Thursday, 30 July 2015

July 29th - My Wedding Ring

July 29th
I am grateful for my wedding ring. I am grateful for what it symbolises, what it reminds me everyday, and how it mentally keeps me going everyday.

I am grateful that it symbolises and represent my wife and I together as one; and the love and commitment I made to her on my wedding day, and that commitment was not for one day, but for everyday of my life.

I am grateful that it reminds me that I am loved and cared for, something I never thought I would have had in the past. I am grateful that when I am away from my wife, my wedding ring reminds me that nothing can take me down as I have the constant support of my wife.

My wedding ring mentally, and physically, gets me through the day. When I feel a bit nervous of a situation or unsure about something, i get to feel for my wedding ring on my finger and replay advice and calming encoueagement my wife would give me; as if she was right there at that time.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

July 28th - People with disabilities

July 28th
I am grateful to know people who have mental and physical disabilities. They naturally display a different way of thinking and doing things which I find inspirational.

I am grateful that they are able to teach me to be grateful for my ability to walk or move more freely or to think more clearly, but more so, the fact that they go through life, not grumbling or complaining so much, and understanding what their limits are and working to do the best they can.

Yes they can get frustrated, as everyone does, but they seem to find a 'plan b' to complete tasks and get through life successfully. I am grateful that they teach me patience, and that there is more than one way to do things and to think outside the box in certain situation.

July 27th - My Watch

July 27th
I am grateful for my watch. I am grateful that I am able to keep track of the time with the little device.

I am grateful that my watch is helpful for my work. This helps me keep track of the time, keeping in mind if I am running short of time, keeping track of the schedule occuring with activities, making sure everyone else is on time.

I am grateful that this can double as a jewellery accessory for important dinners or functions, helping me look suitable for the occassion.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

July 26th - Appreciation from others

July 26th
I am grateful for the appreciation I get from others around me. I am grateful that they tell me they are grateful for what I do for them, whether it is a large task or a simple task.

I am grateful that I am appreciated at work, for what I do and for all the help I give to others, it makes me feel unnoticed and that I was able to make a positive difference in that persons life, even if it is briefly.

I am grateful that my friends appreciate the advice that I give them, the moral support and physical assistance they need at certain times. I am grateful that they have noticed that I do care and will help them out when ever I can.

I am grateful that my wife appreciates all that I do. She tells me this every day and surprises me sometimes when I feel she hasn't noticed me do something for her, she will stop me, give me a hug and tell me she is thankful and appreciative of what I have done for that moment.

July 25th - Good deeds

July 25th
I am grateful for good deeds that are done for me and others by friends and strangers at time when they take notice that you need help without asking. I especially appreciate it when my work colleagues assist me when they see me struggling with work and lend a hand to help me get the work done or help me not injure myself.

I am grateful to those strangers who have helped me out at times I was stranded or suck in a situation that would take me a while to get out of. They have gone out of their way to lend a hand to someone they have never met before. For example, the time I go a flat tyre. A complete stranger helped me with changing it and assisting with anything I needed at the time without any reward. He didn't need to help me but he did take the time to stop and lend a hand which I am completely grateful for.

July 24th - Life Guards

July 24th
I am grateful for life guards at beaches, swimming pools or anywhere else that has water or events where their services are needed.

I am grateful that I have a sense of safety when I am around water; as I know that if I am in trouble in the water, they are able to save me, or advise me of certain areas where it is not safe to swim.

I am especially grateful to the lifesavers this week who saved surfer Mick Fanning from being further attacked by a shark. They were on the ball, communicating to each other instantly of the danger, and going out to where Mick was and getting him out as soon as possible.

I am grateful to the life savers who have saved many many lives at beaches and swimming pools, there are so many that we don't hear about.

July 23rd - Perseverance

July 23rd
I am grateful for having the level of perseverance in my life. It has pushed me to understand what my personal limits are, and then push through the boundaries to achieve great things.

These things may not be great to others but its gives me the sense of achievement and helps me know that I can do certain tasks which I thought I wouldn't be able to accomplish successfully.

