Sunday, 17 May 2015

May 17th - Love

May 17th
I am grateful for love. I am grateful being loved by my wife and being in love with her. I am grateful for being loved by my family and friends.
I am grateful that I can see what love is, in its many different forms. This can be shown in many ways by many people. I find that the love that is shown by my wife is entirely different to the love that is shown by my friends, but has the same meaning, which is in one way, wanting the best for me and is willing to pick me up when I stumble on my journey, which is life. And being there to walk with me.
I am grateful for the many forms of love that I have been given, tough love, gentle and calm love, silent and listening love, 'walking away for the best' love, etc. They all show that they are helping me learn a life lesson and gives me knowledge and strength for the future. I am grateful that love is helping to keep to safe from harm and danger, protecting me from what is not good for me.

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