Saturday, 28 February 2015
February 28th - Past teachers and mentors
I am grateful for my past teachers and mentors I have had during my educational years, whether it was in primary school, secondary college or at various institutes which I have attended. I am grateful that they have educated me to help me move ahead in the world.
I am grateful for my primary school teachers for helping me learn the basics of educations. This may make me sound simple but understanding how to read and write, encourage and developing skills and talents at this age, shaping my mind to move ahead into further education in high school.
I am grateful for my Secondary College teachers throughout those years. I am grateful that they continued encouraging my talents and pushing me to go further into it, giving me extra knowledge that I can use for the rest of my life. When I now look at it, these years were important to me as they prepared me when I enter the real world, the working work and help me stand on my own two feet. They helped me improve in the areas I was weak in and guide me towards success, even though at the time I didn't really worry about it.
I am grateful that my tertiary and TAFE teachers educated me towards working in the field of work which I desired to be in, and it is showing at the moment as I work in this field. They were passionate about this field of work and encouraged us to have that same passion, informing us how important it is to have that motivation and passion for the work we do.
I am grateful to all these teachers for helping me get to where I am today, even those teachers who didn't educate me that much throughout the years, they wanted us to succeed and do the best we can, and how to pick ourselves up from failure or at time when we struggle. These lessons are the ones that stick in my mind.
Friday, 27 February 2015
February 27th - E-mails
I am grateful for e-mails. I am grateful that I am able to receive news and bills via my email address, as well as keeping in touch with friends and colleagues regarding work or general conversations.
I am grateful that it has made it easier for me to keep on track with my bills and accounts as I am able to receive notifications when a new bill has come in, as well as tracking past bills.
I am grateful that I am able to receive news on specifically chosen topics from other website, stating what is happening locally, interstate and worldwide.
I am grateful that I am able to get regular email from my different areas of work, either giving me jobs and tasks to do, receiving invoices or news about the company, informing me if it effects me or not.
I am grateful that through email, I am able to organise my life and make it that little bit easier, reducing paperwork and making my desk a lot cleaner to work in.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
February 26th - The Bible
I am grateful for the bible. So far I have only read a couple of books of it and so far I have learnt a lot from it and understand how it can relate positively to my life.
The bible is a little bit tricky to read I admit, but if you find a way to understand it, or which ever part you are reading, it can relate to your life now, or an instance from you past, and make sense on how you can either resolve it in your mind, or come to peace with it.
I am grateful that the bible is able to give me a sense of relaxation and peace of mind while reading it stories, parables, verses and chapters. I am grateful that I can make sense of some stories and relate it to my life as well as help other with their life, without necessarily referring to the bible it self too. I am grateful that it can challenge me to be a better person and gives me hope, telling me I'm not alone in the world with my problems.
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
February 25th - Candles
I am grateful for candles. There are many reasons why I am grateful for a simple thing as a candle, both personal and religiously.
I am grateful that candles are able to set a romantic mood to a night with a special one. I know it sounds sucky but it does set a great moos and atmosphere, especially while having dinner. Don't know it till you at least try it. I am also grateful that it is used as a substitute to light up a room that little bit when the power goes out and you don't have a torch to use after you make dinner.
I am grateful that I am able to use it as a source of meditating and relaxing, centring my focus on the candle flame to distract myself from thoughts.
From a religious point, I am grateful that the candle represents many things, such a symbol of life, using it as a symbol to remember a deceased loved one. We also light our large Easter candle (Paschal candle) as a symbol of Christ, the light of the world. This also represents newness and new life, which is why the Paschal Candle is lit during a baptism, bring a new life into the religion. For me, I see a candle as a form of my prayers being ascended to heaven as it burns, being received by God himself. Each to their own, but this is what I like to believe.
I am grateful that candles help me relax, especially if they are scented. Even certain scented candles help me concentrate when I am working or help me recover when I am feeling unwell.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
February 24th - Beaches
I am grateful for beaches. I am grateful that I can freely and naturally enjoy my time here whenever I want to.