I am grateful for the lessons in the past which have taught me to persevere at times when I have told myself 'I cannot go any more" due to either laziness or feel I am not going so great, but have had the encouragement of others to keep going and made it to the end of a challenge or task.

I am grateful that perseverance has helped me learn lessons along the way, and proven to others and myself that I can get to the end, even during times where I am not leading or winning.

Friday, 24 July 2015

July 22nd - Attractiveness

July 22nd
I am grateful for attractiveness. I will assume that many people are grateful for attractiveness. I am grateful for the many types of attractiveness. This doesn't necessarily means that I think of them in a sexual or inappropriate manner, but more so in a manner that admires a persons mind, their physique, mannerisms or health, just to name a few. Even saying that certain items are attractive, such as clothing, or artwork. I find that my definition of attractiveness is the way that something or someone presents itself / themselves to others.

I am grateful for physical attractiveness as it is naturally more pleasing to the eye than seeing someone who doesn't present themselves well. This can be their natural body physical appearance, with the addition to the clothing they wear which suits their body type and style, This can also be in their body language, expressing interest in others or to situations around them, showing happiness or positive attitudes such as smiling.

I am grateful for the way someone presents their mind. This is the way they talk about topics, their level of positivity, their knowledge and advice, if they need to give it. Even if they are not so confident in a topic or situation, it is the way they listen and understand topics that may be attractive to someone. They can display attractiveness through confidence and how they take on challenging moments, personally or publicly. Even they way they hold a conversation with others.

I am grateful for items that are attractive. These items can be either clothing or artwork for example. Clothing, for example, makes you feel more attractive, wanting to make you present yourself well, help make you look and feel good, maybe accentuate specific body parts to present attractiveness to certain people. Even artwork can be attractive, giving the mind ideas and thoughts to individuals. Even sometimes helping an individual aspire to replicate or re-design an art piece of their own.

I am grateful that attractiveness, or things that are attractive to me, give me positivity in my life and help me to learn and grow to have a happier tomorrow.

July 21st - Discoveries

July 21st
I am grateful for times where I have discovered something. This something can be a lost physical item such as a watch that has gone missing for months or years, or it can be discovering something within an investigation, either personally or for work. Or it can be discoveries you have learn about other people or even yourself.

I am grateful for any type of discovery as it helps me move ahead in a project, or help me learn more about a specific topic through research. I am grateful that through discoveries of information, I am able to be more knowledgeable or learned.

I am grateful that I am able to enhance my knowledge within work and my talents through discovering how information that others had not found and therefore making more sense in what I need to do to build myself up and excel.

I am grateful for self discoveries and discovering information about other, not necessarily though others opinions but from what I have seen and heard with my own eyes. I am grateful that I have learn a lot about myself but watching how I do things, how I react and respond. This has helped me to concentrate on my positives and work on eliminating the negatives or tweaking them to make them into a positive, possibly changing my attitude to several things.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

July 20th - Good examples of people

July 20th
I am grateful for people who are good examples to look up to and help me to aspire to have good qualities like theirs.

I am grateful for people who display their natural self and ooze positivity and confidence and stand for good, the right and the just.

I am grateful for people who explain why they do thing in a positive way and for a positive reason. I am grateful that they teach others to be the best they can be, not only by their words, but by their own actions and examples.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

July 19th - Speed limits

July 19th
I am grateful for speed limits. I am grateful that they exist and attempt to make us all safer on the roads, as unfortunately many people do not follow them. Sometimes unintentionally, sometimes intentionally.

I am grateful that speed limits help us drive safely, especially in school zones. This keeps me, in the car, safe, as well as keeping unsuspecting children from getting hit if they run onto the road.

I am grateful that faster speed limits keep us safe on the road from other cars, allowing us to go faster but to limit ourself from being able to steer away from danger of hitting another car or pedestrian.

I am grateful that these speed limits can make us aware of what's going on around us on the road.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

July 18th - Post-It Notes

July 18th
I am grateful for post-it notes. These little items has helped me vastly with my work, thoughts and personal projects which I have endured this year. I will say, I have not paid much attention to them in the past, only using them on the odd occasion.

I am grateful that I am able to use these as visual reminders, writing down reminders of plans for the future, or to remind me of tasks I need to complete throughout the day.

