Sunday, 1 February 2015

February 1st - Washing Machine

February 1st
I am grateful for many, or safe to say, all appliances I have at home, but one that I am grateful for today is my washing machine. And I think many people are grateful that I have a washing machine and use it regularly.

I am grateful to have a washing machine as a home appliance as some people are unable to have one in their house, whether they can't fit it in their home or apartment, or they are unable to afford one for which ever circumstances they are in, possibly going to a laundromat and doing their washing there. But everyone is different. But I am grateful that I am able to use the one I have at home.

I am grateful that it helps keep my clothes clean and smelling fresh, especially my gym clothes. I am grateful that it is able to help get stains out of clothes, making them bright and presentable to wear. Being in the line of work hat I am currently in, it does clean and sanitise my clothes as I work in a field where I am surrounded by possible germs and infectious fluid and surfaces. Having this appliance helps prevent me from becoming sick or carry germs that are hiding in my clothing.

This is a great item to have at home and I am grateful to have it.

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