I am grateful that I am able to go there for walks on the sand for exercise, have a swim or spend sometime in the water. It is a place of enjoyment to go out with friends, have weddings and enjoy time during the Summer.
I am personally grateful that it is a place where I can spend time to think, unwind and get myself together when I haven't had a good day, or week, feeling stress or unhappy about a situation. I find it calm, soothing and relaxing as I watch the waves roll by, and get the smell of the fresh sea air ...sounds poetic hahaha
I am thankful and grateful that this is a place where I can find relaxation at no cost.
Monday, 23 February 2015
February 23rd - My Body
I am grateful for the body that I have. I am grateful for everything I physically am. I am grateful for all my body parts, my arms, legs, hair, fingers, head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and well as my internal organs, my heart, lungs, liver, kidneys....everything.
I am grateful that I am physically healthy, having every part of my body working at its very best. Some parts of my body may not be as strong as another persons, but I am grateful to have the amount of strength that I currently have, being able to perform all tasks that are needed for my work, recreation and daily living.
I will confess to being ungrateful for the body which I had, being convinced that it was unhealthy, not what it should be but what it could be by many people, and this made me unhappy, thinking that I was unattractive and not fitting into the social physique of a sports person or body builder. And yes I have lost the weight and become more physically active, but I am very grateful to have muscles and energy in my body to do simple tasks like get out of bed in the morning. There are many people I know who struggle to get out of bed and need assistance, whether they have a physical disability, due to ageing or have an illness which effects them.
It may not be the perfect, ideal or most attractive body as possibly seen others (or maybe it is??), but I am very grateful and blessed to have the physical body which I have. Even if it does becomes diseased, possibly amputated in places (who knows) or ill in the future, I will remember to be grateful that it is the body which I have been given and it is still functioning to its best, and remember to think that I have used it to the best that I could in the past.
Sunday, 22 February 2015
February 22nd - The Police
February 22nd
I am grateful for the police. I am grateful for their service to the public, keep peace and harmony in communities and special events.
I am grateful that we are able to call them to help settle disputes, whether they are domestic or public between strangers, friends or family members.
I am grateful that many policemen and policewoman are tolerable, kind and friendly. But I would like to say, like anyone, whichever profession, there are a few bad eggs and some who arent fair or tolerable as others, but I beleive that they are human just like you and me, and they are doing the best they can at their job. And hopefully there will be respect given from both ends.
But all in all, I am grateful to have the police around and to have their services ready for us 24/7
Saturday, 21 February 2015
February 21st - The Power of Now
I am grateful for a book I am currently reading called The Power of Now. This book is about how to channel your energy into living consciously in the present, and explaining techniques into eliminating stresses and worries of the past and future, and experiencing spiritual enlightenment.

I am able to use techniques from this book that allows me to stop day dreaming, thinking about what could possibly happen in the future, possible confrontations or future results to tasks, thinking about the past and creating hesitation or specific moods to the present and / or creating my mood in the present which is triggered from the past.
It has explained and demonstrated how I can meditate, create inner stillness and silence in my mind during any situation I face in the present, keeping my mind fresh and alert, not allowing external factors to effect the way I work or think at the present time. In learning about this from The Power of Now, I can now see the world in a more understandable way, finding better tolerance for people and traits in people which I would once find annoying or irritating.
For myself, I am able to finally able to understand myself, and the way I think and do things. I have found I have better control of my mind, realising I can make the decisions in my mind to do what is good for me, and not allowing my mind to take over and construct what I feel is chaos in my mind and body, developing guilt, negativity and sadness.
While reading this book, I have found that the key word which I feel that was lacking in my life was acceptance. I accept that I am a good person, that people in your past, present and future that have hurt me may not be thinking and have allow their mind to take over their actions, and I can therefore understand and regularly practise forgiveness towards them and myself.
In saying that, please forgive me for making this blog extra long, but I am very grateful for receiving this book, all the information it contains which has helped me finally live my life happily, for I have for so long searched for these feelings inside me which I have right now. It has done wonders for me.
