Friday, 29 May 2015

May 29th - Heaven

May 29th
I am grateful for my belief in Heaven. As someone who has faith in a religion, I believe that there is a Heaven, a place of eternal rest after death. Some may not believe that there is a Heaven or that you go somewhere after you die, and if that eases their mind and they are happy with that, I guess that is fine. But for me I am grateful of Heaven being my final resting place.

I am grateful for this as I believe that this is where I meet my creator. I believe that there is a place where I do not suffer from illnesses or hurt which my body feels.

I am grateful that this eases my mind that I shall see those who I have lived with on Earth again and be in a joyful and happy state. Even if it is true or not, if people want to argue the point, I am grateful that I have been taught that there is a heaven after death and I can continue living my life, as a human being, not worrying about what will happen when I die, whenever and however that will be.

May have different views on what heaven is like, they may be wrong, or I could be wrong, but I believe that this is a direction my soul will lead towards after death and look forward to seeing what heaven is really like.

I am grateful that I can imagine what is could look like, create my own concept of Heaven now, and be happy and look forward to what it could possibly be. And from what I have been taught, it is far greater than what the imagination holds.

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