I am grateful that I am able to use them as a quick note pad for my thoughts. For example, if I have something that I am grateful for, I can write it down on a post it note and stick it on my PC so I can write about it when I get the chance.

I am grateful that I am able to write my achievements on post it notes and stick them around the room to remind me of what I have accomplished within a certain time frame, reminding me I am useful and better than what I feel as times. I am grateful that I am able to write positive and motivational quotes to read so I can pick myself up when I am not so positive or in the best mood.

Friday, 17 July 2015

July 17th - Rules

July 17th
I am grateful for rules, in anything I come across in life. This can be in children's and adult games, sports, at work, on the road, in relationships and generally anywhere in life.

I believe the reason for this is to make it fair and safe for everyone to go through life. And yes, many of us break the rules or cheat whenever we can get away with it, but that means someone loses out or is pushed further down for another's personal gain.

I am grateful for people who do follow the rules for safety reasons; this is mainly towards those playing sport or drive on the road. These rules are to prevent injury or death in that case, changing lives and causing havoc and anger. Some people think rules are restricting them, until someone they are close to gets injured and then feel the need to follow the rules to save more of their loved ones.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

July 16th - Courteousness

July 16th
I am grateful for people who are courteous to me; by saying thank you, please or sorry, or completing gestures like opening a door for you or pulling out a chair.

I am grateful for a situation that happened to me the other day. It happens quite often, but not nearly enough however. While I was driving back home from the supermarket, I was at an intersection of a small street, wanting to turn left onto a main road. There were no traffic lights at this intersection to direct the flow of traffic. Many drivers didn't allow me to enter the road, either to keep the flow of traffic moving, or they didn't want me to get in front of them, or I was too slow to get in before them. But one driver, safely, gave me the opportunity to enter the road, allowing me to continue driving back home. I found this as a courteous gesture and am grateful that he had the patience and politeness to do this for me.

In return I gave his a courteous thank you wave back. I am grateful for instances like this.

July 15th - Recognition for hard work

July 15th
I am grateful for times where I have been recognised for hard work or efforts I have put in for projects I have done, working at my day job and my part time work.

I am grateful that I have been noticed for the amount of effort I put in towards getting to an end product, working as a team and trying to keep the positive vibes going where ever I am.

This may sound like I am blowing my own horn, but you may yourself, encounter the moment someone stops you in your tracks and tells you they see how much you do, how great you do it and encourage you to keep it up.

When that moment happens in my life, I feel a sense of accomplishment and renewed energy to be more attentive and positive towards my work. It is a very great feeling.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

July 14th - Confidence

July 14th
I am grateful for the confidence I have in myself to do certain things which others wouldn't be so confident in doing.
I am grateful that I have the confidence to speak and act in front of large crowds. I am grateful that I have built up the confidence in myself to do this, as I am usually a shy person when meeting people one on one or in small groups for the first time.
I am grateful that I am able to get up and do things which others are either too shy to do or not comfortable in doing, for example, my day job. Not many people are confident in caring for another person, especially when they are someone who don't know or haven't met before. I am grateful that I was confident enough to enter a job where the majority of staff are women and having people think I am doing a women job, instead of something manly.
I am grateful that I am finally confident enough to be honest with people, especially when I have to tell my friends and family truths they do not want to hear.

Monday, 13 July 2015

July 13th - My Accomplishments

July 13th
I am grateful for what I have accomplished so far in life. I have really concentrated what I have accomplished this year, and then extended the thought to all the accomplishments in my life. And the good news is that the list is great and long.

I am grateful that I can look back and say, I have done this, that these are the challenges I have faced. In some accomplishments, I have been the greatest, and that I have come through as number 1, and then there are some moments where I have come no where near the top, but I have stuck through it and got to the end, which is really an important part of it all. Yes, the benefits are the same when being the greatest, but the knowledge and experience is as great.

I can sit back and have a ponder on what I have accomplished and use that as fuel to keep my positivity and motivation going when I feel like I can't do anything or low in spirits. It is my personal 'get up and go' medicine. I am grateful to have realised this and making myself useful.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

July 12th - Telling the truth

July 12th
I am grateful when people tell the truth to others and to themselves. This has been a major theme in my life and I have relived and analysed the word 'truth' scrupulously this week.