Friday, 20 February 2015
February 20th - Cinemas
I am grateful for cinema complexes and theatres. I am thankful and grateful they they are able to provide me with a sense of enjoyment and relaxation for a few hours. I am able to watch movies that have been recently produced with my friends and family, enjoy treats such as popcorn, jaffas or choc tops.
I am grateful that they are able to give me a sense of joy and entertainment. I can't think of a time where I have been unhappy to go to a cinema or not want to go. It also gives me a chance to escape the world for that brief time.
Thursday, 19 February 2015
February 19th - Lent
I am grateful for the season of Lent. For those who are unsure of what Lent is, it is period of time when Catholics prepare themselves for Easter. Lent lasts for forty days, starting from Ash Wednesday through to Easter Sunday, with the exception of Sundays throughout the season.
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
February 18th - Lions Club
I am grateful for the Lions Club. I have recently joined this group and I firstly am grateful for them welcoming me into the group and secondly grateful for the type of work they do.
I beleive they are a great group to support and so happy to be apart of them.
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
February 17th - Talent Agency
February 17th
I am grateful for the talent agency, Epic Talent, which I am currently signed up with. They have provided many opportunities for me to be in many commercials and television shows as a background extra or featured roles.
As acting and performing is a passion of mine, they have provided and supported me to persue this field, giving me a chunk of this tasty pie and I have loved every minute of it. I have been able to play many different charecters for commercials and shows, such as a doctor, an IT personel who breaks his back and a pregnant male. Yep, it varies that much hahaha.
Being able to do this type of work allowed me to learn ans understand the field in more depth, understanding what happens behind the scenes and whatnis required to shoot a commercial or tv show, and make it seamless and flow well.
I am grateful that my talent agency has helped me fulfil a dream of mine, encouraged and nurtured me to go furthur in the field, giving me the tools to work with as well as providing me services and classes to learn more.
Monday, 16 February 2015
February 16th - Public transport
February 16th
I am grateful for public transport, whether it is buses, trains, trams or taxis. This has allowed me to get to places when I am unable to use my car.
It has also allowed me to get to places cheaper, saving me money on paying for carparking, especially in the city.
I am not a big user of them, obviously as I use my car generally to get to places. But if I need to get to the city or to a destination where there is no parking or limited car space, I am grateful that these forms of public transport are available to use. And in saying
Many people complain that they are unreliable but if it is so unreliable, people should try and find their own way to get around without a means of transport.
I for one and grateful that they are available to us in Australia and help us with getting us safely to destinations
Sunday, 15 February 2015
February 15th - Air-conditioning and fans
I am grateful for air conditioning, coolers and fans during the hot weather, especially the summer season.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
February 14th - Pens
I am grateful for pens. They have been one of my most used item in my life. As I am a forgetful person, I am able to quickly write down a thought, reminder or memory which is important for me to remember. If I wasn't able to do this, I would be absolutely behind in many tasks which I do, and look like the most forgetful person ever.
I am grateful that it helps me with my work, writing progress notes and information that is relevant to my work. I am grateful that I am able to use this utensil to write notes and messages to people if they are unavailable at the moment I need to contact them.I have been able to do some story writing and script writing, thanks to pens.
I am grateful that this little item which is used quite often is very useful in my day to day activities, helping me to tick things off my 'to do' list and keep my productivity on the go, also helping me to jog my memory every now and then.
Friday, 13 February 2015
February 13th - Laughter
Ferbruary 13th
I am grateful for laughter. I am grateful for the moments in life that bring us laughter, such as times with friends, memories, comedy shows, comedians, etc,.
I am grateful that makes life an easier place to live in, that it can defuse tense moments and make great moments even better. It helps make you friends by breaking the ice and helping you get to know people.
Laughter can make people more productive, I believe, allowing them to release tension and relieve stress to complete a task, helping a situation to be more fun. It helps make the day more enjoyable and quicker.
