my earned pay helps me live and contribute to living, paying bills and enjoying life. Without working and getting paid, I would be vastly unhappy, possibly depressed, and would not own or be able to afford all that I have, and can extend that by saying I am able to live this long in this life.

Monday, 18 May 2015

May 18th - My soul

May 18th
I am grateful for my soul. Some people may not believe in having a soul, but I find that my soul is real and is contained somewhat within my physical body, being attached and unattached as the same time.

I am grateful that my soul works within me, talks to my mind and my body, helping me judge whats good and bad in life. I am grateful that it is driving my body similar to a human driving a car. I, my soul, is the driver of my physical body.  And that people can see my soul through my words and actions from my physical body. My body is a designed container of my soul.

I am grateful that I can see the attractiveness from someones soul rather than their body which is more fulfilling and more wholesome. For example, my wife. I see her soul as something very rich, very loving, very truthful, very trustworthy, very caring. And this compliments her physical form.

I am grateful that whenever I feel lost about myself or feel hurt by something someone has said, I can concrntrate on who I really am, my soul. And I can then understand how correct or incorrect they are, and at the same time, see their soul and real self.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

May 17th - Love

May 17th
I am grateful for love. I am grateful being loved by my wife and being in love with her. I am grateful for being loved by my family and friends.
I am grateful that I can see what love is, in its many different forms. This can be shown in many ways by many people. I find that the love that is shown by my wife is entirely different to the love that is shown by my friends, but has the same meaning, which is in one way, wanting the best for me and is willing to pick me up when I stumble on my journey, which is life. And being there to walk with me.
I am grateful for the many forms of love that I have been given, tough love, gentle and calm love, silent and listening love, 'walking away for the best' love, etc. They all show that they are helping me learn a life lesson and gives me knowledge and strength for the future. I am grateful that love is helping to keep to safe from harm and danger, protecting me from what is not good for me.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

May 16th - Sick leave

May 16th
I am grateful for having sick leave at work. This is especially helpful at times when I am in need of my usual pay from work, yet am unable to make it to work due to being sick.

I am grateful that this even exists as it is helpful for when I am sick and reduces the risk of others at work getting sick if it is contagious as well as helping me recover from being run down.

I am grateful that I am able to the sick leave as I am unwell right now and want to get better soon.

Friday, 15 May 2015

May 15th - Pinterest

May 15th
I am grateful for the mobile app 'Pinterest'. I am new to this but what I have found so far is that I can find and select photos and memes from other 'boards' that people have created and pin them to my own 'board'.

I am grateful that this app gives me the opportunity to create topics of interest, such as cooking recipes, motivational quotes and exercise programs and inspirations.

I am grateful and thankful that these 'boards' that I have created can help me with many aspects in my day to day live. If I need motivation and inspiration, whether in the kitchen, with exercise, or improving my thoughts and moods for the moment, I can easily get the motivation and inspiration from these memes and pictures and become positive or stronger from them to take on the day or tasks ahead.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

May 14th - Temptations

May 14th
I am grateful for temptations in my life. Most people think that temptations are a bad thing, only if you give into it and it is damaging to you.

But I am grateful that I have many temptations because it tests and challenges me to be in the moment, in the present time. If I'm in the present moment, I am aware of what's going on in front of me and in my mind, and I can easily say no to temptations and know that it is not good for me.

I am also grateful for temptations when I give into them, because I can then learn a lesson from it and learn to avoid it in the future. It helps me re-evaluate myself and help me understand what my weaknesses are and live life knowing what my limits are and how to either avoid it or become better from them.

These temptations could be anything that is created in my mind, anything I can physically create, anything I could eat, or anything I could say.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

May 13th - My Skin colour

May 13th
I am grateful for the colour of my skin. Honestly, I didn't feel comfortable with my skin colour for such a long time. In fact, during my schooling years and my early 20's.

I always thought I was the odd one out in Primary School, being one of the few dark skinned children, and sometime didn't fit in. And during High school, I would sometime unfairly be racially mocked, having other students assume I can't speak English properly, be the butt of racist jokes (which I laughed off) and stereotyped.