I am grateful for people who have told me the truth in my life, I am extremely grateful for those moments and I thank all those people who have told me nothing but the truth in my life, I really appreciate it. Especially at times when it was something I didn't want to hear, but did in fact need to hear. Or at times when it would have been the easier option to just tell me a little white lie to save an awkward moment for themselves or for me.

I am grateful that I have had great examples of people who life by telling the truth to others and how they live their lives more happier and less stressfully. I am grateful that I have these people in my life.

To tell you the truth, I confess to being a compulsive liar to myself and to others. I would tell others what they wanted to hear rather than the truth, whether it would be an opinion or fact about themselves or a specific topic. This was a cowards way out of telling others what I thought, so avoid confrontations or show I wasn't in fact knowledgeable on a topic.

I am grateful that I am a more honest and truthful person now, still a bit rough around the edges but making a more concious effort to eliminate this 'bad habit'.

Friday, 10 July 2015

July 11th - Birthdays

July 11th
I am grateful for birthdays. I am grateful that I get to spend the days celebrating me and my life. I am grateful that this day makes me feel special and that I can celebrate a milestone which is an extra year of my life.

I am grateful that this gives me a chance to look back at all the accomplishments I have achieved so far, and the journey I have encountered so far throughout my life.

I am grateful that, if necessary, I can turn over a new leaf and start my life fresh again, and begin new missions and goals in life for the year ahead or for the rest of my life.

I am grateful that I am able to think that this day is personally about me, if I don't think about myself for the other 364 days in the year. I am grateful to see and hear form others who appreciate you and show their gratitude towards you on this day.

July 10th - Uniforms

July 10th
I am grateful for uniforms. Many people would not agree with me but I feel that when I wear a uniform for school, work or a specific organisation, I am showing that I am representing myself as a person who is proud of where I am or what I am doing.

I have found that many people do not like wearing their uniform as it may not be their style of clothing, or colour of choice. And yes, many would opt to not wear a uniform at all and just clothes of their choice.

But I am grateful that I wear my uniform at work as I show that I am representing the work / career that I chose to get into, and the workplace of which I chose and applied to. I am grateful that I am representing the hard work that I do every day; and that when I am at work or out of work, people can get an idea of who I am and what I chose to do everyday.

July 9th - Fire Fighters

July 9th
I am grateful for fire fighters. I have not needed the assistance of a fire fighter yet, thankfully, but I have seen many stories and footage on the news and newspapers; and have heard many stories on the radio of the life and death situations they put themselves in to save the lives of others.

I am grateful firstly, for the fire fighters who work long and hard during bushfire seasons. They do their best to save lives that are trapped within the bushfires, successful some of the time; and save many houses and homes. I am grateful that they do this for people who they have never met before.

I am grateful that they put their own lives at risk, especially volunteer fire fighters, as they leave their families riskfully and can lose their lives quite easily. I am grateful that they put themselves at risk of sever bodily damage to themselves too.

I am grateful for the minor jobs they do, which are sometimes not so minor when you think about it. These jobs include saving cats and animals in bad situations, saving children who could be trapped somewhere and breaking people out of building and cars.

July 8th - Nurses

July 8th
I am grateful for nurses. I work with a few nurses and the amount of work and care they give to the residents and patience are unrecognised and I feel they should be shown more gratitude.

I am grateful that they look after those who are unwell, delivering medications and constantly checking up on their residents health, making sure that they aren't in any pain or discomfort; and ready to drop what they are doing to attend to an emergency of the person they are caring for.

They answer to many requests and fulfil them to the best of their ability. and still need to have a smile on their face or show patience when residents and patients are irritable or upset if they were not able to help them out in their requested time.

I am grateful that they take their time out of their lunch breaks and rostered break times to fulfil someone needs at that time.  I am grateful that they work so hard for someone who they only just met a few days ago or even have known for years.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

July 7th - Privacy

July 7th
I am grateful for privacy. Many people are grateful for privacy. I am grateful that there are many forms of privacy within my daily life. These I will not name, due to my personal privacy...see what I did there. These private places are where I would not want people to see me for whatever reason, or information which I would like to disclose to others.

