Thursday 31 December 2015

December 31st - Next year

December 31st
I am grateful for 2016! I am grateful that I will be able to start the new year refreshed and excited to complete this years challenges and projects and take on new and productive life learning projects similar to this one.

I am grateful that I am able to continue to put into practice all that I have learnt this year and make 2016 an even more fruitful and productive year, enduring more positive moments and events, some which I already now of and some which I look forward to have revealed to me.

I am grateful that I have another year to build up confidence, fulfil new years resolutions, continue growing up and take on life challenges.

I am grateful and thankful to you, my 365 gratitude blog readers, for following me, reading my blogs and giving me support, whether it was from the 1st of January or somewhere in between now and then.

I really hope you have become a better person by finding the encouragement, examples and inspirations which I have provided for you throughout these blogs, as much as it has helped me.

Before I forget, I would like to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

I conclude this with my self-created catchphrase, with tears in my eyes, filled with gratitude.

Take care :), Catch you later

Wednesday 30 December 2015

December 30th - The year 2015

December 30th
I am grateful for the year 2015. I can honestly and safely say that this year has been the most productive year for me. This year I have found many treasures and many moment of joy, happiness, understanding and positivity.

I am so grateful that this year has helped me find new friends, at work and outside of work that have helped me grow and become a better person. I am grateful for this new mindset that I am in.

I am grateful that I had made the selfish decision of focussing on myself and my small family (my wife and I) and pushed past limits which I was afraid to pass in the past. I am grateful that I said yes to learning more about my work (accepting different roles), more about my hobbies (acting), more about my mind (thought processes and dealing with situations in my mind), and taking safe steps into areas which I thought were risky in the past.

I am grateful for the awards and recognitions which I have received this year. I am grateful for the efforts I have put in physically to improve my body image. I am grateful for the friends that have given me incredible advice and have helped me every step of the way this year with all my projects and tasks.

I am grateful for my wife for being patient and tolerable with me while I hide away at my computer writing these blogs and limiting the time I could have spent with her. I am grateful for her support and encouragement she has given me and kept me going with this project. I love you very much for this and hope you see this. xoxoxox

I have been able to grow into an adult, and work towards growing into the person I want to be, not being the product of other peoples, as this is what I have had to endure in the past. I am grateful that I am now able to say I am in more control of my life and the direction in which I want to go.


Tuesday 29 December 2015

December 29th - 365 Gratitude

December 29th
I am grateful for this 365 gratitude project. I cannot believe I am just about to complete this yearly project and am close to tears knowing that I am just two more blogs away (after this blog) from completing something which I had low expectations of completing.

I am so grateful that this project has pushed my limits. It has helped me discover so much about myself, it has opened my mind and my eyes to the world that I am living in. It has made me a more positive person, and a more understanding person and helped me realise that I can be grateful and thankful for anything, anyone, any situation and ever moment in my life, whether it is in the past, present or future.

I am able to see the good in negative situation, transforming it into a positive situation as I am able to learn about myself and the 'negative situation', understanding how I can deal with it in the future.

I am grateful that this has healed my past, and myself, finding forgiveness in all that had once made me angry, upset, confused, tormented and sick, physically, mentally and emotionally.

I am grateful that this project has helped me realise I have this power within me to change the world. The world that is in my mind, the world that I see, the world that surrounds me. This may or may not be effective for others, but if you are willing to challenge yourself and make a difference in your mind, start now!

I now know I have the power, mentally, within myself to take on anything and make it a positive outcome.

December 28th - My new headphones

December 28th
I am grateful for my new headphones which I got for Christmas from my loving wife. After months of complaining that I couldn't find any headphones that will work for me and being picky about what I want, she was able to find something that was exactly what I was after.

I am grateful that I am able to now got for walks and jogs with these headphones, as well as use them while I am on the computer (I am even wearing them now while I am writing this blog). I am grateful that I am able to take phone call with them on if they are connected to my phone.

I am grateful that it can eliminate a majority of external sounds when I am listening to music or important theoretical readings or speeches, eliminating distractions.

December 27th - My cultural background

December 27th
I am grateful for my cultural background. I honestly have not been grateful for this for many many years, feeling scared of what people thought of my, thinking I am either second class or incompetent in any situation.

But I am grateful that I have taken a few moments to learn about my Sri Lankan background from my parents and nana, which has helped me understand so much about myself which didn't make sense for so many years. I have learnt and understood how my mum and dad have grown up and in a way, the psychology and reasons for why they said or did things for me when I was a child and teenager.

I am grateful for the lifestyle of Sri Lanka, back then and now. I am grateful that the culture is growing and flourishing to survive in the world today. I am grateful for all it has taught my parents in their home country and in Australia. I am grateful for the cuisines that are brought to our Australian land, the genuine techniques to do certain things here and adapting to Australia in a Sri Lankan style.

December 26th - Mandala colouring books

December 26th
I am grateful for mandala colouring books. I recently got one of these to understand if this will calm my mind down during stressful moments or at times I am feeling anxious. I have found that this does calm me down and distract me enough to forget what I am anxious, upset or stressed about, even if it was for several brief moments.

I am grateful that I can tune out the world and enjoy just relaxing and enjoying my time colouring in, bringing back memories of when I was a child just colouring in and creating art work.

December 25th - Christmas

December 25th
I am grateful for Christmas. I am grateful that this one day is celebrated by many people all around the world.

Some may not celebrate it for this reason but I am grateful that I get to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and celebrate his birthday with my friends and family.

I am grateful that I get to spend time with both my families, on my side and as well on my wife's side. I am grateful for the company, I am grateful that we sit around the table, having conversations about the good, bad, funny and memorable moments of the year, or in the past. I am grateful for the food that is prepared for us to enjoy and feast upon.

I am grateful that I am able to spend time at church, giving thanks for all that I have and all that I can look forward to enjoying in the future.

I nearly forgot, I am grateful for the presents. I am grateful that this is a gift to show you that others are grateful for having you in their life.