I still do get that sometimes, but now understand that these people are shallow and have no idea of my background and in fact my actual nationality. But in saying this, there are many many people who understand who I am by my personality, not from the colour of my skin or nationality. And it is quite funny seeing the reaction I get when these 'shallow' people hear me talk with an Aussie accent.

But I am grateful for the colour of my skin as it makes my life story more interesting to people. I am grateful that my skin colour, I believe, has personality to it and stands out. I am grateful that I covers up blemishes sometimes that I don't want anyone to see.

From an acting and performing point of view, I find that with my skin colour and accent, I can get picked up for more work and can stand out in a crowd if I want to, not saying that I am darker that a Caucasian person, but because of what I can offer with my skin colour, personality and talent combined, being able to stand in another category of choice for work.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

May 12th - Guidance

May 12th
I am grateful for the guidance I have received from many of my friends and family throughout my life. I would be absolutely lost without it and wouldn't have a clue where I would be without it, and quite honestly, don't want to think where I would be as I am happy being where I am right now!

I am grateful that so many friends and family have been brave enough to sit me down and tell me when I am going wrong and that certain decisions I have made may be the wrong ones and steered me in the right direction. I will admit at the time I do get angry and cranky with them, thinking 'what do they know', but after listening to them and even sometimes seeing what future would have revealed for me, I am so thankful and grateful that these people have the best intentions for me and want to see me live life so much happier and less damaging.

I am grateful that even some strangers who do not know me, have given me some guiding advice, which has made me think twice and be cautious when necessary, opening my eyes to what other damaging people were trying to do to me.

I am grateful for the guidance my family and friends have given me to help me with living on this earth, and in return will guide them when they seem to be going off track.

Monday, 11 May 2015

May 11th - The sense of smell

May 11th
I am grateful for the sense of smell. It was only today that I was in the other room and got the smell of my wife making popcorn and thought to myself, im not hungry or tempted to have any popcorn (surprisingly), but absolutely enjoyed the smell of freshly popped popcorn.

I am grateful that I am able to enjoy many smells that I come across daily. And sometime some which arent as plesant, especially when if you do the type of work I do at certain times. But in saying that, the sense of smell helps me with my work in judging when a resident needs assistance.

I am grateful, as I gave the example before, that I am able to smell all the different types of food that I eat, and this helps me enjoy the taste of the food as well.

I am grateful that I am able to smell different fragrances, whether it is the perfume my wife wears, the aftershave I wear or even the fragrances that come from the fragrance oil burner we have in our house to give the house a more pleasant, relaxing feeling.

I am grateful for the fresh smells of nature and the world outside, the smell of the fresh air in the morning, the smell of cut grass, even being able to get the sense of smell when it is close to raining.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

May 10th - The colour yellow

May 10th
I am grateful for the colour yellow. May may think that I like the colour yellow instead of being grateful for it, in one way, yes I do like the colour yellow but I am grateful for what the colour yellow does to me and how it makes me think and feel when I see it.

I am grateful that the colour yellow as it makes things seem brighter, brings attention to signs, words, clothes, any item really. I am grateful that it stands out, for example a flouro 'yellow' highlighter.

I am grateful that this colour makes things for me feel new, attractive and bright, for example, when the sun is dawning, the yellow bright sun brings in a new day and is refreshing seeing the sun come out. I am grateful that it makes me feel happy and joyful.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

May 9th - Challenges

May 9th
I am grateful for challenges that life throws at me or comes my way. This helps me to become a stronger person as well as helping me realise where I am at life. It teaches me what I am make of, what my limits are and if I can go over the limit.

I am grateful that I am able to learn from challenges, making me a better person and making me understand myself more. It sets my mind up to figure out how to take on other challenges when they come my way, for what ever they are, what ever genre it is.

I am grateful that challenges in life paves the path in my life, whether I can see it or not, I believe that the path with become clear to me sooner or later.

I am grateful that once I complete a challenge, or even during a challenge, Ii can begin to help others when they struggle with their personal or life challenges, giving them knowledge and tools to understand how they can become accomplished and happy.

Friday, 8 May 2015

May 8th - Google

May 8th
I am grateful for google. I am grateful that this search engine is able to help me learn things, help me with research, looking for the best option and other alternative options for what I am searching for.

I am grateful that it helps me discover website which makes research, and really, makes my life easier and more understandable. I am grateful for the information it leads me to when I need to learn and understand something.

