Wednesday, 1 April 2015

April 1st - Silence

April 1st
I am grateful for silence. I don't mean the moment you tell someone to shut up. Or those moments of awkward silence. I mean silence where you can sit quietly by yourself, have time to think or meditate and be with yourself peacefully.

I am grateful that I am able to sit in silence whenever I want to. I could be in the car, at home or at work. If I need a few moments of silence by myself I can tune out to everything that is going on in the world and be in silence in my mind. You do have to tune into doing and and practise but when you get the hang of it, it is blissful and relaxing.

I am grateful that when I am in a state of silence and peace, I am refreshed and able to take on the world again. This also allows me to get myself together after a moment where something has gone wrong or you don't feel good about yourself, this give you time to reflect and say to yourself "ok, that has happened, let's get on with life.

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