Saturday, 28 February 2015

February 28th - Past teachers and mentors

February 28th
I am grateful for my past teachers and mentors I have had during my educational years, whether it was in primary school, secondary college or at various institutes which I have attended. I am grateful that they have educated me to help me move ahead in the world.

I am grateful for my primary school teachers for helping me learn the basics of educations. This may make me sound simple but understanding how to read and write, encourage and developing skills and talents at this age, shaping my mind to move ahead into further education in high school.

I am grateful for my Secondary College teachers throughout those years. I am grateful that they continued encouraging my talents and pushing me to go further into it, giving me extra knowledge that I can use for the rest of my life. When I now look at it, these years were important to me as they prepared me when I enter the real world, the working work and help me stand on my own two feet. They helped me improve in the areas I was weak in and guide me towards success, even though at the time I didn't really worry about it.

I am grateful that my tertiary and TAFE teachers educated me towards working in the field of work which I desired to be in, and it is showing at the moment as I work in this field. They were passionate about this field of work and encouraged us to have that same passion, informing us how important it is to have that motivation and passion for the work we do.

I am grateful to all these teachers for helping me get to where I am today, even those teachers who didn't educate me that much throughout the years, they wanted us to succeed and do the best we can, and how to pick ourselves up from failure or at time when we struggle. These lessons are the ones that stick in my mind.

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