Thursday, 16 July 2015

July 16th - Courteousness

July 16th
I am grateful for people who are courteous to me; by saying thank you, please or sorry, or completing gestures like opening a door for you or pulling out a chair.

I am grateful for a situation that happened to me the other day. It happens quite often, but not nearly enough however. While I was driving back home from the supermarket, I was at an intersection of a small street, wanting to turn left onto a main road. There were no traffic lights at this intersection to direct the flow of traffic. Many drivers didn't allow me to enter the road, either to keep the flow of traffic moving, or they didn't want me to get in front of them, or I was too slow to get in before them. But one driver, safely, gave me the opportunity to enter the road, allowing me to continue driving back home. I found this as a courteous gesture and am grateful that he had the patience and politeness to do this for me.

In return I gave his a courteous thank you wave back. I am grateful for instances like this.

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