Tuesday, 14 July 2015

July 14th - Confidence

July 14th
I am grateful for the confidence I have in myself to do certain things which others wouldn't be so confident in doing.
I am grateful that I have the confidence to speak and act in front of large crowds. I am grateful that I have built up the confidence in myself to do this, as I am usually a shy person when meeting people one on one or in small groups for the first time.
I am grateful that I am able to get up and do things which others are either too shy to do or not comfortable in doing, for example, my day job. Not many people are confident in caring for another person, especially when they are someone who don't know or haven't met before. I am grateful that I was confident enough to enter a job where the majority of staff are women and having people think I am doing a women job, instead of something manly.
I am grateful that I am finally confident enough to be honest with people, especially when I have to tell my friends and family truths they do not want to hear.

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