Thursday, 2 April 2015

April 2nd - My imagination

April 2nd
I am grateful for my imagination. I am grateful that I am able to create scenarios, situations, characters, images, ideas etc, in my head, and if needed I can create it into reality.

I am grateful that my imagination can entertain me when I am bored, this can also distract me from reality. I just need to practice using this as a way to only de-stress myself, rather than procrastinate.

In saying this, my imagination can be destructive and cause me to think of bad scenarios, but with a bit of discipline and control, you can turn that negative thinking and destructive thinking onto something fruitful, sometimes towards reality. That's the beauty of your imagination, you have control.

If you feel you can't do something in reality, in your imagination, you can. For example, in reality I am not the best singer, but in my imagination, I am the greatest singer, able to sing scales of any range with ease.

I am grateful that I am able to use my imagination to do almost anything, sometimes I'm able to use it to motivate myself in reality.

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