Monday, 9 February 2015

February 9th - Money

February 9th
I am grateful for money. Many of us have it as well as many unable to have it. I am grateful for the amount that I have and the amount that I receive from working.

I am grateful that it allows me to pay the bills, put food on the table. purchase items which I need for general living and to use towards entertainment and leisure like going to the movies or enjoying a meal out with friends and family.

I am grateful that I am able to use money towards a positive use as well as not being controlled by money, allowing it to change my personality to something that may be degrading to myself or towards other. There are many people who are wealthy and tend to talk down to people who are either aren't able to earn much money or aren't earning as much as the person talking down to them. Money tends to set a benchmark for these people, I believe. Setting a personal view of a person life status or personality based on their income or money situation rather than their morals or life values. I may have offended people by saying this, but I feel its necessary to say as there are many people I have come across in my life who are life this.

I am grateful that I am able to  earn money and have a substantial amount to live life happily and as comfortably as I can. 

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