Saturday, 7 February 2015

February 7th - Confession

February 7th
I am grateful for the Catholic Rite of confession or reconciliation. There is a part of my faith and religion where we believe we are able to cleanse our souls and to help us gain entry into heaven, as you need a pure and clean soul to enter.

Confession, a.k.a reconciliation, is a process where you examine your conscience, distinguish all the things you feel you have done wrong in life or is damaging to your soul. You enter a small room where you are able to privately talk to a priest, who is either in an adjoining room and you are able to talk to him through a grated window or behind a drawn curtain. The priest takes the role of Jesus, not judging or condemning you for your sins or confessions but giving positive advice for you to change your ways to live life in a sinless, freer, holy and more positive path. Being able to confess your sins to a priest behind a wall or curtain helps you to remain anonymous to the priest but being able to confess your sins to God Himself, asking pardon for the wrong that you have done. Not forgetting to mention, all this is done confidentially. What is said in the confessional box, stays in the confessional box, and is never spoken of again by either you or the priest outside those walls.

Many people may think this is not for them, that it is entirely ridiculous or find some sort of flaw with the whole process, but I am grateful that I am able to do this as a Catholic. Being able to go to confession has helped me to understand what my weaknesses are, giving me the positive re-enforcement and frame of mind to strengthen myself to overcome my weaknesses or work on improving myself to live more positively. Don't get me wrong, this is not a process to find things to make myself feel bad or make me think I am a bad person. See it more as a process of self development to be a better person, towards myself and the people around me, cleansing body and soul, create a piece of mind to live in this world, and readying my soul in the off chance I may suddenly pass away for what ever reason.

Confession has allowed me to turn over a repetitively new leaf after I leave the confessional box, renewing myself, feeling more positive and being able to take on the world with a clear and positive mindset, finding a peacefulness towards life, peace towards the people I come across and peace towards tasks that come my way. I physically feel lighter on my feet, as if I have just gotten rid of negative and damaging baggage, receiving joy of not needing to pick them up again. It does give me that sense of relief and freedom afterwards and I am grateful that confession makes me feel great about myself, about life and looking towards positivity not only in this life, but after death as well.

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