I am grateful that I am able to provide laughter to others in many different forms as well as receiving laughter, helping me through stressful times. I am grateful that it has helped me to get far in life and allowed me to enjoy life so far.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
February 12th - Melbourne
I am grateful for the capital city which I live in, Melbourne. There are many things about this city which I find absolutely fascinating and am grateful that it is close by to where I live and the sights are free to view.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
February 11th - trees
I am grateful for trees. This is something everyone sees everyday yet don't pay much attention to.I am grateful for many things about trees in the present and in the past.
At a younger age, I was a climber, I loved climbing up trees or anything that would put me in a position where I could see the world further than from the ground. And I found it quite entertaining to twist and turn in the branches to get up higher, not having a care in the world about spider or the fact that a branch could possibly snap underneath me. I am grateful that it provided me with entertainment and joy at a younger age.
These days, I am grateful that trees provide shade in parks and yards, being able to sit under a tee and read a book, allowing me to get fresh air. I am grateful that specific trees provides all different finds of fruits, and helps birds with nesting and perching, just looking out for my little buddies hahaha
I am grateful that it helps with house presentations, making back and front yards look presentable and fills in space. I am grateful and appreciative for this natural growth.
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
February 10th - Daylight Savings Time
I am grateful for daylight Savings time. This happens usually around the start or October through to the start of April. If you want more info on it go to , I'm sure they will explain this better than I would.
I am grateful to have this occurrence as I am able to spend more time outdoors for a longer amount of time. During this time, I am able to go for walks or do gardening or any outdoor activity till around 8:30pm before it begins to get darker.
I am also grateful that I am able wake up in the morning to go to work while having sunlight to start the day. This helps to feel positive and refreshed, eager to get through the day.
Monday, 9 February 2015
February 9th - Money
I am grateful for money. Many of us have it as well as many unable to have it. I am grateful for the amount that I have and the amount that I receive from working.
Sunday, 8 February 2015
February 8th - Summer
February 8th
I am grateful for the season of summer. I am grateful that the weather is on the warmer side of the scale. I am grateful that anyone is able to go outside without worrying about rain or wet weather....most of the time, living in Melbourne.
During this season, it is a great time to enjoy yourself and spend time outdoors, especially going to the beaches or swimming pools.
I am grateful that I am able to spend more time outdoors, spending time out in my backyard, going for walks at night time, having dinner dates in my backyard with my wife every now and then and having friends over for a beer and catching.
I am grateful that this season helps put me in a good mood, possibly from the sun and that my body is getting plenty of vitamin D. And I am also grateful thatnis helps with the growth of my plants and vegetables in my backyard.
Saturday, 7 February 2015
February 7th - Confession
I am grateful for the Catholic Rite of confession or reconciliation. There is a part of my faith and religion where we believe we are able to cleanse our souls and to help us gain entry into heaven, as you need a pure and clean soul to enter.
Confession, a.k.a reconciliation, is a process where you examine your conscience, distinguish all the things you feel you have done wrong in life or is damaging to your soul. You enter a small room where you are able to privately talk to a priest, who is either in an adjoining room and you are able to talk to him through a grated window or behind a drawn curtain. The priest takes the role of Jesus, not judging or condemning you for your sins or confessions but giving positive advice for you to change your ways to live life in a sinless, freer, holy and more positive path. Being able to confess your sins to a priest behind a wall or curtain helps you to remain anonymous to the priest but being able to confess your sins to God Himself, asking pardon for the wrong that you have done. Not forgetting to mention, all this is done confidentially. What is said in the confessional box, stays in the confessional box, and is never spoken of again by either you or the priest outside those walls.
Many people may think this is not for them, that it is entirely ridiculous or find some sort of flaw with the whole process, but I am grateful that I am able to do this as a Catholic. Being able to go to confession has helped me to understand what my weaknesses are, giving me the positive re-enforcement and frame of mind to strengthen myself to overcome my weaknesses or work on improving myself to live more positively. Don't get me wrong, this is not a process to find things to make myself feel bad or make me think I am a bad person. See it more as a process of self development to be a better person, towards myself and the people around me, cleansing body and soul, create a piece of mind to live in this world, and readying my soul in the off chance I may suddenly pass away for what ever reason.