I am grateful that it comes up with funny ways of showing me information on the home page from its logo, attracting me to learn about something I didn't know about.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

May 7th - Ice cream

May 7th
I am grateful for ice cream. I am grateful for this treat as a special reward for when I have accomplished something.

I am grateful that it is a simple pleasure to enjoy for any occasion actually. I am grateful for the different flavours of ice cream which I can enjoy. I am grateful that it makes me happy and cheers me up, even if it is temporary sometimes.

I am grateful that ice cream can make other treats such as smoothies, chocolate treats and other drinks, even mixing it with coffee.

I am grateful that I can easily get ice cream any where, at the milk bar, at the shops, in stall at shopping centres. I am grateful of how great it can compliment other foods and make life alot more enjoyable for myself as an adult as well as children.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

May 6th - Petrol

May 6th
I am grateful for petrol.

I am grateful that I am able to buy petrol to help my car function in good working condition to get me from point A to point B.

Many people complain about the price of petrol yet they need it to drive to work and all sorts of places. Without petrol they will have to find alternative forms of getting around.

I am grateful that there are many places to get petrol, and even though it inst as cheap as it used to be when I first got my car, I am grateful that it is still affordable to buy and helps my car perform at its best.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

May 5th - Soap

May 5th
I am grateful for soap. I am grateful for bars of soap and liquid soap.

I am grateful that I am able to use soap to clean and help wash by body during a shower. I am grateful that it is able to keep my body clean and healthy, killing germs and reducing the risk of disease, washing away dirt or sweat from a days work

I am grateful for liquid soap, mainly the liquid soap used for hand washing, especially during my time at work. This also kills germs or infection that may be sitting on my hands.

I am grateful that soaps keeps my skin clean and my body healthy, preventing it from picking up diseases and sicknesses, effecting my immunity from these illnesses as well as making me smell good.

Monday, 4 May 2015

May 4th - Poems

May 4th
I am grateful for poems. They are excellent forms of literature that deeply express feelings and meanings to life once understood.

I am grateful that many poems speak to me and motivate me in life at times when I feel like giving up, at times when I am unsure of something and a part of a poem clears my mind and helps me understand what is going on around me. I am grateful that it picks me up and makes me understand that these thoughts and feelings I have are not foreign or less normal.

I am grateful that poems make me see a different beauty to life, fellow humans and images. I am grateful that I feel a sense of happiness, peace and relief from reading poems either written by famous writers or by students.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

May 3rd - Compliments

May 3rd
I am grateful for compliments I get from family, friends, work colleagues, clients and strangers.

I am grateful that people notice something that I have done and complimented me on what ever it is, saying nice work and that it brings them pleasure.

It was just today that a person in church complimented me on the way I smiled and composed myself during church, being an example to him and his family and that I have a great persona which is welcoming and friendly.

This has brought me to think of many other compliments during my life which I have recieved. I have been complimented on my acting ability, my physical appearance, my efforts in weight loss, my daily work and job from work mates and residents.

I am absolutely grateful for this and put this example into practise for others.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

May 2nd - Dancing

May 2nd
I am grateful for dancing. Most of the time I dance when no one is at home or when no one is watching,  probably because I look like a total twat. Sometime I dance when Im out and have to make sure I have some sort of rhythm to my dance moves.

But I am grateful that dancing relieves tension, distracts me from bad moments in life and makes me have a good time, and allows me to have a laugh at myself.

I am grateful that dancing is a form of exercise in a way, where I can build up a sweat if I like and helps me stretchnout my muscles when they feel tense.

I am grateful that dancing is fun and helps me enjoy music even more.

Friday, 1 May 2015

May 1st - Hair

May 1st
I am grateful for my hair. Even though I am loosing it on the top of my head and having more grow on my chest....and have it in other places, I am grateful to have hair.

I am grateful that I am able to style the hair on my head depending on different occasions

I am grateful that hair is a natural way to keep my body warm, a if it is a coat like what animals have and become defensive to the cold, maintaining the temperature in my body

I am grateful that hair can be coloured whether it is temporary colours or for a permanent look for the body, sometimes even visually complimenting one's physical body or face, saying this in the nicest way.