I am grateful for a book I am currently reading called The Power of Now. This book is about how to channel your energy into living consciously in the present, and explaining techniques into eliminating stresses and worries of the past and future, and experiencing spiritual enlightenment.

I am able to use techniques from this book that allows me to stop day dreaming, thinking about what could possibly happen in the future, possible confrontations or future results to tasks, thinking about the past and creating hesitation or specific moods to the present and / or creating my mood in the present which is triggered from the past.
It has explained and demonstrated how I can meditate, create inner stillness and silence in my mind during any situation I face in the present, keeping my mind fresh and alert, not allowing external factors to effect the way I work or think at the present time. In learning about this from The Power of Now, I can now see the world in a more understandable way, finding better tolerance for people and traits in people which I would once find annoying or irritating.
For myself, I am able to finally able to understand myself, and the way I think and do things. I have found I have better control of my mind, realising I can make the decisions in my mind to do what is good for me, and not allowing my mind to take over and construct what I feel is chaos in my mind and body, developing guilt, negativity and sadness.
While reading this book, I have found that the key word which I feel that was lacking in my life was acceptance. I accept that I am a good person, that people in your past, present and future that have hurt me may not be thinking and have allow their mind to take over their actions, and I can therefore understand and regularly practise forgiveness towards them and myself.
In saying that, please forgive me for making this blog extra long, but I am very grateful for receiving this book, all the information it contains which has helped me finally live my life happily, for I have for so long searched for these feelings inside me which I have right now. It has done wonders for me.
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