Saturday, 4 April 2015

April 4th - Easter

April 4th
I am grateful for Easter. There are many things I am grateful for in this season. I am grateful that I get double pay during work, that I can catch up with my family for lunch and I can eat loads of chocolate and sweets. But mostly and importantly I am grateful for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I think the example that Jesus' steps towards his death on the Cross is something remarkable and motivational to mine and possibly many peoples lives today. I don't think it is necessary whether you are a believer of the faith or not, or if you believe the story of His death and resurrection or not.

Jesus had a mission and a message to all. And this message was listened to by all during his life. And many during His time had protested and disagreed against these messages and many things that He had said, hence why he was sentenced to death on a cross. I just imagined this being me, that I am Jesus. I would be absolutely besides myself, frightened and depressed.

Jesus knew he had many people on his side, listening and believing him, but he had just as many thinking the opposite. He knew what was going to happen to him, yet He did not run, He did not hide. He faced all the physical pain without begging to stop, and while He was being beaten with weapons he didn't go back on His word and saying he did not say this or that, or ask for forgiveness and ask to stop the torture. He kept His quiet right until He dies, after being nailed on the cross.

I am grateful for this example to my life today. To stand up for myself, my beliefs and what I am strongly passionate for if I believe it is correct, especially during times I am ganged up against, ridiculed and tested against my morals. This gives me motivation to do things in my life, whether big or small, that are positive to my life. And I can stick to it, especially when there are many who think I can't do it or that it's too hard, trying to persuade me to give up or laugh at my efforts. I am grateful that I am able to look to the examples of Jesus and refresh myself to keep going and working hard towards a positive life.

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