Confession has allowed me to turn over a repetitively new leaf after I leave the confessional box, renewing myself, feeling more positive and being able to take on the world with a clear and positive mindset, finding a peacefulness towards life, peace towards the people I come across and peace towards tasks that come my way. I physically feel lighter on my feet, as if I have just gotten rid of negative and damaging baggage, receiving joy of not needing to pick them up again. It does give me that sense of relief and freedom afterwards and I am grateful that confession makes me feel great about myself, about life and looking towards positivity not only in this life, but after death as well.
Friday, 6 February 2015
February 6th - Electricity
I am grateful to have electricity. Simply, it has allowed me to use at least 95% of my daily items. Everything from computers and their accessories, to lights and light bulbs, to household appliances. Without electricity, these items would be near useless, possibly very large paperweights.
Without electricity, I wouldn't be able to power up my computer, as well as being unable to get onto the internet as there would be no electricity to power up the modem, which means there wouldn't be a blog to create on here.
Electricity has made living so much easier. I would like to go one day without using electricity, so as to build a greater gratitude for having it. I believe electricity is an essential thing to have in this day and age, as we live in the world of technology. We use it in many types of work, from building and construction, to healthcare and medication, and even in teaching and education.
I am grateful that it helps me be productive through out my day. Allowing me to write these blogs, helping me progress note and complete records for work, and helping me track my progress in fitness and weight loss. Having these electric power devices had made my life that extra bit simpler, easier, understandable and more helpful.
Thursday, 5 February 2015
February 5th - Television
February 5th
I am grateful for television. Not only am I grateful for my television which I have in my house, but in fact the whole television broadcasting systems and networks. This has provided me with entertainment, news and a current affairs, education and work.
I am grateful for the entertainment it has given me, providing cartoons as a child, tv series as a teenager and young adult, and a bit of both now as an adult. It has allowed me to relax and tune out after hard days or during breaks in between tasks, projects or after work.
I am grateful that it is able to keep me up to date with whats happening in the world. Whether it is locally, nationally or internationally. It is able to broadcast to me news of natural disasters, local or national warnings, events occuring soon that may interest me or benefit me, advertising products to make life easier for myself.
It has provided shows, episodes and series, and clips to help educate me about specific topics of interest to help me with my work or providing furthur understanding of my education.
I am greatful that television has allowed me to be apart television shows as an extra and feature in several commercial. This allowed me to fulfil my passion of acting.
I am grateful for the benefits television has provided for me. It has helped me to grow and learn by providing information that is needed to understand certain topics of interest as well as what is happening in the world. It has helped me in social situation, allowing me to contribute to conversations and discussions. I am grateful for the entertainment it has provided me when needed....and when I should have been doing something more productive hehehe. Thank you televsion for helping menin many ways of growing and understanding.
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
February 4th - My Godparents
I am grateful for my Godparents. They are on top of the list of being the most loving, caring people I know. They have always looked out for me, wishing me all the best in everything that I do, always interested to know how my progress is going in what ever I am doing and making sure I am always happy.
Even though they are my aunty and uncle, they seem to stand out for me from everyone else I know. They seem to always be the kindest sort of people on this earth, giving me the example to help out others when you can, looking out for everyone and being fair to everyone. They have taught me by their own natural example to always talk about the good in people, not leading to gossip about the negative. However, if there is a negative instance that does arise, they will sit the person down and talk to them privately and give them advice and help. I admire this and find it is a great way to deal with many situations.
I am grateful to both of them as individuals too. I am grateful for what my aunty has done for me. She was the one who helped me greatly with getting the job that I am currently in, telling me about vacancies at the facility and made sure I gave in my resume in to them. And she made sure, she called me nearly everyday to make sure. And she was always curious if I did get the job and was thrilled to hear when I got it. I am grateful to know she is looking out for me and wanting the best and happiness in life. I am grateful for my uncle who always makes me feel welcomed and happy, even when I am on the phone or at a family get together and always up for a sing-a-long. He has showed me positive determination to give up on the bad things in life and to take up doing the good things in life for yourself and for the family and friends around you.