I am grateful for these private places, as it gives me a chance to hide away from the world breifly and get my mind, thoughts and mood back together again if things are getting too tough. Physical private places are not even secret places, it is just a place where I require people not to intrude, and I am grateful that I can create this space at any time.

I am also grateful that I can create privacy in my mind, allowing certain people into my private life and thoughts, and excluding others who I prefer to stay away, but at the same time, to keep as a close friend. Even sometimes keeping my privacy of thoughts in my mind only for no one except myself to know.

July 6th - Toys

July 6th
I am grateful for toys. I am grateful for toys that I had when I was an infant, a child, a teenager and as an adult. I am grateful that it has been a source of entertainment and education throughout my past years. I am grateful for toys such as stuffed animals, video games, board games and educational items.

I am grateful that it has entertained me when there wasn't anyone around who would be able to entertained me. It has encouraged me to expand my imagination and creating ideas that, which I believe, no one else has thought of. I will admit, when I was younger, I thought of names for stuffed toy animals, giving them personalities and from that thought up a storyline for a movie which I aspired to put on the big screen.

I am grateful that board games helped me use and strengthen my mind and strategise ways of winning. But it also taught me to accept losses and to play fairly without cheating.

I am grateful for video games, even though I may have used it as a way of procrastination, it taught me how to share. For example, in Mario Bros. I would play as Mario and when I lost, my friend or family member would be Luigi, or vice versa.

I am grateful for educational games, Some which are on my phone, and one which is my phone, but certain games and toys have helped me in life, to understand how to use money wisely (monopoly), word games (scrabble, words with friends), toys which help me draw and sketch and others that help me learn different languages in a fun way.

But mostly, I am grateful for the greatest toy of all, life.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

July 5th - cereal

July 5th
I am grateful for cereal. I am grateful that this meal as it nourishes me during breakfast in the morning after I wake up, as I am breaking fast....get it breakfast, break fast.....oh whatever!

I am grateful that cereal is healthy and quick to make, such as getting weetbix or cornflakes together with milk. Or if you prefer something warm such as porridge.

I am grateful that it is tasty a meal you could have any time of the day as a snack.

July 4th - Chapels

July 4th
I am grateful for church chapels. These are small rooms where one can pray and worship in silence and in private sometimes.

I am grateful for this as this gives me a space where I can be with myself and my thoughts. I find this extremely grateful at time where I need to pray and hope that loved ones get better when they are sick, for those who are passing away that are close to me and for myself, that I will be able to get through this situation more positively and be of help and assistance to my family and friends around me.

I am grateful that chapels help me to be with my thoughts, without any distractions, visually and auditory, and that this gives me the chance to clear my mind of any negativity or problems that are playing in my mind. I can pray to my God for all the problems that occur and hoping that a resolution will come of it soon. I am grateful that after staying in a chapel for an hour or more, or for a good length of time, I come out into the world with a positive frame of mind.

July 3rd - wifi (wireless internet access)

July 3rd
I am grateful for wifi or for the older person to understand, wireless internet access). I am grateful this is available as I am able to get onto the internet through my mobile phone, when I do not have any data left on my phone account.

I am grateful for this not only for being able to play mobile games on my phone, but if I need to access the internet for information. especially at times of emergency or of importance.

I am grateful that this service has become more popular and is available at almost every place I go to. Not to abuse but to take advantage in real need of information when unavailable elsewhere

July 2nd - Hospitals

July 2nd
I am grateful for hospitals. I am grateful for the health services provided by hospitals for everyone. I am grateful for the doctors, surgeons, specialist etc., who work in hospitals locally and all over the world.
I am grateful that you are able to have a check up by doctors, come visit relatives who are sick and able to recover, that you are able to have procedures and operations done, whether minor or major.
I am grateful that doctors and staff are life savers and able to bring people back to life who are either close to death or unconcious. I am grateful that this facility is able to do so much for the community, looking after all with their health and wellbeing.