Wednesday, 11 February 2015

February 11th - trees

February 11th
I am grateful for trees. This is something everyone sees everyday yet don't pay much attention to.I am grateful for many things about trees in the present and in the past.

At a younger age, I was a climber, I loved climbing up trees or anything that would put me in a position where I could see the world further than from the ground. And I found it quite entertaining to twist and turn in the branches to get up higher, not having a care in the world about spider or the fact that a branch could possibly snap underneath me. I am grateful that it provided me with entertainment and joy at a younger age.

These days, I am grateful that trees provide shade in parks and yards, being able to sit under a tee and read a book, allowing me to get fresh air. I am grateful that specific trees provides all different finds of fruits, and helps birds with nesting and perching, just looking out for my little buddies hahaha

I am grateful that it helps with house presentations, making back and front yards look presentable and fills in space. I am grateful and appreciative for this natural growth.

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