I am grateful to have two people who show positivity, constant encouragement, gratefulness for almost everything, that there is always a brighter side to life and pure good examples of how to be a great person, I am grateful to have these two people to look up to and grateful that they are my Godparents. Love you both.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
February 3rd - Refrigerator
I am grateful for my refrigerator. Yes, another appliance that I am grateful to have. And you probably know why I am grateful for with my fridge, but I'm going to tell you anyway. :)
I am grateful that it is able to keep dairy products cold and preventing it from going off, allowing me to enjoy treats and snacks when I am hungry.
I am grateful that it keeps my vegetables fresh and crisp, not letting them wither away so soon after buying them and are ready to use in my meals and recipe preparations.
I am grateful it keep meats cold, ready to cook and allowing them to safely defrost before cooking and also storing prepared meals for my lunches or left overs for next days lunch.
I am grateful it is able to keep soft and alcoholic drinks cold, ready to enjoy after a hard day at work, or to enjoy with company when they come over for a catch up or a party.
I am grateful that this appliance is able to make life easier and much more enjoyable for myself, not failing to mention, preventing me from getting sick. It is very handy to have and can't really imagine how I would live life normally without one.
Monday, 2 February 2015
February 2nd - My Exercise
I am grateful for exercise and the benefits it gives me to feeling positive. I have been someone who has been on and off exercise in the past, and I seem I have flicked the on switch and have been focussing on regularly exercising for over a year now.
I am grateful for the benefits exercise provides for me. It trains my body to become physically stronger, which I feel is necessary for my work. Over the last year, I had lost around 10 kilos and have been complimented by several friends and family members on how healthy I am looking. It has been a long time since I have felt this lean. I have started getting a toned body, especially in my arms and legs, and hopefully my tummy soon, its a 'work in progress'. But I am grateful that exercise has help me physically look better and making me stronger to help me work more reliably.
I am grateful that exercise has made me a much calmer and happier person. I admit to loosing my patience a fair bit in the past and getting frustrated, especially with myself as I wasn't sure of how to deal with situation. But exercise has become a major stress release for me, relieving tension in my body when I am feeling stressed or anxious about situations that come to my mind, about past instances that make me mad or about the near future events. Going for a walk or run helps me get rid of the nervous or angry tension in my body, allowing me to feel better when I have completed my circuit.
Exercise allows me to have time to myself, sorting out thoughts in my mind, unclear things that are bothering me or understanding something that may have confused me or upset me in the present and in the past. This allows me to mentally become more positive about myself, the people around me and life in general.
Overall, I am grateful that exercise has helped me become a more positive person for myself and for other, clearing my mind, allowing me to work better, communicate more clearly to other, "un-fog" my mind when it seems cloudy and physically improving my physique and posture. All in all, exercise is a positive part of my life, only if I use it well and not over do it.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
February 1st - Washing Machine
I am grateful for many, or safe to say, all appliances I have at home, but one that I am grateful for today is my washing machine. And I think many people are grateful that I have a washing machine and use it regularly.
I am grateful to have a washing machine as a home appliance as some people are unable to have one in their house, whether they can't fit it in their home or apartment, or they are unable to afford one for which ever circumstances they are in, possibly going to a laundromat and doing their washing there. But everyone is different. But I am grateful that I am able to use the one I have at home.
I am grateful that it helps keep my clothes clean and smelling fresh, especially my gym clothes. I am grateful that it is able to help get stains out of clothes, making them bright and presentable to wear. Being in the line of work hat I am currently in, it does clean and sanitise my clothes as I work in a field where I am surrounded by possible germs and infectious fluid and surfaces. Having this appliance helps prevent me from becoming sick or carry germs that are hiding in my clothing.
This is a great item to have at home and I am grateful to have it.