Friday, 10 July 2015

July 8th - Nurses

July 8th
I am grateful for nurses. I work with a few nurses and the amount of work and care they give to the residents and patience are unrecognised and I feel they should be shown more gratitude.

I am grateful that they look after those who are unwell, delivering medications and constantly checking up on their residents health, making sure that they aren't in any pain or discomfort; and ready to drop what they are doing to attend to an emergency of the person they are caring for.

They answer to many requests and fulfil them to the best of their ability. and still need to have a smile on their face or show patience when residents and patients are irritable or upset if they were not able to help them out in their requested time.

I am grateful that they take their time out of their lunch breaks and rostered break times to fulfil someone needs at that time.  I am grateful that they work so hard for someone who they only just met a few days ago or even have known for years.

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